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Posts posted by Jishin

  1. Cool. I'm definitely going to need to ponder some of this. I've got an event I may be attending coming up, and I'd like to play with Som'er Teeth. I don't want to hijack this thread, so I'll start up a new one ...

    And thanks for the reminder about Von Schill and no hand. My darling husband picked up Von Schill as his box, of course, not that either of us knew the complete mis-match between the two sets at the time. It always happens that way ... he automatically picks the Space Marines and I automatically pick the force that requires the most models. (;

  2. I'm wondering about the Taxidermists. I'd think you'd automatically want to bring two, as they're a big fat target. Can you run a viable 'splodey pig force? I haven't seen it as a standard choice, but I keep thinking there's something there to exploit ...

    'course, what do I know, I haven't even played the game yet, just been trying to figure out how to make the models work ...

  3. I too would very much like all the cards to be released. I'm glad I did a little research, or I'd have picked up the Stuffed Piglets *without* a Taxidermist, and you all know just how useful that is ....

    We have the third book, but haven't been able to find a copy of either book 1 or book 2 locally, and haven't had the time and energy to go hunting for copies online. (That, and I'd rather give the money to my FLGS, anyway ... )

    I'd pay money for a PDF with all the cards, PDFs of the books, or an app with all the cards. I'm not particular, but it's a real hindrance to a newcomer to not even know what models their chosen Master can play with, or what models require other models!

  4. Haven't used Vallejo in a while, so I don't know if they've reformulated, but I honestly didn't like the amount of effort I had to put in to get the paint to properly mix in the bottle. It wasn't a shake-shake-shake-paint proposition, it was a shake-for-a-minute-then-maybe-paint proposition.

    I recently tried some Reaper paints, but they seem designed to do lots of very thin layers, and don't drybrush worth beans. Their washes are super-glossy and make any drybrushing over them even harder because the paint doesn't want to stick. Also, their bottles clog like mad. Annoying.

    Floquil/Polly S has a very nice line of paints, but the colors are extremely limited unless you want to use enamels. I don't like the stink or the cleanup for enamels, personally, but the few acrylics they've got left are quite nice -- coat smoothly, thin out for washes well.

    Honestly, the new Citadel line has been pretty good so far. I agree with you that I hate the bottles, but the paints themselves cover quickly and smoothly, and drybrush well. I especially like the new Citadel washes. Most of the paints I've been able to get my hands on recently have been junk for washes.

    Also, if you're looking for inexpensive, I've had mixed-but-mostly-good luck with Apple Barrel and Americana paints, which you can find at Michael's. Americana paints in particular have the softer, more muddy look that Malifaux seems to want. Washes with these are a mixed bag, though -- sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, and you won't know until you try. The price point is terrific, though -- you get a lot of paint for very little money.

  5. Yay for May Gray and June Gloom. {:

    Hi! I'm Jishin (real-life I'm Leanne, and you can find me on the SoCal Malifaux FB page too). I will admit I haven't played any games yet. I have the Som'er Teeth box and have been fighting with putting the figures together.

    (Seriously, the crew that needs the most models has the most fiddly parts, too? Oh well, it's a challenge, right? (: )

    My husband picked up the Freikorps box, and we spent a good chunk of last night assembling models. I hope to finish mine today -- wanna paint 'em!

    Nice to meet everyone!

  6. Necro'ing an old thread, but I'm a new player and found the Porkchop Express in my WarPig last night.

    So glad I wasn't drinking anything at the time. You guys owe me a Dragon of the Black Pool crew! (; (In all seriousness, I would pay good money for models of Jack Burton, Wang Chi, and Egg Shen. And they'd make a great crew.)

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