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Everything posted by GMort

  1. I've added comparison pictures of this version and the 'standard' version (courtesy of Sean from the Wyrd Place Facebook group) to the unboxing article for those who were asking about such things... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/unboxing-malifaux-hannah-friekorps.html
  2. I got mine as part of the Kickstarter pledge with the Through the Breach RPG so there are a lot more of them around currently. Quite a lot of people are selling the extra bits and pieces from their own pledges so for a while they may be easier to come across... ...in theory at least...
  3. Not exactly a new model but some of you may have got one as part of your Through the Breach Kickstarter or just be curious about whether it's worth the price on ebay, lol. http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/unboxing-malifaux-miss-terious.html
  4. Roleand - Agreed. It would be nice at the very least if they were available to download from somewhere.
  5. I wasn't sure whether to put this in the Resurrectionist or Outcasts sections...I cheated and put it in both, lol. An Unboxing feature on Wyrd Games Malifaux 'Hanging Trees'... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/unboxing-malifaux-hanging-trees.html
  6. I wasn't sure whether to put this in the Resurrectionist or Outcasts sections...I cheated and put it in both, lol. An Unboxing feature on Wyrd Games Malifaux 'Hanging Trees'... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/unboxing-malifaux-hanging-trees.html
  7. A feature on the Through the Breach 'Multi-Part' minis... Sprue pics and scale comparison pictures within. http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/unboxing-malifaux-multi-part-minis.html
  8. An unboxing and assembly guide for the version of Hannah, Friekorps Archivist that comes with the Through the Breach Kickstarter... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/unboxing-malifaux-hannah-friekorps.html
  9. Some-one is claiming on some of the groups that they were told at the Wyrd Games stand at Gen Con that there were the following errors in the book... Blessed of December should be 9 stones Mister Tannen should be 6 The Dreamer should have a cache of 2 No official confirmation yet though.
  10. Day three can be found at the following link http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/malifaux-at-gencon-2014-day-three-round.html Also there was some Hamelin art in a Wyrd Chronicles that shows some more interesting aspects of the model if the 'summoning' part of the picture is included with the model that is...
  11. I've been compiling the various artwork, sprue pictures and assembled Malifaux models that various people have been showing off at Gen Con this year into convenient 'round-up' posts on my blog. Day four..... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/malifaux-at-gencon-day-four-round-up.html ...and in case you missed them... Day Three can be found here... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/malifaux-at-gencon-2014-day-three-round.html Day one can be found at the following link... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/malifaux-at-gen-con-2014-round-up.html Day two can be found at this one... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/malifaux-at-gen-con-2014-day-2-round-up.html
  12. If any of you guys have altered the models to make them work and have pictures of them with the improvements showing (so green stuff still showing rather than painted over) then I'd like to see them with a view to adding them to the unboxing article in the 'assembly tips' sections. I'll also be adding some of the more constructive comments relating to problems as well as soon as I'm back from holiday.
  13. Daemonkin - Yes you could swap the heads fairly easily as they're separate (though the one is in two halves). The neck joint would need a bit of filing and some green stuff work though.
  14. Nighthater - The models are (in most cases) basecoated, washed and highlighted but the highlights don't seem to show up on the photos for some reason.
  15. Swings and roundabouts with this one. I'm happy with the Witchling Stalkers and the fire effects but I'm not very happy with Sonnia...the pictures show up a lot of little issues that I didn't notice at first...I'll need to do a bit more work on her later in the week... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/crew-week-project-sonnia-criids-torch.html
  16. Linus McMold - Kaeris picture added.
  17. If any-one wishes to make a comment in the actual articles comment section then I'll happily include other peoples feedback and experiences in the features as different people are obviously going to have their own experiences with the models (both good and bad).
  18. Mechanical Rider, Desolation Engine, Desolation Engine gif and a McTavish picture that appeared in a trade magazine now added to the post for those of you who may have missed any of them... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/new-malifaux-artwork-previews.html
  19. Darguth - They're extremely well detailed models...it's just a shame that there aren't any vehicles... ...hopefully that's going to actually be 'there aren't any vehicles...YET'...I need them to do an APC, lol.
  20. MasterDisaster - I mention it in the article Lupercal - It's only a vague resemblance but the overall 'look' is definitely there in my opinion.
  21. My plan for the post was to update it with any new pictures and then re-post it each day so it was at the top of my post list and then it occurred to me that the same post with only one or two new pictures in it constantly appearing might get a bit irritating. I'm still updating it with the new pictures, I'm just not re-posting it daily.... I doubt anything new will appear till this evening now but in case you missed anything here's a link to the updated post as of the 'Not Rafkin' and 'Rooster Rider' reveals. http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/new-malifaux-artwork-previews.html
  22. Bengt - Not sure exactly what type of plastic it is but mine held the paint just fine.
  23. Nighthater - I'm giving them a highlight this weekend to lighten them up a bit. I'll post pictures when I'm done.
  24. Kadeton - I'm going to glue mine in a particular pose rather than leaving it pose-able and hopefully the paint will stick to those cables... ...I have faith
  25. MasterDisaster - They are excellent models.
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