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Posts posted by AcesHigh

  1. Lord Z.. Malifaux drying up in the Omaha area? Has Aceshigh approved this message?!? What is wrong with you people!!!!

    AcesHigh does not approve that message. Things always slow down this time of year. I don't think a few slow weeks in December is the death of a gaming group. We do need some new blood, since many of the younger players are now finding themselves with work commitments on Saturday mornings. I do think we need to do some active recruiting again. We've had several people poke their heads in and ask what we're playing, only to recieve a 1 word answer. I'm as guilty as anyone, but we really need to do something about the cold shoulder nature of some of our group. Maybe we need to find a better way to advertise as well. It seems that we game in a dark scary corner of the store, with little to no indication that the room is open to the public. Perhaps a big sign that says something like "Game room. Come and play" would help. I don't know. But we still have the same core of players we've had for 2 years with an newer player or 2. We've lost some of the newer additions to the group, and I think that is on us. We need to be more outgoing. It probably wouldn't hurt to bring some of them in on our other game nights, Maybe find an open day at the lair and start getting people in for hobby nights where we paint and build terrain. Just some thoughts.

    I know you're a rezzer, and you thrive in doom and gloom, but maybe we ought to try to be a bit more positive, eh?

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