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Posts posted by dexefiend

  1. For me, it all comes down to the economics.


    Avatars are an upgrade that costs soulstones, but since upgrades are also limited to three it costs one slot. In order to take that upgrade it has to be worth the actual cost of soulstones plus the opportunity cost of not being able to take something else.


    Some masters, like Tara, only really have 2 upgrade spots due to how important some of there upgrades are. Therefore, those avatars better bring a lot of utility to justify taking up half of the remaining slots. Tara's latest one effectively competes with Dead of Winter, so it definitely is a useful option. I actually think Tara's is one of the best because it hits so many bases.


    So, you have to keep the two costs in your head at all times. Second, as Justin said, some cards are strong to start, while others are strong only after manifesting. To me, it means for the same power of upgrade, you can play with the strength of the Manifest event and the SS cost to bring everything in line.



    That is why I think it is possible for everyone to be happy overall.


    Let me rephrase that:

    That is why I think it is possible for everyone to be happy some of the time. We will never get all the people happy all the time.


    Now my avatar Sonnia opinion: Why can't she just have the best Avatar? That model deserves it.

  2. Thats the real difference I saw this year. I saw hordes of consternation when there was late rules changes and angst about the running of it, etc... I remember last year Raoul and I slapped together a decent combo, tested it against John and Paul for a quick test at the Wandering Dragon, and then won the tourney because we "chose well". (While drinking 1.5 bottles of whiskey)

    No one gave us any grief the whole day and it was my most fun time I have had in a Malifaux tourney for the good nature of our opponents.


    I also remember the first year of the cake tourney where we proudly still own the first "Master of Cakes" plaque but had to listen to another team pat themselves on the back for having beaten my 10 year old son in the individual games during the same tourney on their way to the "other" (see: lesser) plaque for cake.


    This game is NOT MEANT FOR TEAM PLAY. It was said MANY TIMES in the earliest of the betas... Get over it... 


    Team play is a great opportunity for 4 people to have a fun time together and if you have more expectations than that, they get over yourself.

    Yeah, It is great fun. Treat it as such!


    I was on the team you guys played in the last game of the team tournament last year (Perdita + Viks w/ Von Schill). After carefully metering my intake for the whole day, you guys shared with me a 4oz glass and it definitely pushed me over the line!


    Your combo was great, we saw it and we didn't complain about it. We simply said, "Darn it! Why didn't we think of that!" The team tournament is just a fun venue of saying, "wouldn't it be great if..." My friend and I had a great time in every single team game, and it was really an amazing day.


    So thanks for the great game last year, bro!

  3. Speed Painting is Fun!

    Avatar Sonnia and 75% of 3 Witchling Stalkers and a Drill Sergeant in 3 hours.



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    Good enough to count as fully painted for tomorrow's league game:


  4. I got my aSonnia, aJustice, Hoffman box, Peacekeeper, Drill Sergeant and 3 more Witchlings today! It takes a long time to assemble aSonnia! I did get the rest of them cleaned and ready for mold line removal.

    So much to do! Drill Sergeant looks like he brings a lot of utility to the Guardsman gun line.

  5. EKudhl.jpg

    This is a work-in-progress shot.

    I started by priming black using Vallejo Black primer, then I used Vallejo Grey primer spraying only from above and areas that I wanted a little brighter.

    Then, I sprayed the reds and browns. I knew I was going to have grey pants, and grey covers red rather well. Therefore, I wasn't concerned about over spray.

    This picture is after the first coat of reds and browns, there has been no shading yet.

    Total time spent by the time this picture was taken was about 3 hours.

    After this, its painting greys and flesh with a brush. Shading, washing, and then detail painting.

    I consider this level of painting tabletop standard, and is as good as I usually go. I probably averaged out 40 minutes per model for this batch.

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    ---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 PM ----------

    I still need to varnish, and matte varnish... However, I will consider this portion MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

  6. I primed these on Sunday, and I am trying to get done by Sunday!

    (Except the Ryle, I painted him a couple months ago.)





    I have Riflemen, McCabe box, Hoffman box, Peacekeeper, Sonnia Avatar, Justice Avatar, Student of Conflict and Jack Daw on the way. (Jack Daw is for Leveticus.) So, they are for next week!

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