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Posts posted by Svenska

  1. I'm a bit confused as to why they would use that "adding stuff" screen, knowing full well what kind of message they were sending. I was eagerly waiting for the store to reopen so I could pick up a new Lucius box, but now I'm pretty deflated about all of this. 


    I know the wait won't be too long, I'm just down that there could've been better communication about all of this.

  2. I was thrown off a bit by the light effects when I first saw your pics, but I've really taken a liking to them. I get the feeling like they could be that strong of all of that was taking place at night in some creepy cemetery.

    I'm toying around with some sin city esque minis, and am probably going to steal some of your style for em.

    Really really love your work. You started anything else?

  3. I love my illuminated and the flexibility they seem to bring. With them (2 or 3), some beckoners and a stitched together I base the rest of my list off of what I'm feeling that night towards schemes and junk.

    Mr Graves gives great movement early on for your crew, and can mess with your opponents set up later on.

    For 10 Thunders, I haven't tried it yet, but read that the torokage and move HD around faster with Mistaken Identity. Not 100% though since I don't have their card on me.

  4. I've decided to branch away from Lucius and thought Levi would be a fun and challenging master to use. I was really drawn to all the different combos that you could run with him so I was toying around with something like this

    Outcasts Crew - 25 - Scrap

    Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer -- 4 Pool

    Molly Squidpiddge [9ss]

    Rotten Belles [4ss]

    The Hanged [8ss]

    I figure I could poke stuff with Molly and the Hanged before using Levi to finish em off. The only thing I'm a bit concerned about would be having to hoof it for objectives, other than that I feel it could be fun to play with.

    Any thoughts or suggestions?

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