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Posts posted by Droachmega

  1. Adepticon going to a bigger place probably wont happen soon. The Westin is tight but its basically all they got in the area. Its basically a big step up financially to get to a bigger place without relocating the con significantly.

    As far as all night play. We had one valiant and crazy person to run all night the first year we did it but its really a shitty shift for most people. In theory all night is great, except that you end up sitting around for hours in the middle bored out of your mind.

    I'm aware as I am friends with those that ran the late shift last year.
  2. It was completely my choice to build that board over painting a newer crew and, I really enjoyed it. I heard several complaints about terrain as well and, just wanted to help you inform everyone about the amount of work that goes into filling a room with the amount of terrain that Malifaux requires. I'm just glad I don't have to build any for a Infinity room!

  3. I agree whole heartedly with your thoughts on terrain. While I know my terraclips boards might not have been ideal for all of the unique scenarios, I brought them with the intent of providing a unique gaming experience. Also, terrain building can be time consuming and, easily overlooked. I know I personally chose building the dead forest board over painting my new Latigo crew, leaving me with no models I could comfortably enter into the painting contest. Just wait until we have twice as much space to fill with terrain next year(unofficial), haha! Time to start building now!

  4. I use the peacekeeper in a lot of my guild crews. He can move fast, use arachnid to ignore most terrain, use his harpoon to yank models around and I love using any model that has paired weapons. I should note that I don't even own Hoffman.

    The warden is starting to become a regular in my crews as well. The executioner and austringer are used regularly as well.

    The only problem I find with models like the peacekeeper, warden and pale rider are that they become big targets and usually won't last too long making most people questions spend that many stones on them(aside from the warden only being 5 ss).

  5. With Lucas's "in the thick of it" buff I am reading it as once your engaged with more than one enemy in melee you gain +1 Df for every model engaged with you. The discrepancy with the player in last nights games was that he thought the first enemy engaged with Lucas does not count towards the + Df. For those who do not have his card I will write out the wording: This model receives +1 Df per enemy model engaged with it after the first, up to +3 Df.

  6. The problem I run into is not so much the models worth, but how big a target they are. A lot of my good mid ss choices always draw attention and usually get taken out quickly making them seem like they are not worth the ss cost. For example, the warden(5 ss) has a somewhat easy to get off paralyze trigger, thus making him a big target and taken out quickly.

  7. That looks really good, what colours did you paint the horse's flesh?

    Baby poop secrete weapon wash highlighted with moldy flesh and aged bone from reaper.

    ---------- Post added at 09:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------

    Looking nice, love the purple. Would love to see his face though, it's obscured in both pics.


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