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Posts posted by Synthet

  1. Thank´s Viruk, yes I like the contrast with the shirt to. A bright shirt makes him a bit more scarier, the mad doctor.

    I did two mindless zombies last night, so for my Resurectionist there is a Grave spirit, 3 Necropunks and a flesh construct to be painted. then I´ll startt on the Rasputina box (if I´m not buying more Resurectionists stuff that it:P)



    Hmm...pic´s kind of sucks, but at least they show some colors on the minis.

  2. Great minis, I like the cartoonish style on them! I like the second one the most (still new into Malifaux, haven´t learnt half of the names of the minis yet). the hair is my favourite spot on that mini. It´s nice to see that you have used the NMM theory onto TMM. If you want´s a comment about improvment try to smothen out the two colors on the sword. I would even add one darker metallic and one brighter just for bigger contrasts. ut again, nice painting, great freehand to. I like to see more from you.


  3. Ok, my Dr. Douglas McMourning is done. He was a testminiature in wich I tried to sculpt a base using greenstuff and the painting blood this way. In the past I have tried to paint blood rarely, because I just couldnt seems to get it the right color. This time I used Tamiyas clear read with a hint of brown in it. It looks far better then the minis I have done in the past. I also tried to sculpt the cobblestone on the base, needs improvment but with practice comes perfect.



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  4. They look great! If I´m not mistaken you drybrush them? Try to use less paint on your brush to avoid some parts to look "chalky".

    Drybrushing is something that many painters talk bad about, drybrsuh=bad paintjob, but you do it well. If drybrushing is done well, it looks good. I use it from time to time and even manage to score first prize in a GW painting competition in Stockholm, Sweden last year using that technique.

  5. Thank´s. I don´t know about the fast painter, sometimes I just got lucky with my painting and get´s a flow. But then it can come weeks without finishing a miniature.

    No painting yesterday, starting to feel like the flu is coming. I hope I feel better today as McMourning want´s to be finished and so are some Mindless zombies.

  6. Thank´s to all of you!:) About the gaming standard, not my intention to step on anybodys toes about that. And if someone had taken offence about that, I´m deeply sorry.

    Viruk: Has Nico a sword? I painted it as a cane, but i´ll try to snap some photos from a diffrent angel.

    Mr. Biggelsworth: Thank´s for your opinion. I can agree that the bases are a bit common. I´ll think I´ll stick to that look on the Ressurectionist to get a unifor look on them. But bases are not my strongest skill, I don´t mind build them but when it comes to paint them I usually rush them. Maybe that´s why I stick to the "common/safe" bases. I will go and pick up the Rasputina box today and I might be a bit bolder on them:)

    Here is Mortimer, I finished him last night and that lad was sure great fun to paint! I´ll probably buy another Mortimer sometimes just to paint it upp differently.


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  7. Nicodem reached gaming standard last night and here is also a very early WIP on Mortimer. I feel like I want to rush the painting on my Malifuax crew since I hate to take unpainted minis to the gaming table. My intensions is to paint all minis to gaming standard and then I can start to do some tuch- up´s on them.



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  8. Thank´s to all of you! I´m actually surprised that I have got so much good feedback on my minis. Hopefully new photos will come today.

    El Indo: I agree about the mohawk, I have some thought´s about getting another blister of the punk zombies and cut of the mohawk on that one.

    For the red I used Black red, Black brown and red (from Vallejo).First I use a 1:1 mix of black red and Black brown following by pure Black red. Then I added about 3:1 black red with red and keep adding red to the mix untill I got the desired result. I´m thinking about adding a final highligt on the red with a 2:1 mix of Red and Bright orange but it might get to bright then. I´ll see what happens during this day:)

  9. Thank´s for all replies. When I consider them done, I will add some weathering effects on them like rust, and some dirt to clothes. I agree that the purple looks way to "new".

    It´s nice that so many of you have replied on this post, makes me happy.

    I will try to find some time tomorrow to paint some more.

  10. Thank´s for all the kind words. Yes, they are still WIP´s there are some highligts that needs to be smoothen out, more work on there skin and the bases.

    I hope to have painted the whole Nicodem´s box during this week or next.

    On my to do list is

    Touching up´s on the Punks




    Grave spirit

    3 Mindless zombies

    And if that´s not enough...i have the Rasputina box coming in soon;)

  11. about two weeks ago I was introduced to the game Malifaux, what a joy! The miniatures are fantastic and the game itself was great. So I decided to start with a starter box, I choose Nicodem. I have started to paint some samurai punk zombies as well as Mortimer and Nicodem, and I thought that I should post some pic´s here.

    first out are a WIP on the punk zombies, they should be finsihed during this week, and hopefully both Nicodem and Mortimer should get there WIP pictures.

    Anyway, C&C are welcomed as I want to improve my painting skills.




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