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Posts posted by Fantasyfreak

  1. I can't see why this crew would not stand a fighting chance against most.

    Only one thing I would do is switch a TTB for a Ronin. I too would drop Student but then I've never used it.

    The whole thing for me was making it a TT themed list for fun that could work, subbing a Ronin for a TTB takes that away for me personally, although 1-3 Ronin would be better game-wise ;)

    I agree, a 3ssc is not enough with the Viks at all, but I had 6, something would need to go if including the SoC, the 3rd TTB is probably a sound choice to go, but I like the extra body.

    Will have to try 2TTB's and SoC.

  2. Strangely enough I used this exact list (bar the student) in a 35ss game last week, great minds think alike!

    I played against Lilith.

    The TTB's worked as I'd hoped, by tying up Lilith and Lelitu. Bend as the willow is a great defensive trigger as you don't even have to make sure you defend successfully to hit the trigger, with a DF6 and triple positive flip you can take away powerful models' combat potential.

    Libby was in the crew to heal the TTB's and Misaki, the Vik's can take care of themselves.

    4-0 in the end

  3. Thanks for sorting it all out Dave.

    Writing out and printing the personalised faction sheets of where we should be hitting was great and much appreciated!

    I had a nice day after I found the place! (at least I know where it is now!)

    Definetly up for more if I can make it :)

  4. If a game that isn't designed for tournaments is used in tournaments, then certainly there will be imbalances.

    In a competative enviroment such a tournament, some people will take the hardest, easiest combination of models to win with and play them in a certain way to achieve their aim, which is to win.

    This will be regardless of fun for the opponent (and I'm talking fun in the game, nothing to do with the actual person and how they relate socially to their opponent)

    This will happen with comp or without in my own humble opinion.

    The players who want to play in this way will push what they are using to the absolute limit within the comp instead of within the rules of the uncomped game.

    So no major difference happens anyway.

    The thing I really dislike about comp, is when it starts to disallow people to take the models they want to, especially if said person wasn't going to take them to commit the hardest combos that the comp was written to disallow.

    This is when comp really messes up.

    I would very much dislike the UK Malifaux tournament scene to turn into what the UK Warhammer tourney scene is at the min.

    Anyway that is all just my general view on comp.

    On this comp pack specifically.....

    It looks OK to me, but I've not been into Malifaux for too long or playing at a highly competative level, so can't really attest to the what's and the whyfore's of the pack.

    If you feel the Malifaux tournament scene needs comp, go ahead and run an event with it in.

    People will either come to it or not.

    As you said, not every event needs to run the pack, it's not like you are the fascist dictator of the UK tournament scene and everyone has to comply with what you put forward.

  5. I've taken to it quite quickly I think, but every game I play I learn something new still.

    I think it helped that the first 4 games I played were all pretty much intro games, taught by someone good at explaining things.

    Also could help that I've been playing wargames for quite a few years.

    Do you know the tricks your master (and minions) can do, plus what all their actions/abilities mean?

    If not, read the pullmyfinger wiki as this helped me immensely starting out, I went from not understanding the game and my models well to winning the next time I played!

    The main thing to ask yourself is are you having fun?

    If so, don't worry, it'll all come to you eventually.

    Also don't worry about being a slow player and working things out, everyone has to learn, if this makes playing you a negative experience for your opponent it is they who are at fault IMO.

  6. I love the mental image of swimming in miniatures like Scrooge McDuck! :D

    I've nothing but good things to say on Firestorm games' customer service, very pleasant and they let you know what's happening.

    I currently have an order that is 4 weeks old though and a miniature and FD I ordered has still not come in to them as of today.

    I'm not blaming anyone as these things happen, but for them to happen consistantly to me when ordering from different companies (with friends having the same problems) suggested a problem and was wondering if there was one.

    As said though I could just have been unlucky.

  7. Apologies if this is in the wrong place, please move if appropriate.

    I'm just wondering as to what the deal is with availability in the UK?

    I'm finding it real hard to get the miniatures that I want in a timeframe that is acceptable.

    Maybe it's because my game for many years has been WFB and I live not far from the UK headquarters, but I've tried using several companies and all seem to have problems getting Wyrd models out to me speedily.

    I'm talking waiting 6 weeks for an order and then some of it still not turning up.

    From when I wanted Misaki, it took 12 weeks for me to finally get my hands on her!

    My friend still waits for his after nearly 5 weeks.

    Sometimes I'll get lucky and my stuff will arrive in about a week, most times the average is 4-5 weeks dispatch time.

    Now I've decided that Ebay (which I don't like) is the best place to buy new Wyrd stuff as it is garanteed to be in stock and get to me quickest.

    Not meaning to moan or anything, I love this game, otherwise I wouldn't be so bothered.

    Is this just me and people in my area being unlucky, or are others having the same problems?

  8. Thanks to everyone I played today, all great games and great people!

    Everyone seemed friendly and was a nice chilled atmosphere :)

    Many thanks to Dave for organising everything and making it enjoyable.

    Congrats to Tim for 1st and aka_hazard for best painted, Kaeris and the whole crew looked great!

    I look forward to my next malifaux tourney!

  9. Not sure how this would interact.

    Run through interupts the push to make a strike, correct?

    In applying duel results, 'next target' is triggered and you can push 4", correct?

    Then you resolve the push of 'run through' , but how can you finish pushing the original remaining move when it's been interupted by 'next target'?

    Am I thinking in the wrong way and you can just finish 'run through' then push 4" for next target? if so, why?

    Or do they not work together?


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