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Posts posted by BlackDog

  1. Finished up a Hamelin the Plagued job! I'm very happy with these guys. As I did with the Ramos crew I did a while ago, I tried to keep a constant coloristic theme running through these models, to tie them into a whole force. In this case, that color is purple. I also went for darker colors, most noticeably on Hamelin himself. Instead of the "Willy Wonka" look, with red-and-white striped socks and green pants, I painted him to look very dark and menacing. I also painted in the eyes with a single dot of black and nothing else. It gives him the kinda "possessed" look he should have.

    I really like the pre-sculpted cobbled street base inserts. It was a pain to highlight each and every stone, but the end result really adds character to the models.

    Anyways, enough chit-chat! Here are the pictures.













  2. I finished this Showgirls crew about 3 months ago, but I figured you guys would like to see it. This is the most colorful commission I've ever done, and I really enjoyed that. Too much grimdark gets 'ya down.

    I was intimidated at first by the challenge of getting a sheer look to the stockings, but after a little reading on these forums and many trial-and-error sessions at the paintdesk, I think I managed to achieve a good result.

    Enjoy the photographs! I didn't get more than these two, as I was rushed to get the models in the mail.





  3. Just finished this Ramos crew up for a friend/customer. I kept the palette of colors limited, to achieve a sense of cohesiveness in the crew. I also added in little splashes of other colors to give each of the models their own feel and character. I’m happiest with the Steamborg and the Large Mechanical Spider - both of those worked out exactly how I wanted them to. I’m especially fond of the bruised and clammy looking skin of the Steamborg. Hope you like them!


    You can see more photos of the models on my FB page > http://www.facebook.com/BlackDogPaintingStudio



  4. Hey guys!

    I'm working on a Ramos crew at the moment, but I am having real trouble assembling the Steamborg Executioner. For one, his base just seems to small to fit his legs on, and the "cup" joints where his legs attach to his chassis are really fiddly. I also cannot figure which legs go in front and which go in back! If somebody has some tips for me, I'd really appreciate them, as I'm at my wits end.



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