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Ensis Ferrae

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Posts posted by Ensis Ferrae

  1. Not sure if I posted this already, but if you are in the market for the odd/steampunk sort of stuff, I stumbled across a comic book in one of the local shops here called Lady Mechanika.

    It's currently out in 4 parts, numbered 0-3. Part 4 is supposedly in the works, but it keeps getting pushed back, and we have no idea when/if it'll be out. Be prepared to pay good money for 0 and 1 though, as theyve been out of print for a little bit.

  2. Arcanists:

    1- Marcus- The Rock (WWE, bunch of movies)

    2- Rasputina- Michelle Borth (Hawaii 5-0 tv series)

    3- Collette- Claire Danes (many movies)

    4- Ramos- Sean Connery

    5- Mei Feng- Chiaki Kuriyama (she was the evil japanese sachoolgirl in Kill Bill 1)

    6- Kaeris- Karolina Kurkova (played Cover Girl in GI Joe - Rise of Cobra)

    On your choice for Collette, I couldn't disagree more. Whoever "plays" collette in any tv show or movie needs to look good with bright red hair (ever notice that Wyrd has a thing for redheads?) and I just cannot see Ms. Danes looking good with red hair.

    As for Ramos, I like Sean Connery, but I just thought that Michael Caine would do a better job, depending on the overall atmosphere of the movie/tv show.

  3. It's funny, when you put her on the table, she stuck at a slight lean, which normally annoys the heck out of me. In this case, I think it actually lends to the overall pose, adding an appearance of even more motion, suggesting that her dance is perhaps not a slow one?

    Pretty good painting I do have to say, the fact that your eyes have more than one color is awesome to me (as I cannot paint eyes like that to save my life)

  4. Apply the "Armor +1" to the damage (ignoring as normal if suffering wounds directly), then reduce the number by half and then inflict half that number to the real Colette.

    This was the example given that confused me, since there is mentioned, two half damages. As we've seen, damage is halved once and applied to Colette.

  5. Let's take an example. Let's say somebody hits "aColette", who is actually a Decoy, and deals out 5 Damage. This reveals her as a Decoy for the remainder of the turn. Then you apply Armor 1 from the Decoy stat card, which reduces the Damage to 4. You then apply the "Nothing But Air" ability and half the remaining Damage, getting 2 Damage, which is then applied to the actual aColette card.


    That's how i read the rule, however an example given above suggested that aColette takes half of the 2 damage (using your example)

    Which didn't make any sense in the previous explanation.

  6. Hmm... this is a little bit odd for me, because as I watch various shows and movies, this list gets updated, shuffled and reshuffled all the time....

    In no particular order:

    1. Brother Justin. He's decidedly the main antagonist/villain from the series Carnivale. It is really quite well written what happens to him after he realizes that he is evil. I won't go into details here, because I am too lazy for spoilers, and I am rewatching the series even now to refresh the memory.

    2. Psycho Mantis. It goes without saying that he was one of, if not THE weirdest video game boss that I have fought against in my video game "history" Really, I could choose just about any boss from MGS, and MGS4 (2 was definitely meh, and I don't remember too much about 3, since I haven't replayed it ever)

    3. Roy. What can I say... He quite possibly made Blade Runner into the absolute classic that it is... Even with being 30 years old (the 30th anniversary edition is out fairly soon), I can still watch it, and not feel like the movie is in the least bit dated. His "I've seen things" monologue is absolutely brilliant. Though, in the end you kind of wonder if he really was the villain the whole time.

    4. Visari.... Having played Killzone from the very beginning, Emperor Visari, and really all of the Helghans end up on this list. Here's a guy who is tired of being pushed down, kicked by the ISA, so he reforms his planet's government into a militaristic dictatorship and go on a galactic rampage, ending up with the situation at the end of Killzone 2, and the follow-on consequences in Killzone 3.

    There's more but I am also quite tired, and can't think of too much more, and remain even a little coherent.

  7. Ohh yeah, Dishonored is on the wish list on Amazon.

    I just picked up a Kindle, so was doing a LOT of searching for books to fill it, and surprisingly some of the top picks on goodreads are not available on kindle, such as Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus (its available in play, and cliff notes type releases, but not the actual book)

    I should also throw out there, while you may knock it, Black Swan was a most excellent movie, and right down this Carnivale/ Doctor Parnassus type alley... very dark, very surreal.

  8. Hey guys,

    So i recently realized that I am a huge fan of... oddball stuff, would be one way of putting it. In that vein, I guess I should give some examples of the sort of book, movie and game suggestions that I am looking for, to see if anyone here has similar tastes to my own.

    So, the obvious place to start is with my starting Crew for Malifaux, which was Colette. Then throw in some Burlesque, and the show Carnivale (from HBO). I just got Ray Bradbury's "Something Wicked This Way Comes" I actually have never really read much work that could be officially classified as "steam punk" or even similar to our malifaux.

    Does anyone here have any suggestions on where/how to expand in this similar sort of work? video/computer games, board/rpgs.. books, movies, etc. ??

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