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Posts posted by Hunter-thom

  1. Played my first game with the dreamer and I must admit he has some damage output. However Coming from my neverborn background of playing Lilith. Chompy is very different, I'm very concerned about his DF. Imade a few mistakes early game with my deployment and my first move but managed to make up for it. In a 35ss game of slaughter my list went like this


    1 Daydream




    and a stiched to bodyguard the dreamer.

    I was playing against lady J and a bit of an experimental list with Misaki (minion) and a convict gunslinger and a few others papa loco included. My biggest mistake I think I made was I deployed with My dreamer and a stiched side by side and my daydream and the madness about 12inches away. and after the fist move the daydream was even further away as misaki came down the flank and I few the dreamer out to meet her. I poped out a nightmare, placed chompy and then charged killing misaki outright first turn. My mistake was that cause I got the flay trigger of chompy was left out in the open and lady j moved within range.

    next turn I burned a SS and won initiative and charged the fair Lady with chompy who went on an appalling rampage with onslaught and flay triggers and poison. One dead Lady one poisoned and then unhinged Papa and another Paralyzed Judge and it was just mopping up left to do. How do the regular dreamer players go about keeping the dreamer and Chompy safe, at times when you have just taken out a big model and you don't get the trigger ?

  2. I have just picked up the dreamer and I really want to learn to be competitive with him. I need some advice on crew selection and the low down on any turn1/2 tricks and things that Dreamer players do to get the advantage early game. I don't have any stiched or any Daydreams yet and I need to know if I need them. My main models that I like is the twins and coppelius, having used them with my Lilith team. Does the widow weaver go with any Dreamer crews and is the dreamer ever used with collodi???? any advice or even storys about games played with the dreamer would be great. :)

  3. I have a quick question on Nix. When he has his Emptiness bubble up and a non soulless Model off mine say a cat pride trying to cast a spell like Devour is the casting flip a neg? (is the casting of the spell classed as a duel I guess) and would the receiver of the spell have a neg on his/her DF?

  4. So the answer to the question of where has Lillith gone is... Se has been left with the beginners to learn with. I think that is fair enough. At the end of the day I think I still love her more than anything. (expect maybe new Hamelin) And will always have fun with her, there is nothing like running though a wall and then pumping out some huge dmg.

    I have never run her with Collodi and with a Tournament coming up i'm thinking of giving it a go.... What would be the best 30p list for killy and movement type games with these 2? And how would you deal with someone like Pandora?

    The last time I played with her I had a same grow crew and early game while they where doing there thing I started to range out ahead with her. Perdita came up the flank and was going to have one shot on her. I thought okay, I can take that. she would be within charge range next turn and would be in trouble. He flipped and SS to about mid 20s. Okay DF flip a ss to bring it to a neg damage flip. Smile on my face as he flips a 2 and then the red joker.... Smile now gone, next flip is a 13. Poor lillith coped 12 dmg (I think) from the frist shot in the first round... Dm prevent was a 1.... It turned out to be one of those days:) But that's why I love Malifaux

  5. One of the biggest reasons I love Nix is the fact that as soon as I pull out Hamelin. I hear where is Nix. After I deploy, i'm asked where is nix. when I activate a stolen or something the person across will keep half an eye open and maybe be reading a card or something. But I say, Activating Nix. everything is dropped and all eyes are on the board. I love it, and I'm starting to really use it. I move nix left they move there master left (or big ugly beatstick ) he is just the biggest tasty piece of bate in malifaux. I find its all down to range, i'm getting better at it too. if I get him out front first, not so far as to get into combat but looking like I want to. they come at me pretty quick. then its just a case off getting the rats out in front. and taking down what ever was sent after him with the swarm. mean while I redeploy with nix to go after a non magical weaponed minion with all his nastiness. This has been working great for me. How many rats is the most that anyone would start with. I have plans for this and that to do this and that but in the end its always the rat catcher and his swarm that ends up doing the deeds. I love it its a lot of fun. Go the mighty Hamelin

  6. Today after a some thoughts about moving back to playing Lilith for a while, I thought I would have a quick scan down the list off threads and see what everyone has been doing with her. But after a quick scan down list there is..... Well.... Nothing. Almost no Lilith threads in sight, so my question is what has happened to her, is she out of favour with the General public, Cheesy now? or Boring. I think she is great to play with and a massive challenge to play against. I have mainly used her with a Nekima grow crew, and a couple of times with the twins and some tots. But I have just finished Collodi and wanted to hear some thoughts on how they paired up... But like I said there is no resent talk about her hear abouts. So thought and resent exploits off Lilith would be great. How many epic kills has she done for you?????

  7. Do you have Nikema. That would make life a whole lot more dangerous for your opponent. cause they need a wp flip to hit her. she can give the youngs auto flay and you could start with a couple of tots and grow them with only 5s needed and some des. Mercs. which frees up some points for something else like a primordial magic giving you the extra card and an extra cast of earthquake. by turn 2 you could have almost the same list but with an extra tot and a totem I think. And the auto flay makes them so much more of a danger. Love it

  8. I have used A&D in a list with nico for a few laughs and to see a fast unit with a super CB (when under nicos buff) would go. And a battering ram is just how I would describe it.. There really is a whole lot of options with Levi, so i'm not surprised that I haven't had 12 people all saying take the same things..

    I have never really used collodi so i'm thinking maybe i'll just take A&D, Rusty and some Dogs and maybe a rider for objectives and see how he plays before I take on levi and collodi together. I do have one question. when he dies and then returns the rules say discard your hand and redraw. does this mean you have to throw your whole hand and redraw no matter what or is it like the draw phase where you discard what you want and then redraw to your max hand size?

  9. What goes best with collodi? And on the other side what is the best A&d alyce list? I am just about to start with Levi this week I have most off the models anyone would use with him and i'm likely to be playing a game against Jacob's neverborn crew... I also have all the riders and a pretty big interest in his avatar. What are some alt list going around, my place style to date has revolved around melee heavy crews/Masters. Lillith and Hamelin (using his black staff to great effect and loving it)

  10. Everyone who posts here will say the same thing about Nix. You wouldn't play a game with Hamelin and not field him I think. The Thread I started ages ago mentioned above really showed how diverse he can be and there where some great ideas that came out of that. Baby kade is probably the best model to take with him as an extra and I've also been taking the Brutal Effigy and running him with Nix to get 5 Dg off a weak strike in melee. He is a great master to have because he is a little bit different than the others, There are a few ways to play him, you can sit back and cast and let your rats go crazy or you can use him in a Alpha type strike with his black staff and finish off masters who still have 6 or 7 Wds and think they are safe. Have fun and enjoy.

  11. I have the avatar and have taken in the last couple off games. however i seem to be having a lot off trouble getting it out. I think it may be due to the way i've been playing hamelin, as i've mainly been using him for hunting down the oppenents master and then beating them stupid with my staff. but i've had trouble getting the spells off at first and then i switched to trying to use my pipes to get a obey kill. however when ever they see me trying to do either out comes the huge cards and i just end up taking the addvantage off them not having any big cards left and then going for the kill next round or whatever. Anyone know off any surefire ways off getting the avatar out early?

  12. the rats suffer from a neg flip when nix has his bubble up. And the big errata has changed heaps of stuff.

    ---------- Post added at 11:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ----------

    And as a general rule in malifaux if you kill the component pieces of your oppenents crew you will greatly increase your chances of winning. Not all crews have them, but some do. Grow crew, Take out nekima or the black blood. Kirai take out the lost love. Hammy, nix and the rat catchers... There are others Levi, the waifs. If you run these crews that have a mechanic then you run the risk of losing the chance to use it.

  13. i have used him quite a few times lately. for starters HT1 models still struggle against him. think some neverborn crews... You can take a HT1 model. Rami? a tot to grow if your going to be lacking some serious up close power or fast objective grabbers. Although the model has to activate within 10 of hammy. But pipers lure is the best. 2 high cards needed a one off your models close to the table edge. cast obey, charge your model (making sure your own model is out off range) and end up 4 inches from the edge, or you can just walk. then cast pipers lure and the big scary 10 point model is toast and you get 2 cards. great for things like line in the sand, Treasure hunt and others where you know something is going to be out near a table edge.

  14. Haha I started this thread ages ago and having just read through it now i can't believe how many different ways people are playing H. I have been using him to beatstick the opponents master the last few games. and its worked great. 1 action to ignor negs and pos. then charge enemy master and pop 9 damage everytime so far. then its finish them off with nix or my spare tot.... i've been taking 2 tots 3 D Mercs and a rat catcher and the wretch sometimes some more rats and i've even taken the brutal eff. the healing flip spell is very usefull. i've had my tot grow to mature every game so far and its worked pretty good all you really need is one 9 of masks and the rest falls into place and the mercs cost the same as rats anyways.

    Its been fun, i'm thinking of trying candy with this list soon without the tots, but even though it may take a while with a mature neph doing its toss aside trigger 2 times i can have him in melee with 3 attacks on the turn i want and he can cover 20inches in the process. might not work everytime but its great to do... I don't really care if its unstylish.:) loving everyones ideas

  15. Unstylish Hamelin lists..... Righto, i played a 35p game with hamelin today, first time with his new rules for my opponent and first time for me with hamelin. We had shared treasure hunt. I took 4 tots, 3 D mercs, one rat catcher, Nix and a wetch. I had so much fun playing against mei fang and von shill. The list went so well. killed the mercs by start off turn 2 and had a mature neph out that turn and he had won me 2 Vp by the next turn. with everything that died around hamelin i had so many rats it was great. I really don't understand how a tot grow list would be Unstylish as due to the way hamelin works i ended up with pretty much all his normal hires anyways. Plus my mature and a young. It was great. The high mask came soon enough. :) then its only a 9 off anything for the second grow.

  16. They go really good together in brawls so i'd say grab both. and the get the ancestors for yan lo, you can use the bigger ones with kirai anyway. Yin goes awesome. For kirai outlay is 2 packs of saishen, At lest one shikomi better with 2. And the lost love. cause then you can turn Izamu into a spirit. Dead rider is good too. But with the those and the the 2 box sets. you will have a good start about the only other thing is punk zombies they always work.... Question, Why don't you think about starting with the good doctor, he is so much fun and realling great to learn with.

  17. Do terror tots not hold any interest for anyone as a mainstay for hamelin. i really want to try this in a 35p game 8 tots. 4 mercs and then see if i can get some to grow. if not. they are still a pretty hard hitting model for 3 ps. with flay on weak dg they do 3 so add some blight tokens from the rats you make from the mercs. they seem to be worth it to me. hard hitting and fast. with df6? yet nonone talks about them

    ---------- Post added at 08:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 PM ----------

    or 6 tots, nix and 3 mercs. that might go better

  18. I just picked up the box set for hamelin and have put him together and read through the cards, then read through the changes to him, which from where i am standing not having ever played him or really played against him (he was seen as dirty in my area) they look like they have made some pretty big changes to his play style. So i'm after everyones thoughts on how the new hamelin should be played.... basic opening moves, Hires and must haves. trickes that did work and will still work and the best schemes to take with him. Thankyou all.....:)

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