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Posts posted by theJudge

  1. Hi,


    Sorry I've been bidding on this and its gone beyond what I'm looking to pay right now.


    Never happy with high prices for limited run models as someone's always trying to make a profit...


    I'm sorry that it's gone beyond what you're willing to pay.  I'm not setting the price, the market is.  It's hard not to make a profit when selling a Miss Step when you consider it was free...

  2. less than £100 you can use chargeback for up to 120 days.


    Which is in 3 days time.


    Well, I always looked at backing this project as a punt.  


    I would prefer to not get anything because the project imploded rather than simply being ripped off but sure.


    From now on I will only ever be backing projects that I believe I can trust and can actually deliver.

  3. Hey,


    I'm looking for the Hoffman box set plus the mechanical attendant.  In return I have the following to offer


    Metal Nico box set primed black

    Grave Spirit (clean but not primed)

    2 x Onryo (clean but not primed)

    Kirai (Just her in baggy)

    blister of Night Terrors


    I also have 1 Miss Pack available.  


    If all else fails I have cash.


    If you're interested get in touch and maybe we can work out a deal.



  4. A similar question came up during a tourney at the weekend. Nekima killed an ice Golem so I grew a young nearby to a mature. My question was does the ice bast hit the young before he matures or after? If it's before potentially the young could die (he was on full wounds as it turned out) and would not mature. If it happens after I can summon into base contact outside the blast area and avoid damage on my mature.



    Large rulebook pg.46. General Timing call out box. Triggers resolve before abilities. If two abilities resolve at the same time then the attackers ability resolves first and then the defenders is resolved.

    The young would grow first and then the mature would take the damage I believe.

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  5. On your first point I need to quote yoda "no, there is another"

    It's sidir.

    Lots of summoned things come in wounded - often quite severely. Since summoned models come in slow, his tactical action (1) empty the magazine with its "cull the weak" trigger on a ram means 4 damage to them. It is perfect of killing spiders.


    Do forget Taelor.  She comes into her own against Summoners even if it is just as a deterrent.


    Doh!!!  Should always read entire thread before replying.

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