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Posts posted by Bazooka

  1. Also how about this Nythera bit ?

    Playing Campaign Games During The Event
    If your group chooses to run a Campaign during this Event, use a modified version of the Campaign Rules
    found in Shifting Loyalties. Running the Campaign is up to you and your group, but you must use a
    version of the rules found in Shifting Loyalties (optional rules are up to you, except for the few
    modifications listed here).
    When playing a Campaign Game, the Weekly Event will be determined by the Wyrd Staff and posted
    each week in the Event Discussion thread on the Wyrd Forums. This Weekly Event will be in effect for
    every Campaign Game that week.
    When playing a Campaign game as a part of the Event, determine an Attacker and Defender and select a
    Territory to fight over exactly as described in the previous sections with the exception that if a player
    loses (or ties) the game, that player still gains 0.5 LP for their Faction in that Territory. This represents
    the Faction learning the terrain as they advance through the Campaign.

  2. I didnt used to think I had an aversion until I tried to win with a Leveticus Rider crew and only 35 SS ... yah I know that feel bro :1_Exhausted_Puppet:

    So nope dont think you're wrong in feeling that way.

    Regarding ressers , I play Kirai and she's the original girl who knows how to shop and loves her bargains(summoning and activations!). The most expensive thing she would start with that wasn't summoned would have been Datsueba. I would totally feel inefficient if I actually started the game with a Shikome,say. I even managed to resist the urge for Jack Daw and Dead Rider for awhile!

    But then this guy named Izamu happened...

  3. I use the box set (26 stones?) to help demo the game to people that are new to malifaux and wargaming in general. I was amazed how well the crew does in the hands of novices when you give them the simple directives of "don't cluster but stay close enough together to shoot the same thing and trust in VonHogan and his stones to meet the objectives"

    I think this is a crew that doesn't necessarily gain in scaling up/redundancy(allowing your opponent to get complex) but definitely performs well with K.i.S.S. tactics if the scale is kept "low".

  4. I used Monster's Inc as my reference for my Dreamer crew. Greenstuffed hair for the Dreamer/Boo and painted "Raise the Roof " Chompy as Sully(teal and purple polka dots). This was before the official Daydreams minis were released so used a prepainted plastic toy found in a gumball machine that looked like Mike Wozowski. I enjoyed painting the whole crew box.

    I hated assembling Hooded Rider but thoroughly enjoyed painting him. I almost couldnt stop painting this model as every anatomy reference would inspire me to add a little something to each sinew and piece of exposed flesh.

  5. Although I like the sculpt of Marcus from the box set better than the alternate.I intend to use the upper half of the alt sculpt to convert/scratchbuild an avatar since I dont like the current "pensive centaur with a stick and his pet rock"

    I'm going to have to also recommend against buying the boxed set for many of the reasons cited most importantly, obsolescence for the game.

    Definitely still buy the box if you just want to paint and hobby these models cause they are still excellent. Myranda was "indefinitely borrowed" from my collection by a particularly rabid SavageWorlds RPGer for example...

  6. If it dont fit, you must aquit!

    Or be able to break terrain easily like Simulacrum. Although this is fun it slows down the game considerably in terms of getting your Strategy/Schemes done in time.

    Be sure you agree with your opponent beforehand on the terrain to avoid all possible butthurtz

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