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Posts posted by Evilbleachman

  1. I saw Somer and immdiately thought of Boss J. D. Hogg from the Dukes of Hazzard. YeeHaah!

    Nice BTW :-)


    Haha. Thanks!


    So here is an update! Chef Ravagé is finished, I guess. He is being painted on as we speak! A small note, this is one of my FIRST EVER alterations involving sculpting on a miniature. In nearly 15 years of this hobby. I feel like a complete beginner. Tips and tricks are muchly appreciated!


    20140820_132250_zpszdt3fdon.jpgAs y


    You can take from that image, there are some other models being painted. WRONG! They are actually finished. Take a look:









    The one with the pig is to test and see how an 'undead' piglet would look in my color scheme. I kept it green, just went for a more bruised and yet pale look to it. I dig it! :)


    Tell me what you think guys! I know the Skeets aint spectacular, but I would like some criticism on them and defiitely on my 'sculpting'. Cheers~

    • Like 3
  2. Oho. New stuff after a long absence!

    I love the Taxidermist mini a lot and I think he's best suited for orange toned skin.

    Alt somer is look great as well (also very human looking).

    How has it been in the Bayou?


    Also I haven't got anything to post as well. I mostly convert and assemble stuff, did some painting but haven't finished anything yet. I'll probably have some finished proxies for Shenlong through the next months time... I've kind of been inspired to paint lately...


    I really enjoy the alt Som'er model. He is by far one of my favroite gremlin models. The Bayou has been rather silent as of late. But I hear some funky magic and lots of whispers from around that area. Seems like it is growing active again!


    Awesome! Make sure to share (and link me in a PM if possible. I don't have as much time as I used to, to hunt down the forums and hang around.)


    Speaking of conversions, I posted a couple WIPs above that are now finally and actually in progress!


    The first is my BBQ Meister: Père Ravagé! Ever wonder what those special folks do in their downtime? Père still likes to cook.

    At the moment I am letting these pieces dry. I will still add some straps to his apron and a top to his chef hat. His hand will contain a fork with a slab of meat on it.




    I plan on playing with Marcus as a 'Bayou Pig Master' for funsies sometime. I thought of a fun way to add more pigs to his crew: replace regular beasts with pig beasts! I present to you: THE MIGHTY PIGALOPE!





    I added some funky hair to the model to give it a bit more character and have it stand out from other pigs a bit more than just the antlers. I plan to paint this guy in a golden color range to use as a Golden Pig for scenarios.


    The next model up, is still going to be a surprise. Can you guess what it will be? First let us start off with a sex change! I added some boobs and widened his/her hips to get that feminine figure down. There is a lot to do yet on this model.





    The next model on my list is up for some heavy altering as well. Still a surprise as well. Here I added a different arm, after chopping up that poor swine of a pig (PUN INTENDED). Next up was to add a really, really short skirt. Don't worry about the white gunk on her skirt. That is actually some paint from my hobby mat. ;)






    "So, Bleach. How is it that you started on converting models but never finished the two models you posted above?". I got a simple answer to that question none of you ever asked in your life: THEY ARE DONE! WOOP!


    The Taxidermist turned out pretty neat. I am pleased with how the red hair turned out after the model was finished. I wanted some crazy red hair for him but didn't want to go too red, or it would be swamped with warm colored goodness. So here is a dark brown with red highlights. Turned out neat!





    I love this guy. He turned out pretty darn well. He has that gangster, pimp and kentucky fried chicken colonel. I painted him in white and used lots of bright colors to make him stand out from my regular gremlins, but still tied him in with my regular group colors. He's dashing, flashing and ready to punish those who think their inferior hats surpass his.





    So let me know what you guys think!

    • Like 2
  3. Good to have you back man.

    You've gotta love it when a simple paint technique comes out so nice. Almost feels like you're cheating.

    A Bad Juju painted in a matching style would look superb.

    Good start on those goblins too.


    Thanks Ned! Bad Juju will indeed be painted simularily. Maybe a bit more color variety, since he has vines and other stuff dangling around on him. Not to mention the little voodoo doll on a necklace.


    Besides this I have finally finished the two gremlins I posted above. Tell me what you guys think!








    I now have a total of five fully painted and finished Bayou Gremlins. Time to work on my next project:


    These three models are going to undergo some partially and fully heavy alterations to become something unique and awesome at the same time. Can you guess what they will be? I will post a few pics of the sculpting process and how I change and alter the models while I work on them.




    The first of these three I will be working on is this Pere Ravage model I will be changing. Thus far I have only cut off the torch and filed down the heavy details on his belly and belt.



    The second model is a Gremlinette I will be converting into something awesome. I basically removed a whole lot and filed her down so I can add some new details and stuff to her. I also will be adding an arm from a Bayou Gremlin, as you can see on the left.



    The third model is a Bayou Gremlin that will undergo the strongest changes of the three models. Can you guess what he will become?

    I chopped off his left arm (which will be used on the Gremlinette above) and filed down the torso and head to be used in another way.


    • Like 2
  4. Damn you, stealing my base idea that you had no way of knowing I had. That first Waldegeist is based almost exactly how I have mine set up. <_<


    Great as usual.  Sometimes the simplest painting can give the best results.



    On a side note, what the hell happened to the old emoticons.  I miss the Ratty sets.


    Haha. Considering that model has been based and primed for almost a full year... :P

    Glad to hear others have had the idea. I think it is fitting for that Waldgeist's pose. Kind of like a Swampthing or some mucky monster coming out of the gooey swampy marshes.


    Thanks! I whipped those guys up really quickly. Just wanted to paint something simple and easy to get my feel back for the brushes.


    I am still getting acquainted with the new forum. Multi-quotes is already a major win! lol


    Good looking Waldgeists! I like the fur and the green face!


    Thanks! The green face is supposed to at least give the model directly something interesting to look at. They are pretty creepy too. :D


    Good to see some stuff from you after the long break. They look very nice with themed bases and the addition of green to their faces is a nice touch.


    Thanks! I still have to catch up with all that has been going on. I am easing my way back into it. I do eventually want to be a little forum spammer as I was in the old days. :P


    I really like the green faces on them.

    Permission to do something similar on crouching Waldegeist?


    Sure, be my guest! Do share your project results though! Would like to see what you did. :D


    So besides that here are my current WIPs. Some silly Bayou Gremlins to get back into painting slightly more detailed stuff. Tell me what you think so far!






    Going to my store again to play tomorrow. Going to pick up some new sculpting tools to work on some custom gremlins. Has anyone seen my old sculpting gear? D:

  5. Hey guys! Long time no see! Don't remember the forum looking this way... Haha.


    Finally I am back in a ways! Getting back into the groove of things after a long absence. Time to post more hand mit picks, just the way you guys like them! :P








    They are nothing special. Some base coats in grey, green and the primed on brown washed heavily with some assorted washes for variety and then a glowing green face/head painted to added a mystical, magical feel to them. I am pleased with them!


    Next on my list are two Bayou Gremlins! Tell me what you think!

  6. I can understand where the OP is coming from. TBH I am not too pleased with the errata. Though I am also of the opinion they should have waited one more year to release the second edition, allowing for more time to prevent such needs.

    Then again the second edition, despite the quick (and thank Wyrd they exist even) erratas is so damn good I cannot be mad at them for trying to make it better. Justin also said the Errata'd cards would be released in the second wave arsenal packs. So no harm done with the cards 'missing'.

  7. I love your painting! I also don't think I have ever seen that much orange used. I think my orange paint bottles are feeling neglected by comparison....

    I am also very impressed with how much detail you are getting out of those model in hand pictures. What kind of camera are you using? Is that so you don't have to set up any kind of backdrop?

    So what are you working on next?

    Orange is my favorite color. Most of my models will contain it in some way. :)

    I am just using my ****ty phone and ****ty lighting to take the photos. lol

    No secret to it. xD

    At the moment I have three Infinity models on the table to paint. After them I will do two Waldgeists for Zoraida and some sculpting for other Gremlin models. :)

  8. Very nice work on these. The painting is excellent and the bases look awesome too. Those semi-submerged leaves are a really nice touch.

    Thank you. :D

    flipflops, hoochie shorts, orange skin..... does that goblin live on the jersey shore? she would fit right in.

    as usual your painting and basing is superb. very nice.

    Not the Jersey Shore from the states but the Bayou Gurzee Shore to the west of Malifaux. Ayup!

    I can see the resemblence LOL

    Britney Spears Singer June 2000 in scene from music video Baby One More Time-1134503

    Oops, you did it again!


    Anyway, to answer the question:

    I purchased a 1' by 1' 6mm thick cork plate and rip it to tiny pieces for the models to stand on. I add some tiny rocks to the mix with white glue mixed in between so they cluster up. I prime my models brown so the cork chunk is automatically 'painted' for my purposes. I then paint the soupy and watery areas with a dark green and swirl in some light green and yellow for funky chunky stuffs. Then I paint the rocks a dark grey tone and highlight with a light grey tone. I dry brush tad bit of the cork with the same green and yellow tones I made the swirley whirlies out of. I wash the sucker with this mucky and nasty looking wash (can't recall the name right now). I let it dry.

    Varnish it afterwards and glue on some orange reeds and some leaves and other little scenic stuff. Then I add water effects and its done. :)

    Simple and really easy to do with hardly any effort. ^^

  10. I may have some spare ones laying around. Not sure though. I still have lots of puppets. lol

    The green pigs are a result of the orange skin my Gremlins have. Since the original pinkish flesh tone for them is too similar to the orange one, I figured I would need something else. Brown was my first choice but I opted against it as I already had so much brown in my color scheme. Since my swamp bases have a greenish brown muck look to them, I figured a dark green would be optimal. Pigs like mud, so sitting around in mud, being green would enable them to blend in more and be safer from predators or able to hunt down food easier. :P

  11. Groovy!

    Thanks! :3

    What a coincidence I finished up my pigapult last week as well. I really should start posting pics again.

    Great job though I am still not really a fan of the green pigs (Guess someone has to provide Dr Suess with Green Ham). The handless photography though is coming along nicely. I would recommend one more light at or below the plane of the model aimed up to illuminate the undersides and really show those blends. The shadows are tricking your camera's light meter.

    Bud greehn bacon iz de beztest baconz!

    The main issue is that at home I only have one lamp suitable to paint with and is attached to one of those standing lamp thingies for living rooms, etc. So I can't pull down the sucker as far as I would like. Eventually I will invest into a better photography setup. Eventually... :3

    Until then, mittens!

    Catapult pig looks really nice. Love the green on her as well.

    Green pigs. <3

    Speaking of, here are some handshots of my current WIPs.




    I want to freehand some symbols or things onto my Zoraida's skirt to better balance her otherwise dull color range and help he rstand out some more. Any ideas?

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