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Posts posted by monkeyboydc

  1. Thanks everyone! I suppose I was shooting for equality just to give us the best foundation to learn on. That, and she tends to be really good at these sorts of games so, as much as I like the looks of Seamus, I don't need to give her any more of an edge than necessary, haha. So for an additional model for each of us I'm gathering that Young Nephilim for her and Ronins for me would be a good idea if we go for the Viks Lillith combo?

    To open things up a little more, are there any combinations you guys are fond of for two new players to use ignoring my listed preferences? If so, what's your reasoning?

  2. Hi everybody!

    I'm new to the forums and to Malifaux overall. My fiance and I have started getting into board games over the past year or so. Tabletop war games have always looked fun, but neither of us want to blow all the cash to get started on something like Warhammer. Not only does Malifaux have a relatively low buy-in cost, but it has some great mechanics that I think we'd enjoy.

    Since we're just trying to get into the game, I was hoping you folks would be kind enough to recommend a pair of masters that will not only be relatively easy to get started on (though I am fine with a learning curve on a master), but, more importantly, will be pretty balanced when playing against each other without any additions. I'm okay with getting maybe one additional blister for each of us but we really want to just start with the box sets ideally.

    The master(s) she's interested in:


    The master(s) I'm interested in:





    Maybe Hoffman or Leveticus (though I understand Leveticus is not very beginner friendly)

    If anybody could recommend some good pairs based off of her desire to play Lillith or the ones I'm interested in trying out, it'd be much appreciated. Also, if there's a pair that you really like that doesn't involve anyone listed here then I'm still all ears. I tend to not like the Guild very much but starting on equal footing and having a fun time with our starter boxes is really the most important thing to me.

    Thanks again everyone!

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