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Everything posted by GMort

  1. An unboxing and review of the new Wong 'Explosive Solutions' starter set... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/unboxing-malifaux-wongs-explosive.html
  2. Well that article certainly created an interesting debate... Usually all I get is three people saying "thanks for the assembly guide", lol.
  3. An unboxing and review of the Shenlong starter set... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/unboxing-malifaux-shenlongs-temple-of.html
  4. An unboxing and review of the new Jack Daw starter set... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/unboxing-malifaux-jack-daws-guilty-as.html
  5. It's just because I left a tiny bit of sprue on the chin that I didn't notice till I took the pictures and it makes the mouth look odd as it seems to be going off at a weird angle. It's actually an exceptionally detailed model.
  6. An unboxing and review of the new Ulix starter set... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/unboxing-malifaux-ulixs-hog-wild.html
  7. An unboxing and review of the Kaeris 'Burning Revelation' starter set. http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/unboxing-malifaux-kaeriss-burning.html
  8. An unboxing and review of the new plastic version of the Peacekeeper... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/unboxing-malifaux-m2e-peacekeeper.html
  9. An unboxing and review of the new plastic 'Widow Weaver' including comparison pictures between the old and new versions... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/unboxing-malifaux-m2e-widow-weaver.html
  10. An unboxing and review of the M2E Necropunks... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/unboxing-malifaux-m2e-necropunks.html
  11. An unboxing and review of the M2E version of the Mechanical Rider... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/unboxing-malifaux-m2e-mechanical-rider.html
  12. Yes...it's not complete though I'm afraid... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/unboxing-guild-ball-union.html
  13. That is true. The whole set has a very nice aesthetic to it.
  14. An unboxing and review of the Collodi starter set. I've tweaked the format slightly. The group picture is by the box contents breakdown at the top and I've added a background section on the master as well. I've also brightened the pics for those of you who found the last few a bit dark... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/unboxing-malifaux-collodis-master-of.html
  15. Your welcome...and yes...the pictures have come out a little dark. My daylight lamp may need some new bulbs...
  16. An Unboxing and review of the Ironsides 'Troubleshooters' Starter Box... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/unboxing-malifaux-ironsides.html
  17. Not quite as exciting as all the Malifaux related Gen Con previews but here's an unboxing of the recently released Johan model for the Outcast faction... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/unboxing-malifaux-johan.html
  18. An unboxing and review of the new Tara 'Herald of Obliteration' starter box... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/unboxing-malifaux-taras-herald-of.html
  19. An unboxing and review of the new Tara 'Herald of Obliteration' starter box... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/unboxing-malifaux-taras-herald-of.html
  20. An unboxing of the Molly Squidpiddge starter set... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/unboxing-malifaux-mollys-take-back.html
  21. An unboxing and review for Wyrd Games latest edition to the Ten Thunders faction in Malifaux...The Brewmaster... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/unboxing-malifaux-brewmasters-closing.html
  22. An unboxing and review for Wyrd Games latest edition to the Gremlin faction in Malifaux...The Brewmaster... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/unboxing-malifaux-brewmasters-closing.html
  23. An unboxing and review of the new Aliens Vs Predator game from Prodos Games... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/avp-hunt-begins-unboxing-and-review.html There's just over a hundred pictures in the review covering pretty much everything but here's a few highlights...
  24. These are currently my favourites of the Guild Ball teams...the Morticians... http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/unboxing-guild-ball-morticians-guild.html
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