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Neil of Orange

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Posts posted by Neil of Orange

  1. Hi Everyone, 


    I'm kicking off the new year in style with a Hardcore event early January.


    I'm running it at the Boathouse in Salisbury UK, it'll run from 12pm till around 4, in the upstairs function room.  


    Somewhat unusually all the crews will be provided, (20ss) and they'll be randomised each round!  Details can be found here:



    Drop into the local facebook ground for a chat if you want to know more, or reply here of course.





  2. Hi all, 


    With the huge selection of Gencon and wave 2 releases arriving at my local club, I'm running a hobby night to help players old and new with preparing, building and painting minatures and their bases.

    The event is going to be hosted at the Wednesday Knight Gamers which run out of the Boathouse (http://www.boathousesalisbury.com/) and will start from around 5:30pm and runs till close around 10:30pm.  If you are new to the club then this first night will be free!


    There's also likely to be several Malifaux games running as well if you want to get your decks on!

    Hope to see you there.



  3. Hi there, 


    Just a quick note to say that the Wednesday Knight Gamers in Salisbury UK are running a Malifaux event on Sunday 27th July.  As part of the club's first open day, the Boathouse in Salisbury are hosting a gaming day in the upstairs area of the bar.


    Bring a 50ss list and select a 35ss crew for each round to join in.

    The event starts at 11am and will run for two rounds.


    Location details here: http://www.boathousesalisbury.com/


    For none members there's a nominal fee of £4, but there will be a free buffet.  After the Malifaux event finishes, other games will continue through the afternoon and evening for anyone wishing to continue or play anything else.




  4. Hi everyone, 


    The doors of the Wednesday Knight Gamers club at the Boathouse in Salisbury are always open to new players of any game, but this coming week I'm hosting a Malifaux themed evening for new and old players alike.

    A few details of the venue etc. here https://www.facebook.com/events/824923260851297/

    If you are in the area please feel free to drop in and have a game. We'll have plenty of tables and scenery available and I'll have spare crews with me to demo/lend.




  5. Hi all, 
    Neil here, I'm running a Malifaux event day @ 7th Heaven (in Salisbury, UK) on the 22nd of March. 
    There will be 3 linked rounds of games, each escalating the size and complexity of the crews involved.  The theme for the day is treasure hunting.  It'll cost £3 to enter and there will be a prize/trophy for the overall winner.
    Event on facebook (including gaming shop location details etc.):
    Detailed event info:
  6. Thanks for the positive feedback!

    I've spotted a nice repose on this thread for Tara.

    The Waldgeist green is a Vallejo colour with GW green wash over it, then highlighted using a GW snot green (or curretn equvalent) with a little white in it. Its what, in days gone by, would have been GW's Forest green and an old favourite colour for wood elves and the like.

  7. Hi all,


    I'll be co-ordinating an achievement league for M2E players @ 7th Heaven Gamers in Salisbury, UK.

    The league is due to run over 3 months starting on the 1st November. During this time players will compete to earn achievement points.

    The full write up can be found here and the achievements for the first month here.

    Drop me a note here or on the facebook group if you want to join or would like more info.




  8. Hi all,

    Neil here, I'm running a theme day @ 7th Heaven (in Salisbury, UK) on the 12th of October for Malifaux.

    What's going on? Well I'm going to be flexible depending on who comes and what they want to do, but currently the plans include:

    * Looking at the new M2E book, cards and rules generally

    * Building some of the new figures, the Lady Justice crew

    * Displaying all my painted Malifaux stuff, and the new Tara the unstoppable death machine figures

    * Painting - the Tara crew mentioned above!

    * Building - bases and scenery

    * Advice - especially for the tourney the following week - some players have been brave enough to publish their crews, I have some ideas that might help you!

    *...oh yes and playing. For anyone wanting to get some practice for the tourney the following week or wanting to try M2E.

    Feel free to drop in whenever, I'll be around all day but you don't have to be!

    Event on facebook (including gaming shop location details etc.):


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