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Posts posted by tremulant

  1. Looking to expand on Ramos' starter box, and am wondering what the best direction to go is. What are his "must haves" and his "situationals"?

    Are there any guides around for each master/henchman out there, including Ramos?

    Thanks guys!

  2. Still new to this game and have been working through the rulebook, and came across the mention of story encounters. I went to the provided link to check them out and it no longer exists.

    Were story encounters taken out of the game or something? Do they still exist? It's sounds like an amazing concept, and I'd love to play that way if still possible!

  3. Hi guys, I'm still trying to learn this game, and am currently going through the rules and reading about henchmen leading a crew vs a master.

    What I'm seeing is, if a henchman leads a crew, it essentially acts the exact same way as a master, except that you get a smaller starting soulstone pool....

    My question is - why would you take a henchman over a master if you're going to take that extra hit to your crew? Is there something I'm missing?

    I REALLY like Collodi and his puppets, and would love to run him. But, want to make sure I'm all smartened up on this whole henchman thing.

    Thanks guys!

  4. A few of those boards look kind of quickly thrown together to me. Best ones are definitely the small village one with all the nice buildings, and the one with the green radioactive sewage or whatever. I love the sewage board, but it looks like it'd be extremely cramped to play on. How did that work out? Did it play alright? I'd like something like it myself if so!

  5. I've set up a meeting with my local Henchman for this Wednesday - going to run a demo game, and hopefully that will go well.

    There's a few game stores around here, but most of them are Warhammer focused. Even Warmachine is struggling to survive here - only one store really stocks it decently. The place I found that sells Malifaux is a new store here and is run by a bunch of younger people. And they only stock it because the Henchman bugged them to - and it's a very small amount that they carry.

    Hopefully I can get something started after this demo game!

  6. Sorry forgot to mention that >.< I'm in Waterloo, Ontario (Canada). Edited my post.

    So far my local Henchman doesn't seem to know many players. He seems to be very busy with work and doesn't get around to playing much. He mentioned he's pretty rough on the rules because of that.

    Also, the link you provided goes to this thread.

  7. Hey guys, so you may have seen my convert me post - I've been converted!

    I bought three starter boxes, rules manual, and some fate decks for each box set.

    But... How do you guys find other players? The community here seems basically dead. Like, roadkill dead. There's a Henchman in my area that I've been talking to, and trying to arrange a demo game with to learn, but he's the only person I can find.

    Do Malifaux players have any source to go to with which to find other players? This game looks so awesome... Really hope I can get playing!

    Also, I am located in Waterloo, Ontario (Canada)

  8. Thanks a lot guys, that helps a fair bit! I'm very interested in the game, I love the style of the models, and the way activation alternates. Seems like that alone before factoring in card play makes the game play a lot differently than other games.

    Also, really good to hear the company is doing well - maybe in the future I can tell new guys "Yeah, that model was super overpowered back in Malifaux 1.0" ;)

    I've contacted my local Henchman, hopefully he can help me sort out model hunting.

    Also, to Mach_5 - I just came back from living in Vancouver, and have been keeping an eye on my local game store from out there (One Stop Shop Cards and Games). It looks like they just recently stocked almost EVERYTHING in the line. Wish I still lived there! Check it out, they're an awesome store.

    Thanks again guys!

  9. Okay so, I currently play a lot of Warmachine/Hordes, and am loving it. Don't plan on dropping the game.

    But, what I would like is a nice, faster paced game, and Malifaux seems to fit that bill for me.

    I seem to have impossible chances of obtaining any of the materials though (models, books, etc). No stores in my area, even outside my area, seem to carry Malifaux (I live in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada).

    Is this game dwindling on the tight rope of succeed/fail right now? I have yet to find a source to purchase from that isn't online, which is difficult for me to work with. What are some good options to obtain models/rulebook? I know there's a pdf, but I'd prefer hardcopy with fluff.

    Also looking to see what it is, to you, that makes this game worth playing? What makes it tick?

    Not 100% on how it plays yet, so would like to hear some comments.

    Thanks guys!

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