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Posts posted by deadboytat2

  1. Sorry I ran out of water effects to cover the entire bog. I have them on order now and hope to have them come in to let me finish my next few projects. I plan to do 4 more Malifaux boards all with some Iconic themes to them to help capture the flavor and imagination. This is the first. Not sure how long this project will take me. I am constantly being struck with bursts of inspiration to do projects. However as I play 4 miniature games I get side tracked with other projects easy.  Thanks for looking! 

  2. can all masters make a 1ap healing flip with a stone I was under the impression they had to have a ability that let them do that on there card.

    Also as I do not have the book how dose the targeting and wound allocation on mcabe work exactly?

  3. I do not have the book but I have been running the relic hunters box set and So i have no idea how the traps actually work. Would someone give be a brief description and maybe how they have been using them in the game? Thanks.

  4. Thanks for the suggestions. After playing a few games I have decided that I love Lady J and here marshals. But im not such a huge fan of the judge. I like the model though so im going to finish painting him. I was thinking of swapping him out for like Samuel Hopkins? I really like Sam on paper and his model looks cool IMO part of the reason I picked guild was because I wanted to paint the Wizard cowboys!

  5. Ok I am new to this game but addicted to the minis. I have played 1 1/2 games with the rule book opened and just trying to play from reading it. But I have been using the little book not the big 1.5 book so im sure there are things that I got wrong here.

    I have bought Lady Justice box set and am close to finishing the paint job on it. Also I have bought the Sonnia's box set but have not opened it yet. I also have the Scales of Justice.

    I need to know what else I should pick up for these too box sets and preferably things that would go well with both. But not necessary if there is just something super awesome with one and not the other.

    Also What point level are most games played at and what point level are the majority of the tournaments.

    I also have a few questions. First How many times can you cheat fate. And what is the order of activation? Is it the activating players move to cheat first then a response from the opponent and then I get a cheat again? Like wise I guess I have to use soul stones at the same time I cheat. and can not choose to use it as a reaction? Is this true?

    also schemes do these happen in most games should I be playing with them? along those lines in games that do have them if i choose not to use them can I get the 4 extra soul stone points? is his considered wise?

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