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Posts posted by wadesauce

  1. Hey wyrdos, I really like sonnia criid, and think she'd be great in a campaign, especially with how powerful her avatar is, but I'm concerned about where to start with her. 


    I want enough burning in the core of the crew to be good when I unlock her, but I also feel that a burning crew without her is kind of tough to run. 


    It's going to be 8 weeks of game. What do you all think? I need some help here. 

  2. 1st and foremost. . For rules releases to slow down and focus on perfecting what's out there. Maybe errata and rebalance it a little, not that the game is too out of whack, just tune it. 


    2nd, I really like the themed boxes and the starter.. I think it'd be cool to release themed boxes like rasputina vs sonnia, with an alternative sculpt of both masters, or maybe something similar to the starter like ototo and 10t brothers vs sybelle and her belles, maybe with some new upgrades.


    3rd.. obviously after most of the physical model releases are up to date, when we gear up for the next big book, an 8th (and probably final) faction. I just feel like 8 is an awesome number of factions to settle on. It gives great balance imo

    • Like 1
  3. Hey wyrdos, got a question for ya, I'm building a 10t list. It's going to be a toshiro and sensei yu list and I have exactly 7ss to spare at the end of my list.. I can't decide between illuminated or punk zombie. Both fill the same roll, and both have similar capabilities. 


    I won't have any brilliance synergy, but illuminated can stand on their own without it, and it's kind of cool to hire a punk zombie out of faction.. 


    What'd ya think?

  4. I've got 4 boxes of terraclips tiles, and 3 boxes of the clips themselves. .

    Dungeon essentials NIB

    Vaults of ruin (open and very slightly used. Can be considered new for all practical purposes.)

    Sewers of malifaux X2 NIB


    And 3 boxes of clips..


    This is enough terraclips to build 2 intricate malifaux tables or one super table that connects ancient ruins and dungeons to the sewer systems. 


    Link. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=262113046423&alt=web 

  5. Yay, 1 extra soup stone! 

    Fortunately I won't have to deal with Pandora until halfway through. (Plus I generally know my meta, I doubt I'll see a will power crew with maybe the exception of brew.) 

    Thanks for your help. Besides johan, who else do you think would support this crew well for future additions? 

    also if anyone else wants to chime in I'd appreciate it. I know your out there I see the views. ;)

  6. I was taking what you said into consideration. What do you think of this list? 

    Joss (10) 

     -- bleeding edge tech (2)

    Firestarter  (7)

    Gunsmith  (7)

    Rail worker (5)

    Metal gamin (4)


    Now with this I have to decide who's the leader between firestarter and joss, but joss replaces rail golem, as I feel like he's more efficient and resilient. 

    The rail worker still has synergy with burning, but is all around better than the gamin. 

    Now to the gunslinger and metal gamin.. at this point, I kinda just want it in the build, but even without burning he can take care of himself. His (0) switch chambers is pretty good. And the metal gamin can protect him or help accomplish schemes. 



    (And thanks)

  7. Some really decent suggestions, I do want to get Johan in there, but I was considering him as my week 1 purchase. Langston for rail golem is a pretty good suggestion. 


    I do however feel that the gunsmith has plenty support in the gamin. The fire gamin puts burning on the enemy so that the gunsmith can benifit from the hard way, and he is sh6 so he can compete with d6. And the metal gamin boosts him to df6 or runs his own scheme markers. . 

    I agree I could get a little more efficient early game then two gamin supporting a gunsmith, and it's probably the weakness of my list... but if the heart tells you to run a gunsmith and inefficiently try to pump upgrades into him to make him good, you gotta listen to the heart. Lol


    Jokes aside, a big reason I'm running the gamin and Smith is they will synergies with kaeris or mei. 

    Is it bad to build with your future master in mind over some early effectiveness? 

  8. Hmm. My general plan is to fill rail golem with burning and force my opponent to deal with that, the gunsmith supported by the gamin are in charge of taking out people who are running up the flank or dropping scheme markers. 

    Also, I'm trying to establish models that are going to work well with kaeris or mei. 


    What do you suggest? 

    I'm afraid if I drop the golem I wouldn't have a good enough damage dealer, as the gunsmith is good, but not good enough to take out henchmen or dedicated combat enforcers. 

  9. Shifting loyalties 

    Firestarter  (7)

    Rail golem (11)

    Gunsmith  (7)

    Fire gamin (4)

    Metal gamin (4)

    And 2 scrip left over for a possible upgrade or to save...


    What do you all think? I'm thinking change of station on gunsmith. A gunsmith with campaign upgrades could get pretty awesome. 

    Not sure if I'm heading to kaeris or mei with this list. 

  10. So basically, badge of speed was kind of a waste on bishop. Also I forgot, reactivating with black flash only works on minions.. 

    But glowing sabre on a bishop was nuts. It has a built in ram, then bishop has adaptive for another ram. He was hitting like a truck.. up until brewmaster got him with swill. Lol


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  11. Ok, I got to post this. This #! $& model was bull #€£$ .. that string he holds broke and got lost in two seconds.. I attempted to substituteit with a pin, however the glue filled gaps in the looped ropen he holds in his left hand, trying to chisel that out, his whole arm ripped out and now there's too much glue on this mofo.. I'm ready to break him with a hammer I'm so upset. 

    I'm not a beginner by any means, I feel like wyrd sometimes gets a little bit too ambitious with details and scale sometimes. 

  12. So guys, I'm crafting my shifting loyalties campaign crew. I'm currently at...

    Francisco  (8)

    -wade in (1)

    Santiago  (7)

    Papa loco (7)

    Death marshal  (6)


    With my remaining 6 scrip should I buy another death marshal or a guild austringer? 

    Also I think I'm going to buy the guild pathfinder on my week 2 purchase. 

    ..thanks all

  13. Ok, so here's what I'm thinking for a list.

    Toshiro the daimyo (9)

     -command the grave (1)

    Flesh construct  (6)

    Flesh construct  (6)

    Rotten Belle (5)

    Crooligan  (4)

    Crooligan  (4)


    My plan is going to be to buff the constructs with toshiro, attempt to lure and discard with the belle, and let the crooligans objective run. 


    I'm going to try to get nicodem as fast as possible with my earned scrip. 


    My enemies will include arcanists lead by the captain, gremlins unknown leader, outcasts likely freikorps


    What are your opinions/suggestions?

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