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Posts posted by Addonexus

  1. Hmmm well if taken in English within range of something means within range of that item... this would not include the item itself as it is the target of the statement...

    and by going by the definition of within as given in the rules again I don't see how the target includes itself... except by some really tenuous interpretation...

    but maybe this is how it is intended but I saw it more like a 3" pulse type thing which usually doesn't include the originator itself... I know it doesn't say pulse but to me that's how it reads...

    Does X to models within 3" of target / does X in 3" pulse

    not dissimilar in effect just different wording... the only question is does it include the model itself? if so then why doesn't it say The target and models within 3" of it must make a DF test?

  2. Models within 3" of target enemy model must win a Df-> 13 Duel or be Pushed 4" away from this model.

    Well as this rule appears to be written in English it clearly states Models within 3" of the target model must make a DF test... this does not imply in any way that the target model should make a test or is indeed affected by it at all but those within 3" of it.

    I don't see how anyone can interpret the words in any other way...

  3. But his puppets are made of wood and metal... so how could he make a new wooden puppet out of skin and bone?

    even in the fluff he doesn't make the puppets from dead children... he just transfers their souls into the puppets... he is after all giving them eternal life and a rotted corpse will rot away a lot sooner than a piece of crafted wood... so not very eternal...

  4. Just use common sense... the figure itself without the base can fir through the door (in the case of the ones on 30mm) the base just represents their 'personal space' not their physical space.

    The rule about fitting through gaps isn't aimed at building doors and making 30mm wide doors is unrealistic for scale purposes... (every building with doors the size of garage doors? I don't think so...)

    The rule about fitting through gaps is obviously designed at gaps between terrain and or models... not doors into buildings...

    I would house rule it based on model size rather than base size... for example Teddy on 50mm obviously wouldn't fit through a regular sized door he must be 10ft tall and about 6ft wide but the Coryphee duet on 50mm are two regular sized mannequins so they would just single file through the door...

    It's not breaking the rules to allow them to use the door just common sense... use it!

  5. yeah you are right about the Oyabun bit but I think they are a mix of all of them I just see more Triad style to them especially with their western members... but I guess we see bits of all of them depending on what we are looking for...

    but you are right until we see more background for them it's hard to tell...

  6. Asian crime syndicates did have European members and leaders especially in China the Tai Pan's imported Opium into China illegally and formed the triad doing this... this is how Hong Kong originated as the English Tai-Pan's bought the barren island from China for something like £12 and quickly formed a port and town from which to carry out their nefarious operations.

    The first ever drug wars where between Great Britain and China who forced opium upon the chinese in exchange for tea...

    so yes there were many European criminals heading gangs in China at least in the illegal import of opium...

    ---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

    And why do people keep likening them to Yakuza? they are more like the Triad or Tong than the Yakuza....

  7. Just a question/clarification on the link ability...

    if say an essence of power is linked to Rasputina and Rasputina takes a walk action the essence of power moves into base to base contact with her correct?

    But what if Rasputina is pushed say 4" by some other effect... I understand the essence of power stays where it is...

    however for link it says the essence of power moves into base to base contact whenever Rasputina takes a walk move or ends her activation.

    does this mean that say Rasputina is pushed 4" by some effect and then she activates and decides to cast 3 spells instead of moving that when she ends her activation the essence of power moves into base to base contact with her?

  8. Hi I'm looking at beginning a Collodi crew... I've ordered the box set and some stitched together and a weaver widow... I already have Zoraida and some Wicked dolls too should I decide to Henchman Collodi to her in some games.

    anyway my reason for posting is that I've read his and his marionettes rules and various posts on here about how he moves across the board etc.

    And if I have understood it right you move a marionette 5" for one action and then move a further 3" with pull strings (the 8" max you can move away from Collodi) which brings him into base contact with the Marionette.

    Now you then activate the next marionette and use the retract ability to move to base contact with Collodi and repeat the above...

    OK my question is that when this second movement is executed...this leaves the first marionette 8" behind Collodi and the rest of the mob and if a further move is made using another marionette this first marionette is now 16" behind... is this correct?

    does the first marionette get left behind like this? and indeed the 2nd and 3rd if all are used for movement?

    or am I missing something?

    it seems correct but in all the guides I've read it never mentions that these marionettes are left behind and in fact many lead me to believe the marionettes are somehow with Collodi in a large group...

  9. hi, thanks for the info :)

    we don't often play multi-player games but occasionally we like to have one big game with everyone taking part in the same battle... it's a fun experience and a good excuse to forge alliances and taunt ones enemies whilst partaking of some ale lol

    Some of my group have been to Derby Wargames actually, so I'll see if they are up for popping along and maybe we will join in the tournament...

    need to get the rules and figures first though...will order some this week...

    cheers guys...

  10. hmmmm I thought I replied to you Edonil... but I dunno where my post went lol...

    anyway our group is used to complicated games from 40k we usually play 3 x 3 with the 7th player playing a Tyranid invasion... always a fun game...

    but we will play 1 v 1 until we get used to the game anyway...

    cheers for the info :)

  11. Ah ha! thanks guys for the quick responses and for answering my questions...

    I will get the v1.5 and the smaller book too then...I love fluff in games it makes it more interesting I think :) and it always helps to have a second rule book when playing.

    There are seven of us in our gaming group so will be plenty of opponents :)

    I think I will get a Rasputina and maybe also a Lady Justice too (I like those death Marshall's).

    one more question... does the game play well in mass battles? as in 2 v 2 or 3 v 3? or is it best played 1 v 1?


  12. Hi all,

    I've been looking at starting to play Malifaux and have been looking at the miniatures and rules on various distributor sites...

    I have a few questions...

    1) what is the difference between the 'Malifaux Core Rulebook', 'Malifaux v1.5' and the 'Malifaux Rules Manual' other than cost? which rule book do I need and should get?

    2) I have seen people talking about book 4...what is book 4?

    3)What is a good crew to begin the game with as a novice? I quite like the look of the Rasputina model but is she easy to play strategy wise for a beginner?

    4) The terraclips scenery do terraclips come in the scenery sets or do you also have to buy the terraclips connector combo pack?

    I think that's it for now...I'm sure I'll have more questions at a later date...

    Thanks in advance for your answers...

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