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Posts posted by Claymore65

  1. I'm a fan of some of these:


    -Austringer: Cheap, can attack without LOS and can help with schemes a bit. Very cheap, very versatile.


    -Peacekeeper: A melee masher that will rarely disappoint. Big, dangerous, versatile (has a harpoon that drags foes in and gives them slow), and very survivable, you won't feel bad spending the SS on this guy.


    -Witching Handler: A very thematic choice. Her aura will make your Witchlings faster, but that's not all. Her sword has a trigger kind alike Sonnia's reincarnation upgrade, and she has a (0) that can buff people's attack so hand out burning. This allows you to use other ranged units with Sonnia more effectively, as they'll still hand out burning.


    -Freikorps Specialist: He's a burning handing out monster. His Flamethrower lets him ignore cover as burns away any resistance, and he can reliably put out a lot of fire every turn. He also will blow up in fire if he dies (I think he still does that), and is immune to blasts and enemy auras, allowing him to stay close to your troops without fear of your opponent simply blasting him to death. Not too expensive, versatile, and powerful.


    -Francisco Ortega / the Judge / Ryle: Having a more melee oriented henchmen is definitely a plus. Samael is excellent in my opinion, but if you prefer your henchmen to be a melee fighter Guild has plenty of perfect melee-focused henchmen to fit your fancy.


    -Executioner: This guy is tough, durable, and powerful. He brings melee power to your crew if you want it.


    -Watcher: It's a cheap little flying robot. Flight, wk 6 and Armor +1 for a little resilience makes him a fantastic little objective grabber. He can also eliminate cover from enemies (making Sonnia's blasts even better), has a little bit of card advantage, and can serve as LOS for your master. Overall, a great little 4SS model for any Guild crew, not just Sonnia.


    -MORE Witchling Stalkers: You'll find Witchling Stalkers are awesome. They are versatile, powerful in melee, hand out oodles of burning (from melee, ranged, or simply from blowing up when they die). They also have condition removal, which is a fantastic to keep in mind. They're rarely a bad choice in any Guild force, and Sonnia only uses them better.


    Basically, you have a ton of chances to expand, but that's what I suggest.  

    • Like 3
  2. If you wanted to make a fan style game, a Doujinshi fighter would be awesome. Pick a couple of masters from each faction and duke it out. The Viks could use tag-team attacks like in Marvel Vs Capcom, Rasputina could freeze her opponent mid battle, and tons of other cool options. It would be mighty fun.


    Something X-Com Style (like Warmachine Tactics I guess) would also work well. My favorite though would be one based off of Through the Breach, and set up a long RPG where we get to explore Malifaux's cool world. You could have master cameos, new characters, and could implement any kind of combat system you would like.

  3. Yeah, that's kind of what's holding me back a little bit.I don't mind paying extra if the print rules book is nice and thick, espeically if it's filled with lore (I LOVE the Malifaux books, the MERCs book is actually really good as well). But at least from the picture, the print rule book doesn't look too great. It's a little bit of a pricey game. I might still end up getting it just so I have a blood bowl style sports minis game, but I'm just a little hesitant. Part of it is that I jsomewhat recently backed another project that was a much better deal (still about $100, but came with about 30 models and a full rule book). Still, the art for that game looks really cool, and I can't help but want what I don't have...

  4. Eh, I wasn't really counting the early bird special, though that is a bit of a better deal. I just wish they gave the actual rulebook as well. I'd kinda have to pay extra for it. Pdf rulebooks ain't terrible, but considering the two-player box is more or less a "two-player starter set", I think they should have put it in there. It's not a bad deal, but I'm not sure if I can afford it right now. Still looks pretty cool though.

  5. The game looks pretty cool, but the price is pretty steep. At least for me in America, it's around $100 for two teams, and that's not even counting the international shipping. I don't have a lot of funds, so I'll probably have to sit out on this one unfortunately. Maybe I'll consider it still. I'd have to try out the quickstart quite a bit before jumping in. The models do look nice though. If it had pre-measuring, I'd be a little more interested...

    • Like 1
  6. There is a V1.0, but the fluff isn't any different,. The Core V1.5 fluff has small editing differences if I remember right, but is no big deal. Get whichever you can get for cheaper. The books you would need are  (in order of appearance and reading order):

    Malifaux Core Rulebook (Start of the Plot)

    Rising Powers (introduction of new masters, many cool events)

    Twisting Fates (Avatars + more plot)

    Storm of Shadows (Ten Thunders get introduced)

  7. Yeah, I really hope either A: Hannah is in the box or B: I can get the Steam trunk seperate. I know it won't happen, but it won't be fun buying a second of literally every other model in there. Still, the art looks pretty nice. I love the trapper pose, and I don't mind any of the other either. I'm not sure whether I prefer this Von Schill pose or his original, but it's not really a big deal since I might have to buy both anyway...

  8. Very nice job. that looks fantastic, and really fits the dark, mysterious look of Malifaux.  If you're taking suggestions, may I request something Freikorps related? Like a Freikorpsmann clutching his dead comrade, while still holding his gun out to fight whatver threat felled his buddy?

  9. I'd say gamer. I honestly don't enjoy painting all that much, so I have a lot of trouble working up the effort to paint up a model. If I can only spend a limited amount of time on miniature games, I'd always rather play than paint. I respect those who actually like painting though. Different strokes for different folks I guess (Pun intended).

  10. I noticed a very small error with the final 10 thunders cards. On the bottom of the some of the cards, they imply dual faction models when they are not, or they show them as only ten thunders. For example, Sensei Yu has the right half of the bottom of his card half green, similar to any of the half-resser Yan Lo cards. I figured we probably want to get those fixed before the actual decks are released. The issues only appear on the bottom of the cards, and all faction symbols seem to be correct. It's a minor issue, but I feel it may as well be addressed. These only matter for the high-res version.


    The cards with errors are as follows:

    Sidir Alchibal doesn't have the half red color on the bottom of his card (he is dual guild like the rest of Mccabe's crew)

    Mr Graves' card doesn't have the half purple gradient on the bottom of his card (he is dual neverborn)

    Mr Tannen lacks the half purple gradient as well (also dual neveroborn).

    The Shadow Effigy has half of it's botom green as if it's dual resser (he is only Ten Thunders)

    The Komainu has half of it's bottom green as if it's dual resser (while it is a spirit, it is still only Ten Thunders)

    Sensei Yu has half of his bottom green as if he is dual resser (he is pure Ten Thunders)


    Mods, feel free to delete this once it's been fixed, just thought I'd bring the small issue up to attention.

    • Like 1
  11. That's why I wish Hannah was in there, so I don't have to buy the box set ONLY for the Steam Trunk. I'd be getting Hannah as well. Ideally, it could be purchased outside of the box set. Then we get the best of both worlds. I've tried playing without the Steam Trunk a couple of times...not so fun.

  12. I like the picture of the box, but I really hoped it would include Hannah. Right now, It is exactly the metal set with the Steam Trunk. While that is a fantastic crew, I kind of want the Steam Trunk without buying a duplicate of all my other Freikorps models. Still, with the second wave here the Freikorps are doing great.

  13. I used to play a little bit of Warhammer 40K (Orcs were a lot of fun), then it kind of faded into the background. Next I played Warmachine, which is a great game, but had some elements I didn't like (pretty high cost for a 50pt army, some units that I like the look of are useless...and Cryx). I still play a little bit here and there, but Malifaux I enjoy a lot more. It's cheaper and has ridiculously cool lore in the books. I didn't play M1.5 much, but I really love M2E.

  14. For Hoffman, your crew won't really change much from last edition. The Peacekeeper, Guardian, Hunter, Warden, Watcher and Ryle are all fantastic with him. I found Ryle lackluster last edition, but now he is a fantastic henchmen. Hoffman's biggest change is his new upgrading mechanic, which I would highly suggest. It's a blast to use. Basically, you can use scrap (though some don't even require that) to make  upgrades on the fly. These upgrades can be very powerful. Giving Nimble or Armor +1 to a Peacekeeper is amazing. Also, he can use any Arcanist MS&U construct. If you play a bit of arcanists, you can get a lot of cool models, like Howard Langston for killing and Joss for Scap Generation and handling heavy armor (which most of your crew will be).


    The other big new mechanic is Power Loop. Bascially, Hoffman can give out a condition that allows his models (and himself) share stats. For example, if the Guardian has Df 6, any model in your force witht the Power Loop condition can have df 6 as well. While this is a very powerful condition, be careful with it. It can be tempting to try and put it on all your models, but you'll just be wasting AP if you try to include everyone. You get one free a turn, and oftentimes simply spend 1AP (and the right suit) to cast the spell once. That's usually enough.


    Hoffman has a lot of other cool options. Machine Puppet is still great, though now it is an actual spell, but it allows any (1) action. This can give Hoffman some insane speed if you want it to. His healing is pretty fantastic. He has area heals around scrap counters, and he can detonate scrap counters to damage and get rid of them (fantastic against Ramos). I'd highly suggest bringing some cheap constructs like the Mechanical Attendant (which brings his old Null Field, some condition removal, and an ok gun for only 2SS) or the Mobile Toolkit. Tap out is fantastic, and by doing it on one of them you don't even have to give slow to somethign valuable. Overlall, Hoffman is in great shape.

  15. I don't usually offer to cut, but I always will accept a request to. It's not that I feel that cuts are wrong, I just literally forget to offer most of the time. I play with a pretty small group a lot of the time, so if they cheat I'll usually know.  It's usually kind of a 'don't bother' situation. I'm not really offended by the request though. I've played Magic the Gathering where cutting was extremely expected by some opponents. Most of my friends never cared there either, but I've had people who freak out about it. Honestly, cutting the deck is not really a problem, and if someone feels better cutting my deck, I'll certainly do it.

  16. I just assumed that fluff-wise, everything McMourning is doing is under the table. McMourning is a powerful resource for Lucius. Compared to all of the other Guild Masters, he is not only more expendable (they're technically only losing a coroner) and more valuable in some ways. For example, all of the other Guild Masters have shown some form of moral fiber, albeit not necessarily strong morals. Justice has a black and white view of the world that would prevent her from completing more morally questionable missions for Lucius. Hoffman is pretty much truly good-aligned, and never would want to kill innocents. Even Sonnia Criid honestly believes her witch hunting is the right thing to do. Naturally, these members of the guild wouldn't listen to some of Lucius' more evil commands, such as 'Leave no Witnesses alive' or 'make sure the rest of the team doesn't come back...'. Mcmourning offers a unique skill set that Lucius can use under the table at very little personal cost. Maybe he has to let McMourning keep some of the body parts from his kills mid-mission, but then again Lucius doesn't need those anyway. The only thing he HAS to do is make sure the Marshalls don't check around his place often, but even that is relatively easy. Canonically, many actual troop combinations don't entirely make sense, so I doubt Lady J will ever be aware of his necromancy. Honestly, I don't understand the fluff-hate for it. McMourning has always been one of my favorite characters in the fluff, and Lucius blackmailing him into doing jobs just sounds like a cool and logical plot development for him.

    On the game note, he offers a unique playstyle, cool synergistic units (Nurses can be amazing with the right Guild Units), and some cool and different models to the guild overall. I think he's a fine addition personally.

    • Like 1
  17. I find it hard to not include Viktoria of Blood in my Viktorias List...

    But really, I'd say:

    Leveticus: Rusty Alyce / Ashes and Dust.

    Von Schill: Freikorps Librarian and Steam Trunk. I did one battle without the Steam Trunk, and found about 6 times my models would have lived if I had brought it...

    Viktorias: Freikorps Librarian, her heals are fantastic for her cost, and I don't own Vanessa yet so...

    Like others, my Guild Playing buddy almost always includes a Witchling stalker for condition removal or simply wrecking face when required (except with Sonnia, where he fields a lot of them of course).

  18. In the third book, every character has a short story where they go into Avatar form. They describe it as feeling a rush of power and hearing the voices of ancient powerful figures right before transforming. They are always in their normal forms before this. This shows they can switch to and from the Avatar forms more or less at will. If you have the third book, the stories next to each Avatar's rules heavily imply this. In other words, no, Avatars aren't really like the epic Warcasters in Warmachine, they're really something pretty different.

  19. In the third book, every character has a short story where they go into Avatar form. They describe it as feeling a rush of power and hearing the voices of ancient powerful figures right before transforming. They are always in their normal forms before this. This shows they can switch to and from the Avatar forms more or less at will. If you have the third book, the stories next to each Avatar's rules heavily imply this. In other words, no, Avatars aren't really like the epic Warcasters in Warmachine, they're really something pretty different.

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