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Posts posted by Clevelander

  1. I've returned to the game for the first time since the M2E Beta.  I tested Marcus a lot back then, but I never played when the actual edition change came around.  I am loving M3E and Marcus.  I've slammed 7 games with him now, and it just keeps getting better.   At first I was pretty annoyed that I no longer owned a full crew(Just had Marcus and a slew of other factions' beasts).  However once I opened my wallet, the chimeric revelry began.

    One nuance I played improperly at first:  When Myranda shifts into a beast, any attached Mutations are discarded.  This is in Part 3 of the Replace mechanic.  It broke my heart when I realized a flying, armored myranda couldn't shift into the Bear and maintain those potent upgrades.  

    I find Myranda to be a great Claim Jump model.  Shifting into a Cerberus for deadly pursuit to the centerpoint is pretty easy to pull off.  When I am certain my opponent has taken CJ, shifting Myranda to a bear or a cerberus is a great way to tie up their CJ model.  I had a blast taking Ototo prisoner when the attempted to jump my claims.  

    I am feeling like Paul Crocket is important in Reckoning and Turf War.  The damage potential and target selection that he brings can really.  I keep taking him in other strats too, because I keep expecting him to perform poorly.  However he always seems worth his points.  Perhaps I'll drop him when stealthy models are expected.

    One clumsy mistake I have made a few times is not bringing enough beasts.  Call of the wild is great but it's easy to let my fast beasts get too far away.  My group often plays 35 SS matches.  A few matches have started with Ferdinand, Paul, and Myranda, that doesn't leave a lot of space for Call targets.  

    The match that really made me groan was playing against Misaki in Reckoning.  Extended reach is a pain when my crew relies on AP efficiency through Charges.  

  2. A quick question for you. Does law of meat prevent attack actions? The way that I read the effect, it prevents the charge but does not specifically state that those models cannot attack. (I am new to Marcus and M2E.)

    Theres a second half of that sentence:

    "...and while this model is engaged in melee, it may only take Walk Actions.”

    If it may only take walk actions, then it cannot make attack actions, or anything else for that matter.

  3. This thread got me to dust off my old issues of Inquest. The mid 90s provided a proliferation of CCGs(and thanks to the lawsuits, LCGs). We took the good with the bad.

    Anyone else remember shedding tears of laughter while reading the Ultimate Chaos Game? A multiplayer chaos game of Magic: The Gathering, UNO, Illuminati, Star Trek: TNG, Dixie, Jyhad, Spellfire, and Super Deck!.

  4. I'm pretty excited for the primate, and perhaps with the rules changes I'll have a reason to own the rattler and cerberus. However, I think that Marcus's art is rather bland. It's as if each time they resculpt him, they just add another 20 lbs of muscle.

  5. Edit: wait.

    Not sure.

    That's pretty much how I feel.

    bashamer: For the double dipping question, do you mean claim the :+fate on clamp for being harmless but still avoid losing harmless? That shouldn't be possible. The clamp action ends harmless. Ignore harmless while clamping to avoid losing harmless, or don't ignore harmless and the trap gets a :+fate, but harmless ends because of the clamp action.

  6. It think that I understand what you are asking. It's hard to tell.

    Maintain Machines allows other friendly constructs within 6 inches of Hoffman to ignore any of their listed abilities. Suppose a friendly construct within 6" of Hoffman has harmless(such as a clockwork trap). If that model ignores harmless while making an action that would end harmless(strike, ect), does the action end harmless?

    As I read it, harmless would not end. The ending criterion of harmless are part of the ability itself. Harmless would resume function once the model stops ignoring it.

  7. What about Colette? I wanted to start out with her, but I was advised she would be complex for a starter. I am interested in this thread as I'm in a similar position.

    I feel that if a new player has played no other tabletop game, complex crews like Colette, Leveticus, and Kirai are not good to start with. It's because they involve whacky mechanics and twists upon the standard rules of malifaux. If a player has no sense of threat ranges, measurement, or piece trade concepts, then learning twists upon those mechanics is not a good place to start the game. However, if a new player has experience in other tabletop games, that at least involve a ruler, then I say go for it.

    One other thing to consider is whether or not you will be playing against experienced players. Colette's card is like a second rule book. If your opponent is just as new or newer to the game than you, you will spend a lot of time reading the card. This can really breaks the flow and fun of the game. However, if the other players at least know the standard rules well, then you should be able to do Colette's thing without too much interruption.

  8. That depends on what you mean. If you mean railwalk on the buried miners, that won't work. Be it the union miner or the soulstone miner, neither are on the board when they are buried. If you mean railwalk on union miners when they unbury, it won't work as they aren't valid railwalker points. If you mean railwalk of through soulstone miners when they unbury, that can work. If you mean railwalk on consrtructs and unbury union miners near Mei Feng at the end of turn(as shes M&SU member) that will also work.

  9. The student is a decent option for a second totem when there is a henchman present. If you run Mei + Kaeris, take emberling first and consider adding the student. The nice thing is that the student can give fast to anyone, so mei and kaeris can take turns getting +1 AP.

    The biggest benefit with the extra AP is that kaeris can fly into range, shoot, cast immolate, and fly back to safety. Her immolate can only target models that are already on fire, and her gun sets things on fire. Since Mei''s fists also set things on fire, there may be less of a use for the student in a Mei crew than in other crews. Kaeris+student are very potent in a Marcus list, or perhaps Marcus is potent in a Kaeris+student list.

  10. Hello,

    This is a rather common query. I like that you've got a M&SU theme going, so we'll stay close to that. If you do a little searching, you can read threads where others have started similar crews.

    Here is a short list of my opinion of models worth picking up soon:


    Metal Gamin


    LSPA(popular with others, but I own none)

    Mechanical Rider

    Student of Conflict

    Really with the addition of kaeris and a gunsmith, you will have plenty of models to run with a kaeris led crew. Do not rely on fire gamin as railwalker nodes. The fire gamin's purpose is to die. Metal gamin, on the other hand, are awesome as railwalker points and provide a lot of survival tricks. LSPA are great with Mei(I've read many times), and they will also pair well with ramos and aRamos if you decide to try them out. The mechanical rider is a fast utility piece that doubles as a hopping point. The student turns henchman kaeris into a raging inferno of doom.

  11. I find the night terrors to be a bit more survivable, with more bodies, spirit, and hard to kill. In a pinch, their blind trigger is immensely useful, and it gives me something to do with my :masks . Blind has saved Marcus' hide from a shikome more than once. However, I never expect these bats to kill anything.

    Silurids on the other hand, can bring the pain when they need to. They are great for hit and run. For me, the biggest downside to silurids is that you need a steady supply of 7+ for leap, as it's something that we want to do almost every turn.

  12. I love him. He's one of the fastest M&SU members, so he helps to spread around the union miners.

    sssk's advice is sound, though I say go big or go home. Cheat that black joker you've been holding in your hand all game, so the :pulse 5 does 2 damage to willy and 5 damage to everyone else.

    Don't forget to use wheelbarrow of doom for another 2 :blast for 2 damage, though those produce df->12 duels. Wheelbarrow of doom isn't likely to hurt those notorious def 8 masters, but its very potent against lower def. Willie is my secret weapon against pandora and lilitu.

    Another huge feature of willie is that his demo strike ignores armor and object. When I'm likely to see izamu, willie comes out to play.

  13. The RG is an all star player no matter which crew it joins. It a nice beat stick that can take quite a bit of punishment before exploding. It is particularly good with Kaeris because its death is a reliable source of burning counters.

    My favorite crews at the moment start with Marcus, Kaeris, and the RG. The RG makes a nice mobile anchor and provides great board presence while Marcus is off running errands for Kaeris. On occasion, Marcus will turn the RG into a beast and then heal it, but usually his speed is best used elsewhere.

    As for minion synergy, Ryu's comments are spot on.

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