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Posts posted by Barnaberible

  1. Because the FAQ exists specifically to clean up errors like that in the rules. And because the fact that no one here would try to use that rule doesn't mean it wouldn't confuse new players who don't read the boards religiously like we do. 


    Our wonderful community that wouldn't let this fly in a game is not a reason to let sloppy wording slide forever, basically.

    Trouble is then FAQ then eventually becomes too massive and awkward.

    With things like this I think it's pretty obvious to 99% of gamers that this shouldn't be allowed, even if it is technically, and if that 1% happens to be the TO that I consulted I would be most surprised. I honestly can't see this coming up in casual play, and if things like this did become an issue in casual play then I would change my opponents.

  2. Now fair enough I've only had 3 games with Jacks box set but I'm not loving Montressor. I'm generally running him with his fearful whisper and creeping terror so he's clocking in at 11ss and I feel there might be better options for this cost.

    I'm having problems with finding a role for him, the pull em tight trigger on toss the noose can easily be countered by dropping cards and without the crow built in I'm struggling to get use out of this and while fearful whispers is great I often end up sucking my own models out of position, and I get the feeling if I leave him isolated so this dosent occur it may be a death sentence for him with only 8 wounds and no real defensive abilities.

    I haven't used him in conjunction with a hanged, which I can see being effective, but so it wants to be at a cost of 20ss.

    So before I pack him back into my case to keep the nothing beast company, am I missing something with him?

  3. Um,

    Q: When Karina uses her Long Forgotten Magics ability to make a model that would be killed sacrificed instead, does Karina count as having sacrificed the model for encounter purposes?

    A: No, the model which originally made the kill counts as having sacrificed the model. Karina’s Ability simply changes the model’s state from “killed” to “sacrificed.”



    Well I'm glad thats cleared up, to be fair I was beginning to think she might be a bit overpowered with 1 useful ability

  4. Interesting, I never take death marshal's (I play resser) simply because I don't want to have the Dead of Winter upgrade taking up one of my slots, I don't dish out fast (too risky for me) and I can do without the Void Wretches in a resser list, but Knowledge of Eternity and Obliteration Symbiote are essential for the way I play her.

  5. Are we calling an end on the poll?


    It all seems to have gone a bit quiet (apart from Station's suggestions which I haven't quite digested yet) so I guess so, I think there was talk of implementing any changes before end of Feb?


    How are you counting it, mode for number of events and mean for numbers at events, or mode for both?

  6. I don't see anything that says Jack Daw can only ever take 2 Cursed Upgrades. The only rule pertaining to the Cursed upgrades is that Jack Daw is allowed to take 2 of them without them counting towards his normal allotment of 3 Upgrades. There is nothing that says he can't take the 3rd as part of his normal 3 upgrades that he gets for being a master.

    I just checked the wording again and I think you are correct, sorry :)

  7. As Luckyjoemc says you will find that Tara does not actually end up burying that much. I have around 16 ish games with her now and might have buried about 2 enemy models, what she does do is bury her own crew, make them fast and drop them on top of you which can be pretty nasty if you aren't expecting it.


    But is she a NPE? No I don't think so. It could be argued that any master is an NPE if they pull a trick that you aren't expecting and wipe out your best laid plans. Actually I think she certainly isn't one of the more powerful masters in the game but she is very versatile.

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  8. Fixed lists are tough, do you know in advance what the strategies are? I agree with hartsbane and would also go with the 2 beaters and if you don't have access to bishop then Taylor and the nothing beast are good choices, the 3" melee ranges are handy. To be honest I don't rely on burying the emery crew so I personally would drop the dead of winter upgrade and death marshal and take Tara's other upgrade and Johan, his ability to remove conditions can be handy.

    I prefer to run her as resser and would drop in bette, belles, flesh constructs & maybe swap the wretches for necropunks.

  9. I don't have the cards on me, can double check on Monday, but I would say...

    Colette has drowning injustice

    Jack casts twist & turn (which dosent generate damage)

    Colette resists, fails but declares now you see me

    Colette resolves now you see me, reduces damage (of which there is none) and switches with a marker if she wants

    Colette takes the 1 ap action (walk)

    Drowning injustice causes Colette to take 2 damage

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