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Posts posted by theJudge

  1. I am glad to see someone else has taken the plunge and put McCabes crew on cobble stone bases.

    I want to keep the bases for my factions all relatively similar so I can easily swap models in an out of different crews. My LJ crew are on cobble stone bases but I a was stuggeling with the decision to put McCabe an Co on that style of base as the horse screamed wide open spaces to me. Its a tough choice imo.

  2. I ask because a box of Guild Riflemen arrived on my doorstep yesterday and the strap on one of the rifles was snapped when I took them out of the box (not snapped by me but during packing I am guessing).

    The question is, is it worth reporting? I can cut the strap off entirely but I would prefer if it was there. I could try modelling a new one on bt I doubt I could get it as fine as the original.


  3. So I decided a couple of months ago it was time to get back to mini painting. I used to be a big GW painter/collector/gamer but I was not interested in building a GW army or painting similar models over and over again.

    I discovered Malifaux and Wyrd by chance and I haven't looked back since. I LOVE the new pastics, the design, the fluff, everything.

    My first purchase was the Lady Justice set. It took me a while to build up the courage to actually paint anything but after an 8 year break I finally put brush to mini and here are the results.

    I hope you all like and if you have tips please fire them my way. I am a little rusty after such a long break from the hobby.





  4. I have a Yan Lo and a Lucas McCabe box up on eBay. I bought them in the excitement of the Birthday sale but have sobered up since realizing that by the time I actually get round to assembling & painting them they will be on general sale.

    I have them listed at what they cost me including the shipping charges.

    Lucas - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110994859879?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649

    Yan Lo - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110994865571?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649

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