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Posts posted by Malicte

  1. I'd also like to see Alp heavy play on the table, if someone wants to try it out on Vassal I'd happily play against it.  I've only really had experience playing and playing against Chompy-Dreamer.

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  2. I too have gotten a fair amount of mileage out of Oiran.  +1 WP alone is great if the opponent declares ressers or neverborn.  It's a solid support model that does a lot of things.  It's more mobile than people give it credit for.  It's got Lure.  No, I'm not gonna bring 8 of them in a list but in 10T or Outcasts I never do.

  3. Spirit Yan Lo also intrigues me, but our local Yan Lo player is 10T-focused and not Resser-focused, so he doesn't have the spirits to run.  Anyone interested in a vassal game to try him out?  I'll happily play foil, I'd just like to see him on the field.


    As far as not running Yan Lo (or other masters) as 10T, one thing that hasn't been brought up really here yet is that in addition to the varied models and playstyles, as well as misdirection, 10T have some of the best generic upgrades in Malifaux.  Recalled Training is worth its weight in stones for sure.

  4. Um, no. no it doesn't claim a quarter by itself for reconnoiter. Reconnoiter requires you have more models in the quadrant than your opponent. Awesome as the Mech rider is, it is still only one model. Two witchlings that survive to the end of the turn(as unlikely as that is for witchlings) will take a quadrant in which you have only a mech rider. If you got the construct drop off(and didn't drop an insignificant construct) You have two models, which can take a quadrant, but is by no means guaranteed to. and those constructs come in heavily injured, so are relatively easy to kill off.


    Actually, in my experience, it does.  You're not contesting table quarters turn 1 anyways, and if you've drawn at least one tome (very likely in 12 cards, 14 if you've got arcane reservoir, more if you're stoning and without a 6+ tome I might) it's already 2 models at the end of turn 2.  It's 3 models on turn 3, 4 on turn 4, 5 on turn 5.  No, "it might not get the flip" here.  It only needs a 6.  If the enemy is actively killing off what it summons, it's taking them a lot of AP against df 6, HtK, 2 wound Metal Gamin.  Those AP are being wasted on something you're bringing in as an also ran.  If they're not burning AP on it, then you're sitting on multiple models that really did come, yes, "all by itself".


    So sure, either it's won a corner because they aren't putting AP into fighting it (and by turn 3, unless they're committing more than a third of their crew, you're winning that quarter) or it's tying up a ton of their resources to contest it, they're over committing, and that means that you've drawn enough of their resources that what it's actually done is won you a *different* corner where those resources were otherwise committed.


    As far as actively dealing with Sonnia, she's a lot less threatening in melee and she's actually incredibly fragile.  Howard, Cerberus, Coryphee, Rail Golem, or whichever face beater of choice can deal with her much easier than you'd expect, even with soulstones.  Plus, if you're in her face, she's not doing that whole "I light your whole crew on fire, oh god, the explosions" bit.  And that's generally a good start.

  5. As far as Hanged and immune to Paralyze goes, I'm away from card at the moment but don't the hanged only negate immunity to horror duels, not to paralyze?  So Mei would still take a check, succeed or fail, but it would have no effect because she's immune to paralyze.


    I can't say enough about him, but extra credit for bringing Toshiro against upgrades.  Deny them corpses via summoning your stuff first!

  6. As 10 Thunders I'm just not sure I am super impressed with the Whiskey Golem standing up next to other 10T options.  Izamu is incredibly solid still, but Brewie works by handing out debuffs like it's going out of style, and that allows just about anything to be super effective.


    I actually like the idea of Toshiro + Upgrade with Brewie.  Extra + flips for you stacking with - flips for them is a nasty combination, and it adds a bit of summoning that is always welcome.

  7. Torakage are pretty solid in my experience, but I understand they seem to be a "love them or hate them" sort of unit.


    I like objective runners who do *something* to impact the encounter beyond just running and scheming.  Ashes and Dust qualifies, as does Bishop, just by virtue of having so many AP.


    Other candidates include Oiran, which can pull things out of position, Ronin, who can beat up other objective runners and/or provide extra stones, or Trappers, who can move up flanks while shooting.

  8. Gonna second Enternalvoid's mention of Ama no Zako with Survivalist.  She brings a powerful stable of abilities, and her (0) aura alone can swing games, plus the ability to pop herself back up.  Very effective.


    Mostly though, go with what you think sounds the most fun.  I like Ama for that as well, since she does so much and can play in many different ways, but I think Rusty is a competitor there too.

  9. Viktoria of Blood.  Vanessa, Lazarus (move and then Auto Fire is filthy), Bishop (because 4 AP is great), or really anybody who benefits from an extra AP, which is just about any outcast hitter.  Killjoy would be fine with it as well.


    Really your best mileage is either on a unit whose AP are very valuable (so, for example, any of these expensive hitters) or on a model where an extra AP would grant something they normally don't have, such as Lazarus or Von Schill, allowing them to reposition before unloading.

  10. the problem is the auto trigger mechanic past certain turn for abilities that are heavily game altering that your opponent has no chance to thwart (forcing 2ndery test) ~ example bad juju paralyze trigger or dead rider horror test. Being able to place 1 scheme marker is huge from an attack, but placing 2 is auto win on many schemes giving auto 3 vp


    Even though I'm in favor of the model being toned down, this is overstating it.  Placing 2 scheme markers is hardly an auto win on schemes.  On some schemes (Plant Explosive, Spring the Trap) it can be close to 3 automatic VP if late enough in a turn, but for most schemes it's not automatic points, just "very very good".

  11. To say it brings things in "Mostly Dead" is I think a bit misleading.  Yeah, it may bring in models at low wounds, but if it's bringing in Metal Gamin (which seem to be the general purpose summon of choice) it's bringing in a decent Df model with 2 wounds and hard to kill.  This is likely to take 2-3 AP to drop.  This can still (potentially) be a liability in Reckoning, but outside of that it's likely to do nothing but help.


    To say that the attacks belong on a 5-6 stone model without the triggers is also fairly misleading.  That's a true statement.  However,the fact is they *do* have the triggers to do that.  There were a number of games at Adepticon I both played in or watched the end of (Viks make for fast rounds...) wherein a player straight up could not afford to be hit by the Mech Rider, or give up points because of the scheme markers.  At that point it doesn't really matter how much damage it's doing.


    (I do agree that I bring this model in about 75% of games with the Arc and 95% of games with levi)  The one big cuddle that would be easy to make is give the summoned models the Peon Characteristic if anything changes.


    I like this suggestion.  Alternatively, bringing the models in at 1 wound remaining would circumvent the issue where everything summoned has hard to kill.

  13. I played outcasts at Adepticon, but Archmage from my local meta played Arcanists and took Mech Rider every game.  Every single one of my arcanist opponents this weekend either took Mech Rider or specifically mentioned that they wish they had, after the game.  


    It's just *not* going to die on the first turn unless something very bizarre has happened, and if that's the case it seems highly likely that your opponent has overextended themselves.  If it's died early in turn two before it can drop a metal gamin, then once again, your opponent has probably overextended themselves.  Dropping even a wounded metal gamin is still almost certainly going to take at least 2 AP to remove, and that's like pulling 3-4 stones off the Mech Rider's cost.  For every turn it lives afterward, it's dropping another significant activation on the board for you, no need for scrap or setup of any kind.  As mentioned above, flipping or cheating the card necessary is likely possible on turn 2 and nearly assured on every remaining turn.


    The thing that became apparent at adepticon, however, was how immediately applicable to almost every scheme pool the rider was.  That's really the issue at hand that Icemyn, TheGodlyness, Archmage, and others we discussed with agreed upon.  There was never a time the Mech Rider was a sub-optimal choice all weekend.  It came down to:


    Are you playing Arcanists/Leveticus?  Are there at least 12 stones in your hiring pool?  Bring Mech Rider.  Period, no conditions or questions.


    The fact that there was literally no situation in which those 12 stones could be better spent tells me the model is a little over the top.

  14. I've found myself with some time tomorrow afternoon for me, but it syncs up nicely with UK evening, and I'm hoping to find a VASSAL game sometime in that period.

    I'm interested in a friendly game trying a crew I've never played before rather than something hardcore and competitive. If anyone's interested, let me know either here or via PM and we can figure out skype and such.

  15. I've been running Bishop a lot with Oathkeeper (as outcasts) or either of the resser "auras". He is an absolute beast. 4 AP with AP multipliers available like Charge and Flurry is just a phenomenal amount of power, and his choice of triggers and ability to paralyze allows him a significant amount of control, too. Can't recommend him highly enough.

  16. 1. We've been regularly playing 50ss, as it was the supposed "balance point".

    2. Having said that, I would prefer something like 40/41/45 stones for a competitive game. My finding at 50 is that, more or less regardless of crew and strategy, I get everything I want. No real hard decisions to be made.

    3. As to why that lower soulstone size, I find that at 50, as Tara (who I've been primarily playing since gencon), I can easily fit Tara, the upgrades I want, two death marshalls, two hittes, and 2-3 objective grabbers. This leaves me with "extra" units, usually those objective grabbers, that are just kind of "thrown in" without necessity, but just to fill out points and make things a little easier. If we toned that number down 5-10 stones, those units would have to be left out, meaning my units in game would have to make tougher decisions during play to cover multiple bases, not just before play when hiring. I think this makes the game more interesting competitively.

    4. I think after 25 stone demos, 50 is the best point for new players. It lets them not have to worry about making those tough decisions at first, and instead work with every tool they might want at their disposal.

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