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Posts posted by AngelSanguine

  1. Yes, I know that everyone plays it as a Ht5 cylinder around the model that is some sort of "almost" impenetrable darkness. But I dont see where everyone gets that from.

    Lets break the action down. It is a Aura(4) that is Ht5, obscuring for all models including this one, until the end of the turn. Applying how auras normally work, models within 4" gets the effect of the aura, which in this case is Obscuring if they are within Ht5. A Ht6 wall or such would block the ability from reaching models on the other side. What I can't find is the leap from "aura affecting models within 4"", to "aura affecting everything else as well" within 4".

    Normally, an obscuring thing has a base. But nowhere does it specify that the aura is an obscuring base. According to P15, Obscuring Trait, "Models can draw LoS up to 3" across an intervening base". Is this truly a base?

    I'm sure this comes from me being relatively new to this game and how the Malifaux-rules are written. I'd just like to find out why everyone has made the jump of logic mentioned above in this post.

  2. Then why state the very next sentance as:

    (P20) "All models within a number of inches equal to the aura's number(#), excluding the aura's originator, are affected for the duration indicated."

    This means that only the models not the area gains HT5 Obscuring. That Creeping Fog also states "for all models, including this one", is to also give the Stitched HT5 Obscuring.

    Nowhere is it stated that the whole 4" aura is treated as an obscuring terrain piece or some such, but rather (as I interpret it) it makes the models in the Aura harder to hit (soft cover), and harder to see over (Ht5).

    If they wanted the aoe to be treated as an obscuring base, shouldn't the ability be written differently, perhaps "treat the aura as a piece of obscuring terrain" or some such.

    Ofcourse, I might just be looking into this too much, coming from games such as 40k and Warmachine/Hordes.

  3. But from what I read in the rulebook, it only makes models obscured, it does not really create an obscuring AOE. What I guess I'm looking for is citations, pages, rules or something that can clarify why everyone playes it as a 4" Aura of obscuring, when from what I read from the Obscuring Trait and Aura rules in the 1.5 rulebook, that only the models in the 4" aura is affected (with HT5 Obscuring).

  4. Hi,

    I've been facing my brother's Dreamer alot lately, and ofcourse he's been using the Stitched's Creeping Fog.

    Now the question I want to ask is: How does it work?

    At first it was assumed that it acts as a "terrain piece" with the AOE of a 4" aura around the Stitched. But then I started to read the rules of Obscuring and Aura, and I don't think that is the case.

    An Aura affects all models (friend or foe) within the "area of effect", and those models are affected by the effects of the ability; In this case "HT5 Obscuring". Obscuring gives Soft Cover and that you can only see 3" in, out or through, or above if you are higher. The ability also points out that the Stitched also is affected by the Aura. Nowhere can I see that it acts like for example Lillith's Illusionary Forest. Instead it just makes all the models in the 4" aura act as Ht5 and gives them Soft Cover (from being obscured). Please, can you show me where/why it acts like a "piece of obscuring terrain".

    Thanks in advance,

    Best Regards


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