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Posts posted by 0777218

  1. I needed a break after doing too much stone walls and a change to keep my mind sane.

    So I went on a small CD size swampy module for my first table and to try out a new way to make my trees.

    CD + Gap Filling Adhesive + cut straws for the stump + dirt and vegetal mixed + paint


    Oily burnt umber paint + green baking soda


    lichens + herbs + small roots + brush bristles painted in yellow/green



    Roots planted in one of the stump as a tree


    now I need to return on my urban set up and concentrate

  2. Ok I'm back from camping!


    I bring back a lot of lichen for my bases :P anyway, I'm lazy right now and need to find a second job, so less painting done :)

    still, Ophelia's ready ... she might need some light highlight on her skin or something


    Sorry for the flash, it kills colors :)

    Enjoy the game,

    Comments and critics always welcome!

  3. Amazing crew, love the dark colors and red OSL effect, it's making them look more "violent".

    I really like the coal ember fire colors on your emberling, perfect to pop him as the central piece of the crew, it might even lure your foes on it while bigger characters can place themselves :P

    Continue the good work, I'll be happy to see more!

  4. Thanks for the comments.

    you are right about that "rock", it needs more work to make the color blend togheter better.

    I'm hesitating about the water, my first plan was to put a water effect resin or something (first attempt at water), but for now I'm a bit thight on budget and GenCon sales are coming so I don't want to invest in this board before sept/oct.

    I plan to build cabins, some western, the others orientals to match my 10T crews.

    see ya

  5. Thanks for the encouragements Lussuria and TeeCee :)

    I'm back home and its time to show my board. I did it with some planks, polystyrene, pollyfilla, old CDs, tree barks, baking soda mixed with green paint and some miniature trees and grass.

    I tried to have some modular pieces of terrain without losing to much aesthetic with the swapping CDs locations and some plants on pennies.

    Of course its still a WIP as I need more modular terrains on CDs.

    Ok it might be a bit heavy on picture (sorry!) as I don't know how to present it :)

    Warning : you may see some unfinished gremlins.










  6. Thank you

    Now Shang is done, it was a speed painting because I don't like to paint fire and I would like to have my crew ready to play them at my return home.. and mainly because I don't have any idea how to do it well. I've tried to keep some white to keep the light from it, anyway I should redo it one day when my skill and knowledge will be greater. Feel free to instruct me on painting fire!


    Now I still have 1 torakage and the 2 central pieces, Ototo and Misaki. See you soon

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