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Misery Rex

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Posts posted by Misery Rex

  1. The Katanaka Crime Bosses look like solid models but there is a lot of competition in the 10T in that same 7-9 price range.  Obviously solid tanks but what crews and masters does everyone think they would work best with.  They look really cool, both visually and mechanically, but I am not sure how they actually perform and where they would fit best.

  2. The new Misaki looks almost comically mobile with Deadly Dance being (0) and Downburst having a Thunder trigger that triggers Next Target.  Since Misaki is not all about the crew synergy it might be interesting to slap Disguise on her and let her concentrate on running schemes and then just build a killy crew.  Technically Misaki is free so it would also make her the cheapest Runner on the list...lol.

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  3. I also play Yamaziko a lot with Misaki, mainly because I like the model.  


    She is also a cheap Henchman (good for hanging Smoke and Shadows on) that performs well when putting down markers due to being nimble and can make it really unappealing to charge models around her.


    But mainly for the model.

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  4. I have played against Archers again and again, used by a variety of players, the 7 SS they take seems more like a handicap as well, the archers are super squishy and they need to get within that golden 12" range, hell, snipers own them if they so much as pop a mill of base out into view, im clearly not going to win a battle opinions but test the Sniper, he's a solid model, but is he too solid?



    As I said I pretty much agree with you on some of your points.  The Archer is a more specialized and more situational unit, it's inclusion would be based on building my crew in a certain way.  The Sniper on the other hand is a much better all around performer and a better value for its points.


    I am not sure what you mean by too solid.  


    The Sniper made it through beta testing and has been finalized so the consensus in the community and among the developers seemed to be that it is a balanced model.  


    Perhaps it is that the Archer are over costed?  


    Is the objection that in relation to the Archers the Snipers are too good and are under costed or that the Archers are not worth 7 SS, as they are two separate issues.  


    Or is it that the Snipers are just too powerful all around?  


    Maybe if we could focus on what your objection is specifically we could better address it.

  5. It all depends on which strategies and schemes you are chasing, and what faction you are fighting.  Next most important is using what you like fielding, if you  are not having fun what's the point in winning? 

    I like Shang with Misaki, some people don't.  

    With all of those Torakage I would fit Smoke and Shadows in somewhere, other people would not.  

    The Snipers are ridiculously solid pieces and you are allowed to have two.


    With Ototo, The Lone Swordsman and Misaki the Archers can be a good choice, shadowing them and then firing into melee.


    It all depends on how you want to play the game.

  6. Well...those Archers.... 


    -they ignore other models for LOS purposes and they do not have to randomize targets when firing into a Melee...which is huge, especially for masters like Misaki

    -that blast attack?  It doesn't require LOS...which is huge.

    -rapid fire which gives them three attacks.

    -an additional +1 Focus every time they Focus (which with Shenlong is pretty sweet, having two +1 Focus for a (0) action)


    Now for abilities requiring suits...


    -a Df trigger which gives them a 5" move

    -an attack trigger which can hand out slow, which in a five turn game can really hurt the enemies ability to get stuff done


    So...if I were running a 10T crew with Smoke and Shadows and/or a Melee master I could see some solid reasons to take the Archers.


    But yeah, the Snipers are really, really solid... though complaining about this AFTER the beta has closed...

  7. Yep, these guys are extremely solid and will probably be filling the ranged component in most 10T crews.  They are costed at the same SS cost as the Archers but the Archers bring a host of utility abilities that the more straightforward Snipers lack.

  8. Yeah, the Snipers are most likely replacing my Archers in most cases, the added range and ability to melee for the same SS cost is pretty nice.  I was surprised they made it through beta as buff as they are.


    Mainly I am just glad that the 10T now feels like a coherent faction rather than a marketing ploy.  It lets one have a home faction that can enjoy the neat toys from the other groups and yet still have a strong core identity.

  9. I always take Shang with Misaki, as stated card cycling is really nice. Over the course of a game that is five crappy cards put in the discard pile.

    Secondly, Misaki can be squishy and having a separate model spending AP to take some wounds off is really nice.

    Lastly it is a cheap activation to give Misaki a greater range of tactical options.

    If a three point upgrade did all of that it would be an auto-include.

    For 6% of your total points Shang is a steal.

  10. Standard size for a lot of construction materials is 4x8. I got a sheet of 3/4" plywood in that size and had them cut it in half. A light sand and about a quart or so of green deck paint gave me two heavy surfaces to play on.

    I bought some of the blue painters tape and some cheap orange spray paint and marked off the 3x3 play area giving a good 6" of free space on all sides. It is basic but actually looks pretty sharp.

  11. Also remember that Sonnia gets a positive to hit against models with Wp6+, so it will get around the Vent Steam. Makes her rougher that way too.

    With Rail Walking though Mei shouldn't be in range until she is ready to start with the punching.

    (And if you have the Rail Golem getting handed Burning conditions does not hurt quite so much)

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