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Posts posted by ced1106

  1. Only $550 CAD = $500 USD until Shub-Niggurath stretch goal reached!


    Module pledge level contains 49 miniatures (8 large), for $115 CAD + $15 CAD shipping = $120 USD or $2.40 per miniature.


    Monster-only pledge level is $45 CAD + $15 shipping = $54 USD.


    $20 CAD add-on includes Mother Hydra, two hybrids, 3 NPCs, and Shub-Niggurath. 


    New human sculpts are "heroic 28mm". See review for size comparison: http://theminiaturespage.com/boards/msg.mv?id=335511



  2. Tone down the white -- EXCEPT the eyes! Note that your own avatar uses a sorta off white, not pure one.

    Shading could be more subtle with Red -> Dark red -> Black. Red's a pain to work with, since you can't just add white or black to it for highlighting and shading. Cloaks are also difficult to shade.

    Good work on the black gloves and shoes. Again, black's annoying to work with. If you want to hurt yourself more, highlight them.

    You pulled off the face to be more menacing than your avatar. Good job!

  3. Since you're new, might as well start with the paint in Reaper Learn to Paint Kits. Reaper's the only company I know who puts one out. Since the kit also focuses on a specific miniature, I like that they already select the paints you will want to paint it. FRPGames will be carrying the new Bones Reaper Learn to Paint Kits next year.

    Speaking of triads and wet palettes, the triads make a nice brain-dead way of making a gradient of colors on your palette! Drop the shade, midtone, and highlight in a line, mix them at edges, and viola! You have *five* different colors to use on your miniature, from shade to highlight. Add further related colors for more transitions. I like to make a gradient starting from lightest brown to darkest for leather straps, armor, etc. on a miniature.

    I often see paint sets on sale, so mebbe that's one way to start experimenting what works for you. FRP has a "50% off Clearance" sale, including a Mantic Forge Father paint set, by Army Painter.

    See also Romain's reviews of various paint brands:


    FRPGames sale, ends 12/31. Wyrd product results


  4. 1. Rinse the brush in your water cup.

    2. Rinse the brush in your *second* water cup.

    3. Roll the brush into a tip on your Master's Paint Soap.

    4. Store the brush upside-down so the water doesn't get into the ferrule, where the glue is.

    If you won't be painting with the brush for awhile, dip the brush into hair conditioner and store.

    Use this guy to hold your brushes upside-down! Under ten bucks on Amazon. Better get a second one if your wife does jewelry!


  5. I paint at night (and almost lost an irreplaceable miniature outside when I dropped it outside!), so use thin layers of brush-on primer. I'll still see metal, so follow this with thin layers of white (or whatever) paint.

    Clear gesso works fine, too. You can add whatever paint color to it to shade the cracks, start coloring the basecoat, whatever.

  6. Grab yourself the Reaper Learn to Paint Kit 2: Beginner Skin and Cloth. Male skin, female skin, clothes, shades, highlighting, and a little metal undercoating. Reaper's going to release their revised Bones Learn to Paint Kits "soon", which should sell for $20 on FRPGames.com. Might as well pick up some Windsor and Newton brushes while you're at it.

    As said, these figures are detailed, so keep at it. There's a good reason why GW Space Marines originally were nothing but guys in blue armor!

    Have you made your wet palette yet?

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