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Posts posted by graeme27uk

  1. Yeh the Cryx line of models would work as well. I have thought about using those to...

    Either Asphyxious in one of his forms or one of the Withershadow Combine models as Leveticus himself.

    Mechanithralls as Aboms.

    A warjack as the DE.

    Not sure about Ash/DE or Rusty....

    As for the above, do you not think its too "sci-fi" or freaky?

    Could it fit with the steam-punk genre that Malifaux is set in?

    Could the models be converted to be more steam-punk? If so, how?

    I was thinking of using slaves as the Waifs as they are shackled to Leve a slave-theme seemed to fit.

    As for the Ashes & Dust breaking up, that could be done by breaking up that model into two parts. A stationary section and then a whirling mess of blades and spikey bits.

    What about as I mention as using it as a "Raspi" crew? Pillars of Flesh just sounds icky and disturbing. But then I like Raspi in M2.0E.

  2. I was thinking what models do I like...

    Now call me mad (many have and worse) but I quite like the new Urien Rakarth miniature


    I was thinking how could this model fit in Malifaux? It has to be either Outcast or Neverborn. Too inhuman for the others.

    So then thinking what masters are there.... well how about Leveticus? He sort of has a necromantic-freaky scientist vibe going on. I could use other models from the range as freaky machine-flesh constructs.

    Is that too freaky?

    Alternatively... pushing the idea further! How about a "Rasputina" alternative? The theory being that the cult is a sort of cenobite thing instead and instead of Ice Pillars I could have freaky "flesh pillars".... the golem is there with the big beasty thing... gamin could be some smaller flesh/machine meld like abominations.

    Have I had too much coffee?

  3. I can see this from two view points.

    1) Malifaux is not governed by the size of the model in terms of LoS. Just base size has a game effect. As such this does give designers a bit more freedom in the size of models they are creating. Just because it's Ht 1 in game does not mean it has to be smaller than other models. Makes it easer to paint being bigger. I am in favour of bigger models. I quite like the 54mm scale but those games are expensive and rare. Though 54mm scale Malifaux would be quite something!

    2) However, there is a preconception that Ht 1 will be smaller than Ht 2 and so forth. It creates a visual that sort of unifies a crew and gives the players a visual reminder. Why not make gremlins "normal" size... sort of Lenny sized all round. Would again mean more detail and easier to paint. Effigies and the BA are supposed to be Ht 1 but are quite obviously much bigger in physical model. It does get in the way of the game when models do not fit properly on their base and by properly I mean actually look like they are supposed to fit on that base size rather than "oh yes... three legs fit and the rest sort of hangs there". Not fitting on the base properly can mean that models when playing don't go round scenery or "fit" in gaps that they are supposed to. Whilst I think the BA model is great as a model in itself, I don't think it fits with what is conceived to be the BA in most player's eyes. The over-sized Death Marshall reminds me of a scene from Father Ted where Ted is trying to explain the concept of perspective to Dougal...

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