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Posts posted by LouisXIV

  1. Strategy against Pandora? Immune to Influence. C. Hoffman and a pair of Hunters will put her on the defensive. Good Pandora players play passive-aggressively, focusing on their Strategies and Schemes and really don't pursue confrontation outside of Kidnap and other assassination-style objectives - rather than merely defend, they goad you into being aggressive and punish sloppy plays or bad luck. The Hoff and his constructs manage to disregard Pandora's best tricks just enough for you to put her on the defensive by making that attack without Pandora being able to punish you. While you force Pandora's crew to play defensively, which they aren't very good at, you can use your Watchers and your Pale/Mechanical Rider to complete objectives while you continue to siege her crew, pinning them in place while they defend her.

    EDIT: Let me be more specific. Using chain spears on the Hunter pair, pull her away from her crew. The hunter pair is crucial for forcing her to either stay put and let you dominate the board, or move closer to you and let you close into The Box Opens range quickly and with impunity, without allowing her to Expose Fears or slip away with Fading Memories or Martyr'ing a cheap woe. The Hunters present an ultimatum - sacrifice your mobility, or give me a free ride into your blind spot.

    It certainly would :) But Lady J doesn't tend to last so long against Pandora anyway.. :(

    Lady J takes some more thought against Pandora. It's not a terrible match-up by any means, but it requires a fair bit more thought than Criid's anti-magic or C.Hoffman's constructs. If there was some way to treat Pandora as Undead, the death marshalls and friends could benefit from Fear Not Death's +2 Wp... sadly I can't think of a way. The actual Death Marshalls themselves are a poor choice. Much like Governor's Proxy, Pine Box is too unreliable and will screw you over big time when it eventually fails.

    Ryle is risky, and you need to feed him something very quickly or he becomes a huge liability. Once Destructive Impulse is satisfied, he can blitz Pandora and exert tons of pressure on her, giving you plenty of room to breathe and dictate the game's tempo.

    Guild Guard Captain is terrific for any Guild master here, especially with Ortega and Austringer support. Frightening Authority lets you keep your heavy hitters safe without burning through your control hand.

  2. Assimilating Final Moments is wasteful. Feedback heals you for 1 Wd every time the Pale Rider heals 2 Wd off a Final Moments strike, so you're wasting it just to get 1 more wound healed, when you could easily just assimilate the healing flip off a Guardian, or an offensive ability that directly helps you win more. It's not like The Hoff has a shortage of construct buddies to heal vicariously off of with feedback...

  3. Pale Rider and an Austringer. I wish Pale Rider had been out when I started Guild; initially I added Nino and an Austringer and I felt the extra 2 ss/totem was unnecessary. In addition to ranged support, Pale Rider has the added advantage of presenting another serious threat for your opponent to handle as Lady J vaults across the field.

  4. It isn't worth assimilating this ability, it ceases to be at all useful until stage 3 - Hoffman can't get armor buffs outside Protected by Machines.

    All of Pale Rider's other assimilable tricks reference his weapon or Chasing Death except Mounted Fusillade, which doesn't work because The Hoff has -- for charge distance, so as funny as it would be to reach out and torch someone you can't even perform the ability without a charge distance. So there really is nothing on Pale Rider that you can gain any benefit by assimilating, though he's still a great addition to your crew.

  5. I'm not asking about Brawls.

    Thanks; I was trying to add him and his starter box onto most of my C.Hoffman crew without having to start an Outcasts collection based on a redacted sentence in an outmoded rulebook that I was unaware had been changed when I purchased more figures - the question was 100% answered. Thank you for the crew creator and scrap/corpse tokens.

  6. To quote the mythbusters... Well, there's your problem right there.

    If you're referencing Book 1 (the big book of outdated rules) then it explains some of your confusion.

    As was mentioned above this was clarified/changed with the smaller Rules Manual.

    As to the crew creater, it is not imperfect but it is 99.9999...% correct. And when it isn't just drop Ratty a note and he'll fix it (assuming it needs to be fixed that is) Just one of the reasons I like this game and the community surrounding it.

    Not the answer I want to hear, but the only correct one. Ausplosions, thank you too, but you are technically asking I buy the same book twice - no need to SHOUT or make demands, I've been corrected, thank you.

    So I have to buy a 4th rulebook, and I just got a starter box and Desolation Engine for a faction I have zero interest in, outside that one master. Lovely. I guess that's how the cards fall; as I have to declare Outcasts before knowing anything except the size of the encounter if I want to play Leveticus. I guess I can try to sell this; the money I get back should cover the cost of the new Rules Manual. I wonder what else is changed? I have v2 stat cards, but all 3 big rulebooks.


    I'm still not sure why people are talking about 2 masters and brawls; I was crystal clear there. You can look at the stat cards at Malifaux.com, the Downloads link is right above Ratty's awesome crew creator, which has been invaluable and works perfectly AFAIK. There are both masters and minions with the Mercenary descriptor, even if you can no longer take Mercenary masters in otherwise mono-Arcanist/Guild/Resser/Neverborn lists.

    A mod can close this, thank you again, very much, Marcalla and Ausplosions.

  7. Page 96 explicitly says masters from the chosen faction OR masters with the mercenary characteristic. Which is why I said "These normal restrictions allow one to take one of 6 masters - one of the 4 from the chosen faction, Leveticus, or the Viktorias." because both of those masters have that mercenary descriptor - Som'er, Hamelin, and Ophelia don't. Von Schill has it as well.

    I'm not asking about Brawls. If you're aware of the wording of Pariah in relation to Brawls, you can see the intent behind this question - it makes a LOT more sense to branch out to Arcanists or Guild, because none of the Outcast (Or Resser/Neverborn) masters can co-operate with Pariah, and few if any other Outcast models are desirable to take, whereas Hoffman and Ramos share a lot of the same crew, and can in turn share it with another Guild/Arcanist master, especially when you're restricted to the SS cost +20 SS worth of models pool. The rules do allow him to be part of another faction, as Mercenary masters are specifically allowed, but it'd be annoying to give up his starting SPA, especially if you're already committing to only Guild or only Arcanist constructs.

    The crew creator is great I do appreciate it, but it's not authoritative. Page 71 is just stuff on triggers, so I assume Page 71 of the Rules Manual corresponds to page 96, which is Encounters, bullet point 5, Hire Crews.

  8. Hello!

    The rules for both the Dead Heat campaign and any Gaining Ground events that specify Single Faction require participating players to select one single faction and follow "normal restrictions" for hiring crews. Assume, for my question's sake, that the faction selected is anything except Outcasts. These normal restrictions allow one to take one of 6 masters - one of the 4 from the chosen faction, Leveticus, or the Viktorias.

    My confusion occurs where the normal restrictions interact with Pariah. Normal restrictions allow 0-2 mercenary models. Pariah, however, allows "Constructs, Undead, and Souless models... from any faction without additional cost."

    So, in order to field Leveticus as a Guild/Resurrectionist/Arcanist master, for the practical purposes of organized play, do I need to forgo Steampunk Abominations, as they lack the Mercenary subtype and are not from his new parent faction? If I can take SPAs, must I pay the additional cost because they are Outcast models in another faction? Or, do the Constructs/Undead from the new faction incur the additional cost? Or, do I get to take SPAs, Ashes and Dust, and any Undead or Constructs from the parent faction a the printed cost, with no additional penalty?

    If the answer is obvious, I apologize for my confusion. If this has already been answered elsewhere, it's not readily available through either this forum's search engine or a generic google search, so I'm doing a favor by asking again - no need to flip out because "some noob can't find the search button."


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