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Posts posted by graeme27uk

  1. Just looking over the Ortega's as I like shooty crews. They all have Companion (Family)!!!

    Isn't that a bit too good as they could all activate in one go, so giving an awesome alpha strike capability.

    If they win the first initiative, isn't it almost game over for the other crew if they are in range?

  2. Getting the hang of this game but a few more questions:

    1) What is the difference between an attack that inflicts Dg and one that inflicts Wds?

    2) When you use a soulstone to add a card to the results of a flip, can you then also cheat either card?

    3) Ashes and Dust - does the following work? If I use A&D in a Leve crew, can I use "Sacrifice the weak" to sacrifice a Hollow Waif (spare one), get the healing flip for all in 3". But because Hollow Waifs are resummoned when sacrificed, I actually loose nothing.

    4) Hans - Can Hans shoot twice with his sniper rifle if he does not move?

    5) Hard to Kill - Do I have this right? One attack can reduce to only 1 wound regardless of how much damage is done. So it takes a second attack to actually kill them?

    6) How many companions can activate simultaneously?

    7) When charging into melee, does Melee Master also get the bonus for the first round or is it just the single charge attack?

    8) How does casting a :ranged spell work in melee? Does the CA flip get a negative modifier?

    9) If you are in melee range of an attacker, I assume you count as being in melee, even if the melee ranges are different? So for example, Attacker has Melee range 3, whilst defender has melee range 1, but both count as being in melee for the purposes of disengaging attacks?

    10) Am I getting the sequence of duels right?

    A) "Attacker" flips card and can choose to add a SS or cheat fate

    B) "Defender" must then flip and the attacker's score. If the defender total is equal or less then the attacker wins.

    C) The Defender can choose to add a SS or cheat fate.

  3. Make sense and if you are not a competitive player its generally okay. But if you want to play competitively it might be worth getting the real model since a lot of tournaments have a no proxy policy

    Not interested in competitive official play, just in my club.

    What do you think I should replace the cross with?

    1) scythe

    2) staff

    3) mechanical / armoured hand

    4) mechanical / armoured claw/talon

    5) a gun

    6) some other icon

  4. Well the thing is Leveticus likes to experiment on people and thins, but its never implied he does it much to himself. The whole point of his concept is he is frail old man who's body dies a lot(at least to me). He's not suppose to be some creepy steampunk monster guy.

    Again like others said on your other post, Its your boat, float it how you want. But official Leveticus is a creepy old dude but he looks human.

    According to the blurb on the Malifaux website...

    Malifaux provides many things to a man like Leveticus. Foremost, he has the privacy to pursue interests that would be considered distasteful in a more civilized environment. In the art of combining steel and bone, cog and sinew, Leveticus is a savant. He has used his talents to augment his own body despite his advanced age thereby perpetuating his own life indefinitely.

    So he has augmented his own body.... this I suppose could be technological, necrological, biological, etc.... so he could be some weird freak. He is an outcast after all...

  5. The waif is a little to rapey

    So I have been following your threads and am just wondering why not go with the actual Wyrd models?

    I don't like the Leveticus current model. Maybe the Alt when its released will be ok. Some of the models are great, but as always some are not to my liking. Leveticus is one of them. The Hollow Waifs are good models, but the one I have ordered has shackles... like they have the "Shackled" rule...

    I can always put more clothes on her with some greenstuff if needed.

  6. Ok, Malifaux is all about the "new world" right? With weird things and such...

    So... and you have to bear with me. Leveticus is a steam-punk necromancer right? He loves experimenting with life, technology and is generally an outcast...

    So.... looking through various models how about using Dark Eldar. Urien Rakarth (the new one) has a really freaky, evil looking mix of technology, flesh and such all gone nastily wrong.

    You could use various other models from the range for other models....

  7. Your stuff, your fun, your call. I think the Cryx minis are pretty cool. If you should happen to make them converted a bit to be more Malifaux like to the masses, great. If you like them just the way they are and can get games in with people that don't mind, go for it.

    How would you convert them to fit with the Malifaux theme?

  8. I was considering using Warmachine Cryx as a Leveticus crew. Using the Withershadow Combine as Leveticus and his "Hollow Waifs" (even though they are not female). They are necro-punk.

    I was going to use a warjack conversion as a Levie-necro themed Peacekeeper and similar for other constructs that he can take. I figure he will have made them fit his own aesthetic tastes, or had them customised so.

    I was also thinking of using the Brute Thrall as a Desolation Engine, though again I would convert it slightly, making it more spikey and brutish, maybe incorporating some "fused" SPA's.

    The SPA's themselves could be either Drudge Mind Slaves or Mechanithralls or even Stitch Thralls.

    Would that work do you think?

  9. We didn't play any schemes or scenarios as this was both of ours second game and we are still getting used to the basics.

    Does Collodi need LoS to use Retract or whatever it is? The way my opponent was playing was that all marionettes were moved to be within 8" of hi regardless of LoS or terrain, etc... not sure if he was being played correct. Then Collodi could use some action to move into base contact with a marionette, dragging other marionettes with him..

    Is that correct?

    ---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ----------

    What master synergies with Leveticus the best?

  10. Ah, oh well. Eventually I will get the game right...

    I realised that making them corpse counters would have been better, then I could turn them into Hollow Waifs (if I recall correctly).

    How do you overcome Collodi's super movement abilities? Kill all the dolls? There are lots of them... and I get out-activated easily.

    I also realise that Collodi's Dismantle spell is a pain in the bum as he uses it against my SPA's and then uses the scrap counters to create more marionettes. Thus, I am thinking vs Collodi an all undead crew would be better.

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