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Neil of Orange

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Posts posted by Neil of Orange

  1. Hi folks. 7th Heaven in Salisbury, UK, are running their final version Malifaux 1.5 tournament event on October 19th. Entry fee will be £5, in advance or on the day.


    It will be using the Gaining Grounds standard tournament rules found below:


    It will be a 3 round event, each round lasting 95 minutes.

    A player will need a single, fixed 30ss crew to take part.

    Registration will be advance (your name and crew list - the money if possible) and we have a limit of 16 places.

    Strategies will be flipped for from table on page 9 of the pack.

    Schemes are unique across the day - you may only use each one once.

    Prizes to include:

    1st, 2nd and 3rd place

    Best painted crew (that hasn’t already won that award at 7th Heaven!)

    Best sportsman

    ...and some special awards

    You can sign up here :


    If you don't facebook, PM me and I'll sort it out for you.



  2. Thanks for the comment! What I love about Malifaux is that I can tell a story with each figure (with games that require huge armies I simply wouldn't have the time or motivation). As you noticed I typically do this by linking it into a larger crew through colour scheme or base, or by adding small extras. M2E releases are looking exciting so this should spur more painting in the coming weeks.

  3. Some more minis done recently, all sorts of random here.


    A warden (also slightly fixed) for a friend


    A waldgeist, in preparation for M2E!


    The other bushbaby - he reminds me of the resurrection dog from Hellboy :)


    My Insidious Madness, with fun base


    and my Wastrels




    Feedback appreciated.

    As ever its all on my blog too.

  4. [h=2]Malifaux game and demo day @ 7th Heaven Games - Salisbury, UK 20th[/h]

    Hello all,

    This is an all day event on Saturday 20th July, starting at 10am. Bring along a 50ss brawl crew and grab a big game of Malifaux! We're also keen to let people join forces with a couple of 25ss crews to take on players with bigger collections.

    Newcomers also welcome, we'll show you the ropes and you get to see a wide range of Malifaux crews in action.

    This is a Malifaux 1.5 edition event.

    Bonus soulstone if you come in a masquerade mask!

    Sign up on the facebook page here:



  5. Hello all,

    In preparation for the Tournament event running on the June 1st/2nd weekend @ 7th Heaven I'm running a demo evening on the 8th May (and probably another one in a couple of week) to help people learn the game, become familiar with their crews, multiplayer and have chance to try out the story encounters we are using on the day.

    Demo starts from 6pm.

    Rule pack here




  6. Hi all - updates added and fonts etc. tidied up thanks!

    I just listened to the main part of the podcast and gathered these notes for my local area then thought others might benefit. They are scattered around other threads but hope this is useful in one place. Will update with corrections/additions if people let me know!

    How will it release?

    May 31st will see the public beta rule release - you can play for free!

    Phase 1 will be out for August at Gencon (October for the rest of us) - will cover V1.5 book 1 models plus 3 Ten Thunders crews and 3 Gremlins.

    Phase 2 will be out after the end of the year (Dec 2013) and cover all the rest of the models.

    Feb 2014, Malifaux 2.0 is Tournament standard (until then its 1.5).

    Phase 1 will see new book plus faction decks released with cards for models covered. Additionally new (plastic) boxsets will be available (see Rasputina below)

    Phase 2 will see supplementary faction decks released.

    Faction decks should be relatively inexpensive.

    Two models no longer have their old minion rules (although the figures remain legal for masters) - Misaki and Hamelin. Everything else will remain in the game with largely the same feel as they do now.

    New faction: Gremlins

    All factions will have 7 masters. At least one of them will be dual faction - most will have a 10 Thunders and ANOTHER dual faction. All existing henchmen have all been promoted to masters.

    Pre-measuring is in.

    Soul stone costs have generally gone up a little. In combination with better balancing and upgrades the average game will now be 35-50 stones but still have the same sort of model count of a 20-35 stone game.

    Models can buy upgrades now. Some upgrades are abilities they had in V1.5, some are new. The closest thing to this currently is the Lucas treasure rule in book 4.

    There are new classes of model, this has a number of rules around them :(number of upgrade slots shown in brackets):

    Masters (3) - all get 3 action points

    Henchmen (2) - models like The Judge and Sybelle are now henchmen

    Enforcers (2) - models like the Executioner and the Ice Golem

    Minion (1) - most models in the game

    Peons (0) - Insignificant

    Spells still have a target number, but otherwise are opposed duels like melee and ranged attacks now.

    The CA value is now built into spells rather than being a specific stat - much like the different weapon CBs some models have. Adds more variety to abilities and combined with soul stone change helps make the game more balanced.

    Red Joker on damage now does Severe + weak damage. Red Joker prevents opponent from cheating when used!

    Soulstones work quite differently, key changes are they they give +ve filps or suits rather than adding a card to duel totals. They cannot be used for healing anymore! Word is still outstanding on how Molly and Von Schill have taken the news. You can also now use a stone in the draw phase to draw and discard an extra 2 cards.

    Avatars all manifest in the same way now, and can turn back later in the game as they take damage. Possibly they may only be used in 40SS games - not confirmed.

    Strategies are now all shared and there's less to pick from (but better balanced). Additional strategies will be in the book, but these will be story or expanded encounters so not core for competitive play.

    Schemes are now worth more VPS however, up to 4. Unannounced are worth 3 so more viable. There are 17 schemes however a pool of 5 is generated before an encounter for players to picks from - no more taking sabotage every game!

    Scheme markers are now generic counters generated in game using action points - wherever you like. You can't tell what they are for unless your opponent has revealed their scheme so you can drop them slightly randomly to confuse your opponent as to what your real schemes are.

  7. On either 1st or 2nd June at 7th Heaven Games Shop in Salisbury, UK, there will be a multiplayer, 30ss, Malifaux tournament. £3 on the door to enter to cover the prize pool.

    The events can be found here and here. Only one of the two days will run, whichever gets the most attendees so please join both if you can make either!

    Full tournament details are still being written but in summary the planned format is:

    • 2 rounds are planned, each game lasting 2 hours maximum.

    • Registration is open from 10am.

    • You do not have to play both rounds to have a chance at a prize!

    • Round one is at 10:30 am, round two at 1:30 pm.

    • Each game will host 3-4 players.

    • A 30ss gang is required to play, a single master/faction will be used all day selected from a 40ss pool.

    • Normal schemes will be used but two story encounters being written especially for the event will replace normal strategies. Details coming soon.

    • The focus will be on fun and the story - new and old players alike welcome.
    • There will be prizes for the master with the most victory points, best sportsman, best painter and some spot prizes for other things.



  8. Thanks for the kind words. I've used transparent gloss acrylic paint (Humbrol) to make the gore and guts shiny in some places, although not covering her from chin to tail. I find this easier to use than gloss varnish and not so thick. I'm finding a limited number of the book 4 models painted across this forum and the web in general and I thought I'd take the plunge with Yin and get an early version done. I'm less brave with my Izamu, I hear Mako is painting one so I await his version!

  9. I made a few notes on my blog about painting her - the figure seems fine, but my undercoat was a bit too much so I think I lost some detail and had to compensate as best I could in the paint job. Very sturdy despite the odd pose as the mucus and the hair help support.

  10. [h=2]Malifaux demo evening @ 7th Heaven Games - Salisbury, UK 17th April[/h]

    Hi all,

    I'll be running some demo games of Malifaux on the 17th April, starting at 6pm in the 7th Heaven Games shop in Salisbury, UK.

    Bring a crew or borrow one, we've already got some people turning up - it's an ideal opportunity to learn the rules or a new crew.

    The shop itself is open all day and other times too and Rob the owner will be happy to run people through starter games at any time if you can't make this session.



  11. Hi all,

    I'll be running some demo games of Malifaux on the 10th April, starting at 6pm in the 7th Heaven Games shop in Salisbury, UK. https://www.facebook.com/The7thHeavenGamers.

    Bring a crew or borrow one, we've already got some people turning up - it's an ideal opportunity to learn the rules or a new crew.

    The shop itself is open all day and other times too and Rob the owner will be happy to run people through starter games at any time if you can't make this session.



  12. Hi all,

    7th Heaven gamers is supporting International TableTopDay and I'll be there to support it running Malifaux and other things.

    The event can be found here, several games have been suggested already and the store has a wide variety to offer. I'm especially keen to welcome players new to Malifaux on this day, but all are welcome of course.

    Would be great to see you there if you are in the area.



  13. Hi everyone,


    Next Saturday at 7th Heaven Games Shop in Salisbury, UK, there will be a multiplayer, 30ss, Malifaux tournament.

    The event can be found here

    Full tournament details can be found here

    In summary the planned format is:

    • 2 rounds are planned, each game lasting 2 hours maximum.

    • Registration is open from 10am.

    • You do not have to play both rounds to have a chance at a prize!

    • Round one is at 10:30 am, round two at 1:30 pm.

    • Each game will host 3-4 players.

    • A 30ss gang is required to play, a single list will be used all day.

    • Custom strategies and schemes (“agendas”) will be used during the games.

    • The focus will be on fun and your agendas - new and old players alike welcome.
    • There will be prizes for the master with the most complete agenda, best sportsman and best painter.


    Hope to see some of you there,



  14. Hi Everyone,

    On 2nd Feb (Saturday) I'll be running demo Malifaux games, trialing some multi-player format if enough people turn up! 30ss games, but bring anything you have we can be flexible.

    The games will be running between 12pm and 4pm at the 7th Heaven Games shop in Salisbury, England



  15. Thanks for the comment, the dice idea was entirely inspired by Oogey Boogey so you're more than welcome to it!

    Glad you recognised the sculpt - he's definitely the main boogey-man from the film and a huge figure now he's done (according to the character bio, Oogey is 8ft tall!).

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