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Posts posted by Cynon

  1. 21 minutes ago, solkan said:

    How do you get "Yes" from FAQ question 45, anyway?

    That's giving you an example of one of the ways in which a model can leave engagement without triggering a disengaging strike.  It's not the only way.


    I got "yes" from the wording and the seeming stress of staying engaged.

    I guess I was confused if leaving LOS constitutes leaving a models engagement range or the second line of sight is lost between the models the other can continue freely. 

  2. melee.jpgHey guys, just getting back into the game a bit and a had a couple questions after reading the FAQ i just want to clear up.


    First, Ama no and Jaakuna are stacking hazardous terrain next(ish) to each other according to question 31 in the FAQ for all purposes it seems they would just make one chunk of terrain? or is it possible to move (through a move action or lure etc) them through one and into another for two damage flips?

    IE: if the auras overlap at all they are just making one flip or if there is a little gap does it make two


    Second, I have a model engaged, my opponent summons a model to 'perfectly block' line of sight between the two and tries to move (the now blocked) guy out of my melee range...do I still get a disengaging strike?  Question 45 on the FAQ seems to make me think yes, even though the model is still 'blocked' LOSwise if he declares a move out of my melee range I still have a chance to disengage...?

    movement in terrain.jpg

  3. I know the beta has wrapped up and the cards are as close as we will see for the next few weeks. Bare with me this (as well as my last one or two) batrep(s) is scatterbrained as I am almost always awake with the baby. At the bottom take my observations and grips with a grain as this is my first time facing some of these things and I had sticker shock on levi and ashes.

    I am somewhat sleep deprived (3 week old) and had to work early yesterday so the details are a little scattered but for the most part here is our games and my observations. I tried hard to test some of the things I hadnt before the beta.


    standard deployment


    assassinate/ plant evidence

    main street deployment (lots of buildings with a big tree in the middle, some terrain off to the flanks and throughout the town)

    mccabe badge/shirt/potion

    toshiro training

    ama training

    3 10t brothers



    waif x2



    ashes and dust


    void rat

    I deploy first put mccabe luna and a brother on the left flank, ama on a roof left side and toshiro and 2 brothers middle right

    he deploys watcher ashes waif levi opposite mccabe, ryle and laz middle and waif and void rat right

    first turn is usual shuffling around i give ama the potion I do get ama to obey ryle into taking a shot on a waif for light damage and i give fast to one of the 10t brothers for next turn

    i activate first on turn two

    activate ama using recalled training then charge ama into levi using the obey on ashes to swat levi (miss) and attack twice leaving him at 2 but I am engaged with levi and ashes

    He activates levi and does 6 to ama then goes away leaving a waif

    I use luna to go up give ama defensive and drop a marker on terrain

    he swings with ashes taking me to 1

    I activate mccabe and give ama the shirt, using the push to engage the waif and watcher as well as ashes i try to reactivate luna but fail (i should have given ama the badge but didnt for some reason, it made sense at the time)

    ryle moves up and shoots a brother doing light

    I activate the fast brother drop a card for the 3" place and double walk to engage ryle dropping a card for defensive

    he activates laz missing the brother with the first action i cheat in a book making him defensive 2 he misses with the rest of his shots i get another book in there

    I activate a brother and charge ashes, doing 1

    he tries to disengage with his watcher and fails

    I activate toshiro giving the last brother fast and move up dropping a card for defensive

    he tries to disengage ama with a waif and fails

    my last brother using a mask to place 3 then triple walk to engage the last waif

    he activates the void rat *which i completely forgot about* and runs throught the buildings to occupy the quarter

    (I get assassinate from levi killing himself, he gets 1 from reconnoiter we each have 1 evidence marker out)

    I get turn 3 initative

    activate ama healing 2 from the potion, take ashes down to 1 getting my proc off to heal more (i have 5 damage on me at this point), i companion luna to give ama defensive again and plant more evidence

    He activates ashes and does a couple damage to ama leaving me at 3

    i activate the brother on the waif and do 1 making her slow

    he activates the waif missing the brother

    i activate toshiro to give the defensive 3 brother fast and moving him into the middle of the board engaging a waif, laz, and ryle

    he activates the waif moving her around the brothers engage to a door and plops laz in the building

    I activate mccabe taking back the armor, try to give luna reactivate (fail) try to hand off the badge (fail), kill ashes.

    --------here is where things get hokey (in my mind at least), so ashes breaks apart the core is too far for mccabe to hit and the dust is basically right next to it---

    he activates levi and dismounts mccabe, takes a shot at luna (misses) puts out a waif

    I activate a brother and kill a waif

    dust moves to the core and assimilates

    I activate my last brother engaging laz

    he activates the core doing aoe pulse dealing damage to luna ama and mccabe

    he activates laz kills a brother

    he activates ryle killing a brother

    he activates his rat placing more evidence

    turn ends ashes comes back levi is basically at full off the table about to take over a waif

    (we both get 1 from reconnoiter)

    turn 4

    he gets initative, kills mccabe, takes toshiro to 1 and disappears

    I run toshiro to a building in the corner trying to stall out reconnoiter

    ashes moves to challenge the quarter with toshiro

    Ama engages ryle and tries to obey him to kill a waif (no suit), hits and does light

    laz kills the last brother

    he shuffles around some to take 3 quarters

    (he gets 1 from reconnoiter 2 from assassinate)

    turn 5 starts and game is over

    7-10 levi wins

    notes from the fight

    dont take toshiro with mccabe. to much support. I am sure he is good - probably with more shooting - rather than the brothers. His summon (in my mind) is not worth the point. I will say take this with a grain of salt as hard to wound did nothing with levi on the table

    10t brothers at df6 base were much better than 10t brothers at df5. I still cheated out of melee range every chance i could the place is just that much better but the worst ability on the line is armor. more than anything because you want them to activate late when you start stacking defensive. I never used the melee range (cheated out of that every chance i could) for the place to get around terrain some and help them get where they needed to be. The melee would be much better and I would want to use it if it lasted until next activation. I would like to see the armor change into something else.

    Ashes and dust being able to assimilate as soon as it is blown up is insane. How is that not a (1) so you at least get 1 turn to try and take it down? I acknowledge grass is always greener but that seems crazy. The core was blasting all my models then it comes back full. Early game my opponent thought it was weak, broken, and overcosted. As soon as it died and came back the cost made sense to him.

    Mccabe is...mccabe. even with crit strike on his saber his damage seemed lackluster, if he loses that it will be worse. I still think his gear should have a equipment subcategory and he can get 3 of those for one choice then get 2 upgrades for himself. I am a minority of the community when i say I would be fine if he loses all the passives from those gear slots and just purely hands them out, and then give him black flash as a mccabe upgrade make the badge 2 and flash 1.

    Ama is awesome, love that 10t have her she gives good support and some mobility with flight. 10t seem to be lacking incoporeal and flying thats so this helps.

    Ryle is good. I think he is a solid choice, especially with laz copying his abilities. they synergise in the 'this is op' (when played against you) but it is good.

    Levi. I know he is controvercial. My buddy was very unhappy with all the changes going into the game. Post game he was much happier. Channeled casting ignoring hard to wound is insane, he made mince meat out of toshiro and was just happily blowing people away all game. Had I not managed to get the charge with the obey on turn 2 it could have been significantly uglier. Whenever he got into trouble he would safely evac to another waif. He is good. Super damagey, very mobile with the waifs, and constantly coming back is awesome. -side note though, if assassinate is in the pool thats a free 3vp to your opponent on turn 1-

    all in all it was a good game with swings. I had a chance to see some things I hadnt played against lately on a good table (terrain layout). some things could still use tweaks but overall great experience

  4. Hey guys, I have just started playing Mali again a couple months ago and been involved in the beta phases and following the forums more than I have probably ever. In 1e I played Neverborn then Arcanists. I love going to tourneys I played at gencon once and am somewhere between a competitive and casual player (I play with my friends but we are all competitive is what it comes down to).

    Throughout the beta phases the one theme that seems to constantly coming up is that 10t crews as a whole are 'supposed' to be compartmentalized much like outcasts were in 1e. You have your specific models and then ran them with basically the box and a blister or two. When 2e was done I looked at the models as a whole (misaki box archers and the various henchmen/enforcers) and loved the models so much I hopped back in to play and got them (I had sold my neverborn and lost my arcanists...dont ask). Now I was really hoping that with the new edition they would have fixed the issue with 10t not having any common synergy so that we actually had a faction that would play together. I guess that is not and probably will not ever happen.

    We have few models that belong to our faction (some others have this issue but I dont think any are as bad as 10t)

    Two of 'our' boxes have models that you can not even use with other masters (yan lo ashigaru and when it comes out brewmaster - none of the tri chi are dual faction for some reason)

    There is no common synergies between any of our crews really. You are really cornered into taking X with Y to have any feeling of coherency between models in your crews.

    And probably the most important thing is whenever we do get a model or get access to a model we have to worry about balancing it across two factions. This is a HUGE drawback. We have to worry about mccabe getting something because guild will have it, or yan lo because ressers will have it; or we have to worry about traps being balanced because other people have access to them, izamu, wastrels etc. which in the end means we have a fractured group of models that have little to no coherency across the faction as a whole and basically if you want to play them in any sort of competitive enviroment you have to essentially collect models from every faction in the game.

    Is this intended or just a byproduct of how they were introduced. The wave 2 stuff seems to be much of the same with the monks only wanting to be used with shen, and all the dual faction guys wanting to be used specifically with their dual faction master.

    Maybe this is just a rant out of frustration but do other people feel this as well? Is there any real reason we do not at least have access to models across the gamut? Or during the transition from 1e to 2e they did not just seal up the faction to give them some more synergie with themselves...or a trait like black blood or something that would work with 10t models.

    I played a couple games this weekend at our LGS and voiced my opinion that in its current state I would not recommend this as a primary faction for anyone. Especially a newer player or someone that does not have enough money to buy X crew box then YYYYYYYYY from his faction and then another and another

  5. With M2E, what is the state of Lynch? I'm all confused by the various Betas and whatnot. Where exactly can I find his most up to date rules?

    I am going to assume you found it but in case you have not the 10t arsenal deck has the cards for lynch darkness and upgrades

    all of the flavorful stuff that he works with will be in the neverborn deck (but he himself is not in there he is in the 10t deck)

    the book has all of the finalized wave 1 stuff, wave 2 is ending soon the latest cards can be found in the forum for the m2e beta

  6. With M2E, what is the state of Lynch? I'm all confused by the various Betas and whatnot. Where exactly can I find his most up to date rules?

    I am going to assume you found it but in case you have not the 10t arsenal deck has the cards for lynch darkness and upgrades

    all of the flavorful stuff that he works with will be in the neverborn deck (but he himself is not in there he is in the 10t deck)

    the book has all of the finalized wave 1 stuff, wave 2 is ending soon the latest cards can be found in the forum for the m2e beta

  7. i ordered my wracks yesterday thanks for the tip i had been looking for a paint containment unit that wasnt ridiculously expensive for a while, I will try and get some pictures up when its up with all the different lines in it (i have gw vallejo and p3)

  8. I did a search but could not find an answer to this so any help is appreciated.

    I was playing tonight and my opponent had the supply wagon objective and i had line in the sand. When his wagon reached the center of the board he placed it over my dynamite (which was directly in the center of the board where the supply wagon had to go) and claimed I would be unable to activate it because the wagon was on top of it.

    This (to me at least) does not seem right but that being said I am not sure. I assumed it would stop just prior to hitting the dynamite. Any help is appreciated.

    A second question is I use obey on a henchman (just say Von Schill) and I charge one of his other models, can I use soulstones on the attack?

    thanks in advanced!

  9. I dont know if that really answered my question (I posted it from my phone and I am super new to the game so lemme rephrase)

    I cast open circuit, I hit 3 rats and hamelin (and will be doing enough damage to kill them all)

    1) what determines when the damage gets applied?

    2) Do I get to pick the order the damage is resolved?

    3) If the damage gets applied to everything at the same time, everything dies at the same time so hamelins ability shouldnt be able to go off I would think (but on this I may be wrong)

  10. I was playing a game tonight and was charging nino to kill him. My opponent was cheating down to a 1 or a 2 to require me to flip additional cards for damage (1 for the hit 1 for the charge) my question is am I required to flip the extra 2? Three times he did this and three times the black joker popped up on the additional flips.

    Thanks in advanced

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