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Posts posted by kastkreations

  1. Found a cool shaped rock outside and made a simple mold of it. Then first cast it in regular resin, painted it and didn't like it at all. Then cast it in clear resin, it turned out awesome, I was very impressed.


    Then I picked up some wood bits to turn into the trophy itself.


    After some paint, some texture, a light stain and a plaque.


  2. Thanks everyone for all your kind words! Still doing so much work. Just got some paint on my kaeris model. take a look


    I really like the way she looks on one of my bases.

    Also got some paint on those Soul Stone Miner tokens.




    and last picture of the night, Was checking out Michaels today and found these awesome boxes today 70% off! Totally picked one up as my crew carry case.


    Best part is with some slight trimming the Battle Foam inserts fit great, AND all 4 books, stat cards and fate decks can be rigged to the inside top of the box leaving the rest of the box open for models. I'll be taking some picture of that build tomorrow.

    ---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 AM ----------

    I am currently looking for some bases for Ramos/Levi when i get around to it and would be interested in some of yours if you were to post a link when you manage to get around to selling them? :) (Live in the UK though not sure if that would be an issue)

    I'd be more then happy to get you some of my bases Ozz. Shipping over seas can be a pain but I'm not too worried, we will figure it out when the time comes. Feel free to check out my blog in the mean time. www.kastkreations.blogspot.com

  3. Wow! Very creative. I'm in the process now of coming up with some of my own markers to use. I love how much extra flavor it will give the game table.

    Your custom bases in particular came out incredibly! Bases can add so much character to a model, and to have made your own is awesome. They look professional!

    Welcome to the boards, and keep up the good work! I'm sure everyone here will love to see what you've been working on.

    Thanks so much, basing is one of my favorite parts of working with miniatures. I hope to have these bases and more available on my blog for sale in the near future if you or anyone else would be interested in them.

    ---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ----------

    Great looking stuff.....as said, awesome resin casts.

    On your photobucket acct, I love the Steamborg's hat!!

    Haha yeah I should really post that stuff on here too huh? Lol I wonder if I can get a mod to change the title of my post

  4. Wow...

    You got an amazing cast on the clock parts, do you cast under pressure or are these just poured resin? Also what resin are you using as I have tried home casting but never get results like that.



    No pressure chamber, done all with just poured resin. I use Alumilite products, but that has little to so with air bubbles, I've used other kinds with no issue. The secret is baby powder. If you dust some baby powder in the mold then brush the extra out leaving a slight film of powder it breaks the surface tention between the mold and the resin. Try it out, it'll work wonders.

  5. Hey everyone. This is my first post but my local henchmen told me I should come on and check the forums. I figured the best way to say hello is to display some stuff I am working on. First up I'd like to get your thoughts on some scrap counters I am working on.


    I bought an extra Soulstone Miner and was able to cut him up and turn him into six different counters.



    Four scrap counters, and 2 burrow markers.


    Next, I liked the bases that Wyrd makes, but none of them screamed Ramos, so I decided to create my own, started with some watch parts, cast them in resin, then inserted them into a base, and created five different awesome bases that I could create as many as I'd like.


    Let me know what you all think. Thanks!!!


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