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Posts posted by Shadai

  1. Not to hijack or anything, but has anyone tested gunsmiths?

    Gunsmiths are one of the best and most versatile models Arcanists have access to. The problem is usually your opponent knows it too, and thus they get a big target. I would think pairing the smiths with a metal gamin would help increase their survivability all while offering a jump point for Mei.

    Side question: does Kangs boost ability bump Gunsmiths? They are assests not members so I'm thinking no.

  2. Before I begin, this is going to sound like I'm calling out Lobo, but he has a lot of really good points so I'm just quoting him so I don't miss anything.



    Time limits: My biggest problem with the time limits is that I feel like it really hinders certain types of crews. Obviously, as Ramos is one of my favorite Masters to play, and I consider myself rather skilled with him, this frustrated me in particular, because he needs 2-3 turns to get really moving, even when you're not running his Avatar form. I think some of the solid Resser crews (excl Kirai) suffer from this as well, and could be why there is a perception that they are not competitive. I don't think that it's that they are bad crews, it's just that they are crews which usually require 5-6 turns in order to win. When you have a 75 minute time limit (which included setup, so really more like 60-65 minute rounds), that's nigh impossible to play 5-6 turns, and automatically eliminates some crews from being 'competitive'. As I stated elsewhere, I know in at least 2 of my losses with Ramos, and probably all 3 losses, if we had played through Turn 6, I likely would have won. In only 1 of those losses did I feel like my opponent wasn't playing very fast, but I also knew he was a newer player, so I didn't make a big deal about it. 'Slow Play' is going to become a big problem going forward if we stick to tournament timing like we did at GenCon, and it will be something that will have to be addressed. Malifaux is designed to be 6 rounds, and if you can't play in a tournament with the goal of getting to Turn 6 in 70 minutes, then IMO, you shouldn't have entered the 'Masters' tournament, or at the very least, you shouldn't be flippant when your opponent mentions being disappointed that you only got to turn 3.

    Okay so I agree with you all the way up to this part.

    And not that I feel this is aimed at me, but even so, I feel it's aimed in my general direction. And players like me.

    I agree that some masters are a bit slower to get their game face on. Colette is like a sup'd up drag racer with flames painted on the sides. Ramos... well Ramos is like a beat up 79 Buick Park Ave with a bad starter. It's a floaty tank, but the problem is getting that beast started in the am.

    But to say "if you can't play in a tournament with the goal of getting to Turn 6 in 70 minutes, then IMO, you shouldn't have entered the 'Masters' tournament" that's just not fair. No really, it's not fair. At all.

    I was one of those guys that made it to the masters. I didn't do it by slow play on purpose, I'm still new. And if someone told me, I'm sorry dude, but you can't play on Sunday even though you qualified because you're not good enough...

    Let's just say that right there would turn me away from this game faster then a naked Felicia Day giving me the "come hither" glance.

    Seriously. If you want this to be an elitist game, please feel free to play with your 5 other elitist friends and I'll go do something else. I believe all of my games made it AT LEAST to turn 4 before some of them were called for time. I think I had 1 that I was in turn 6 when it was called. And a few others where I was in turn 5. I didn't finish a game all weekend, save for that raping I took at the hands of Webster where I conceded 3rd round of the masters.

    Was I doing it on purpose? Hell no. But I'm not Webster, I don't know all the cards like he does, I don't have the memorized, and occasionally I (shocker) have to read them during my turn to make sure they do what I think they do. So to expect me to know and/or play like that, well, enjoy elitist Malifaux.

    I don't actually think that's what you mean Lobo. But that's kinda what it sounds like. Please don't think I'm jumping you or anything. I'm thinking it was either a poor choice of words, or just the way I'm reading it, or something.

    If you do mean it that way, I think that alienating players because they are "not good enough" to play 6 rounds under a strict-ass time limit, well that's just not fair.

    Terrain: ~snip~

    Totally agree. I wasn't around last year so I don't have anything to compare to, but all of this sounds reasonable and is pretty much where I was feeling about it during play.

    Single Elimination: ~snip~

    Loved it actually. It was nice knowing when I lost I was done. There was no hanging around, I could just up and leave the con and go home. I think a loser's bracket would be more trouble then it's worth, but I can see the draw.

    Declaring your Master: ~snip~

    I'm actually of two minds on this. I didn't like it as Colette cause really, who am I going to take. Please. My opponent if he knew anything about Colette could probably tell me my list before I even showed him. However, at the same time I kind of liked knowing what kind of rape train was inbound for my table before it arrived.

    Problem is, I don't really know how to fix it. Don't do it, and you give Outcast Masters a bit more of an advantage over other guys. Do it, and you kind of screw specialized armies, like Kirai, Colette, Ramos, Gremlins, etc.

    So it's an issue of six one way, half a dozen another.

    Adjusted Destroy the Evidence: ~snip~

    I liked it. I liked that there wasn't a brawl at the center right at the beginning for that all important center marker. I didn't really like the whole, "no interact on turn 1". Like Lobo said, it really screws fast moving Colette armies where that is their bread and butter. I don't stand toe to toe with anything, nor should it. Hit and run is my game, and being forced into a slugfest is not really fair.

    I think the answer is actually a bit of both. I think you DO allow interact actions with markers on turn 1. However, what I think you do is increase the cost of the action for TURN 1 ONLY. Thus, if I somehow get across the board on turn 1 with 2 actions left, I can destroy the evidence. If I can't, well, each turn after the first, the cost comes down to (1). That makes it fair for everyone. It discourages the first turn blitz, but not so much that it just simply cannot be done.

    Changes to Treasure Hunt: ~snip~

    See my thoughts about the previous.

    Totally agree here.

    I'm not going to touch on scoring or anything, cause I really don't know any better so who am I to say.

    Finally, someone mentioned about playing on the same table. This happened to me at least twice over the weekend, and I just flipped to the other side so I could play something different.

    I agree that steps should be taken to try and avoid letting players play on the same table, but sometimes that just doesn't work. I think the players can take the initiative by either switching sides, moving terrain, and or twisting the board so they both will be playing from a different angle.

    Just some thoughts from a new(er) player

  3. Yeah, I'll echo what some of the others have said. You need more terrain.

    You should be able to duck and cover all the way to their side of the board if need be. But really, Colette's crew is so fast it really doesn't matter. They might get a shot off before you are all over them.

    Raspy and Kaeris on the other hand are something else entirely. Kaeris is faster then Raspy, Raspy is just painful to play against the guild. I probably wouldn't take her to play unless I was forced to. The problem with Raspy is she is A. Slow, and B. your typical Archanist master, meaning she does the great majority of her damage through spells. Sonnia is a nightmare for her, witchling stalkers and their anti magic aura often mean doom if they reach her.

    Kaeris is a better choice. He can actually move with purpose unlike Raspy, and can clear out of those pesky anti-magic auras and light people up quickly. You'll need ways to spread the burning counter love to make him really tick, however. I would suggest Fire Gamin at least. I would also look to the new stuff. Metal Gamin can spread the burning token love, and since they are constructs, Kaeris can blow them to spread even more counters. Even the Rail Workers are good choices here, as they count as both living and construct. They can literally shovel burning tokens on people, and when they get low wounds, Kaeris can blow them up for even more.

    But don't stop there. I can see using Mei Feng (my new crush) really successfully against the guild. She has hard hitting melee attacks, and with her ride the rails ability she can literally go from one side of the board to the other. This will allow her to move from cover, get into combat, blow stuff up, then ride the rails back to the safety of cover.

    Lots of fun stuff here in Archanists now!

  4. Thanks for the support guys!

    But seriously, I don't feel bad at all. I was just happy to be there!

    I don't think I got cheated or anything. I think I just really didn't understand what was coming my way and I got blindsided. Webster at least apologized after he asked if I knew what Pandora/Collodi did and I replied Kinda and no. I thought he was a class guy, just very competitive, which again, was what I was expecting to play in the Masters.

    You know in hindsight a Duet bomb might have worked, but A) didn't think of it at the time, and B) since I didn't know what his models were capable of, if I did think of it I probably would have dismissed it as an overly risky move.

    I guess that would work if the following is true:

    1. If I kill the Performer and she can give Reactivate to a Coryphee, which when it later forms to be the Duet it gets to keep Reactivate (otherwise, range and logistics might be a problem).


    2. If six wounds would be enough to kill the majority of the army.

    It wouldn't be a bad tactic if it played out right. But it's an all or nothing deal. You are going all in, soulstones and all. Best case: Colette ices the performer, gives reactivate to the coryphee, coryphee activates, sword dance, use soulstone, shambles twice, other one dance partner, uses the 0 action to get the :masks to ca and cb, move, attack. Reactivate it, crescendo 3 times using SS each cast. Cassie activates (hopefully remembered to push her straight at the army to start), nimble move another 5, hopefully that is within 18 for her to dance partner, follow up with SS augmented Flame Breath for blast.

    Possible really. I'll try it next time I face that (if I ever face that kind of army again), but at least the next time I'll have the foresight to know what I'm looking at. All part of the learning experience.

  5. Some advice, since I just ran Colette in the Masters:

    Those videos are a good place to start. Helped me a lot try to wrap my head around the rules text on the cards and give you a base idea of what the crew is capable of.

    Read the cards.

    No seriously, read the $$$$$$$$ing cards. Read them all, take a break, read them again. When I was reading them for the first 10 times I would always find some new synergy or ability or something each time I read them. Hell, I still every-so-often sit and just read the showgirls cards just to re-familiarize myself with them. The day of the Saturday Gencon Qualifier? Yeah. I read the cards. Twice.

    As far as the Avatar is concerned, you don't need it.

    Hell I didn't even run it.

    Personally I don't see the draw. She gets a few new tricks and loses illusionist (I think, don't have the card in front of me). I find more uses for Illusionist then I find for her entire Avatar card. And if you are new to the crew, she is hard enough to comprehend without her Avatar to even worry about manifesting to begin with.

    It is just not an auto-include. She goes from being WOW Colette to eh... that's nice Colette. Unlike rezzer avatars which are almost auto-include, because they make the master significantly better. Colette's Avatar just isn't on the same wavelength. aColette gets some nice stuff, but not over and above better then what she can do by herself.

    Oh and use Doves. Never ever use the Arcane Effergy. Ever. Doves bring so much more to the crew then the Effergy can ever provide. It shouldn't even be debated.

  6. What happened? Can you give us a short summary of both crews composition/strats/schemes and what happened on turns 1 and 2?

    I can give you only what little I know. I'm still new at this game so I don't have a lot of experience.

    Strategy was Shared Distract. I was running standard Colette (Colette, x2 Coryphee + Duet, Cassie, Perf/Mann) with Breakthrough and Power Ritual. He had Pandora with Collodi (sp?) 3 dolls, a couple of stitched togethers, and something else I can't remember. He had bodyguard and breakthrough.

    Now, just to give you an idea of the matchup, he was (is) a guy who goes to a lot of tournaments, knows all the cards, plays fast, and has already won at least 1 major tournament that I know of. He won this one too, which makes the total I know of 2. Me, well I was just lucky to be sitting in the seat. He was overall game #17 for me, and it took every ounce of what little skill I possessed and a $$$$$$$$load of luck to even be sitting in the seat.

    Because this is the masters, everyone is expected to know their $$$$$$$$, so I was playing a bit faster then I would have liked so I didn't slow anyone down. I didn't want to be the guy that played really slow in hopes that the game would go to time or anything. Probably my first mistake.

    Anyway, I won deploy, had him deploy first. He Deployed in the center of the deployment zone, with every one of his models touching each other in a tight, two row group. I put Cassie on one side of the board to activate first corner, Coryphees and mann on the other side, with Colette, Perf, and Dove in the center. I don't remember if it was him or me who won initiative but it didn't matter.

    I should also mention since this was game #17 for me that I've only played against Pandora once, and that was earlier in the tournament on the Qualifier and if it wasn't called for time would have probably gotten stomped too. So I kinda knew what she was capable of but not really well. Additionally, this was the first time I've seen Collodi and since the time to get a match in was so short and restrictive, I didn't really have time to read his card to see what he did other then a cursory glance.

    So, his first activation he casts some strange aura/spell/something that if the model fails the resist duel they have to activate last. I get this is going to sound fuzzy without much detail, but again, new player, and he was talking fast. I was struggling to keep up. So he flips 9 cards for each of his models and declares that he is going to have them all tie so they fail. I now have to activate all of my models before he even activates 1.


    Well for Colette, if you are at all familiar with her, this is about the worst thing ever. Colette is a stick and move, act/react type of army. By having to go first, I'm essentially tipping my hand. So Colette makes me a stone, moves a couple of times, Perf moves forward into the cover of a doorway, Cassie activates corner 1 and moves forward, Coryphee activates corner 2 then shots down the other side forming up to the Duet, Dove flys over toward the Duet but not close enough for me to have it within 3" (a mistake of deploy I made that will never happen again) and.... yeah... that's it. Remember, I have to activate all of my stuff apparently, so I'm kind of rushing because I didn't want to take too much time. Second Mistake.

    So he activates, pushes some dolls and collodi around, gets across the board where they almost kill off my performer on turn 1. I think she had 2 wounds left. Then Pandora wanders over by where my Duet was, and starts casting bad $$$$$$$$. I'm flipping decently, but I need a bit more so I reach for a soulstone and say "I'll use a soulstone."

    He looks at me and says, "You can't."

    I'm sure I had a quizzical look on my face when I replied "They have Use Soulstone."

    "No, you didn't say you used the ability."

    "I used it on the Corphee before they danced together."

    "No," he said with emphasis, "You didn't actually say it."

    Now, I've been playing just to have fun this entire weekend. Luckily for me, I hadn't met anyone ultra competitive so most of the games have been fun and my opponent and I coming to mutual agreements as we played on when questions arose. But, this is the Masters, so I expected to meet players like this. I set my hand on the table and said "Okay, I see how this game is going to be." But he was right, I DIDN'T actually say it. I always remember to do it, and had for the entire tournament, but because I was trying to play faster, I guess I just missed it.

    Pandora continued the rape train.

    When she was done, the Duet was falling back to the board edge it was right next to, had negatives for flips, and was taking on wounds quickly. My opponent had also managed to kill the Mannequin right away too, so the fact I got mirrors off did not matter. The stitched togethers came over and tried to help but for the grace of my luck, somehow managed to survive their willpower flippy duels that would do damage to me, and did damage to them instead.

    End turn 1.

    I was running out of options at this point. At the start of turn 2, he wins initiative. I try to stone and lose anyway. He activates Pandora and shoots the still helpless, falling back, unable to use stone Duet with some more damage and or kill trigger (I don't remember the exact sequence, sorry). My Duet came off the board and with it, my chances of beating my opponent.

    It was my activation and I took stock of what I had left. I had a performer that was about to die, Cassie running up the side to activate the 3rd corner, Colette, and a dove. Against everything he had that had not even taken 1 wound. I could probably activate that 3rd corner, but I would never get the 4th before he managed to kill Cassie. Since the Dove doesn't count, it didn't matter. Then I have Colette, who is really hard to kill, but which so much firepower, and no girls left to use the triggers really (once cassie and the 2 wound left performer was dead), well, the writing was all the wall. There was no way I was going to get to that corner, and I was pretty sure he was going to wipe me off the map so getting points for Distract and Breakthrough were pretty much out of the question.

    I conceded.

    Really at this point I was just happy to be sitting in the seat. And if you would have told me going in to the weekend that I was going to finish 4th overall after the crappy flip day I had on Fridays qualifier I would have told you that you were high. I didn't want to end my Gencon tournament being frustrated and I couldn't do anything against Pandora who just seems unfun to play against. Additionally, I didn't see any reason at all to drag it out. Clearly I was facing a superior player, and it was really only a matter of time before my luck ran out and my noobness cost me a match.

    I was trying to figure out how to beat that after the match, and I asked my Opponent later what would have happened if I told him on my first turn, Colette makes and stone and I pass all my actions. He told me he would have done the same. When I looked at him funny, he explained that he took Bodyguard, so he was already up 2 points. Since I had to move to his side of the board to get my schemes/strategies, he was going to force me to move first. If I didn't, the game was going to end and he was going to win anyway.

    So there you are. Sorry I failed the Arcanists.

    edit: for general grammar derps

  7. I guess it depends on your definition of "pound for pound".

    There are a lot of really good suggestions here, but I would like to propose we narrow the field a bit.

    Initially, it would be easy to point out a model and say "this one right here" but oftentimes when we do so, we take some things into consideration that we really shouldn't. Like I'll use the Duet for an example. Now I'm a HUGE fan of the Duet. For me, pound for pound there simply isn't a better model in the game. Can hit hard several different ways, can move like it's ass is on fire, can capture objectives all in an attractive 14 point package.

    But should we consider it as one of the best models in the game?

    I would actually hesitate here. The Duet is nice and powerful, yes, but part of that power stems from working in a Colette crew. If we roll the Duet in another crew, cross-faction or not, do we get the same "pound for pound" value? Obviously not. This is because the Duet works so in sync with a Colette crew that running the Duet with anyone else will obviously lower it's power level. That's not to say it isn't still a potent piece... quite the contrary. But to crown it the best overall is foolhardy when you consider you need to roll a specific crew to get the most out of it.

    Additionally, I feel we should not include Masters or Henchmen in this discussion, as they are not as universal in their ability to play with any master or faction (save VonBadass, but he's the Malifaux version of Boba Fett).

    My list (in no particular order) is considerably shorter, and includes some diamond in the rough models you might not have thought about. But their value is often over and above what you pay for them, and while they might not be an auto-include, their value puts them on the short list of stuff you ARE considering.

    1. Gunsmith

    Pound for pound, nothing is as good as the gunsmith for Arcanist players. Offensively, it sports the ability to do a solid damage profile at range, a profile that gets even better with experimental ammo. Combined with it's gunfighter ability, just dropping something into base contact isn't enough to make these pesky models go away. When you include the fact they can change their ammo type to tailor their attacks to be the most effective, their damage profile is even more impressive. And to top all this offensive power off - paired pistols to help make the attacks stick. Defensively they are just as solid. While they aren't designed to stand toe-to-toe to anything, they have a wide array of defensive options with Concealed Pistol, Intimidating, and Duty. Even smoldering heart is a nice addition, allowing the gunsmith to easily convert defense to offence with The Hard Way. This makes for a pretty impressive model, but when you combine all of those abilities for a mere 6 points its a goddamn steal.

    2. Ronin

    Ah, Ronin. My love affair with you continues. A very balanced model with a very small 5 SS cost. The ability to move and strike is an impressive yet often overlooked ability. What is even more impressive is the 2" melee range, a weapon that overlooks armor and gets a :+fate to damage and oh yeah, a free push. Are you kidding? What could be better? Well how about more attacks? (+1) Melee Expert? Hell yes. A solid damage profile, a ranged weapon for when you just can't close means this 5 point model is an effective offensive powerhouse. When you consider that defensively you have a (1) action to increase your defense, harmless, and hard to kill it is even better. And let's not forget how mobile this model is. 4 walk/6 charge, ignores severe and climb penalties when walking and charging, and did I mention a free 4" push? Even better, if you have one on your crew, and you suddenly find yourself outmanned, you can hire another one in the middle of the fight with it's Always for Hire ability. If they disappoint you, you can force them to commit ritualistic suicide and get 2 SS in change. Not bad! And did I mention they were Mercenaries? That's right, you don't have to be playing outcast to enjoy this model, which makes it impressive across all factions that need a bit more mobility.

    3. Miss Demeanor / Convict Gunslinger

    Someone mentioned this one before. A solid merc model that is a great ranged artillery battery for anyone not playing Arcanists (cause they have the Gunsmiths above). Great range, gunfighter, paired pistols, and you'll not do more damage with a model for this few SS then you will with the Gunslinger if you have a handful of :masks to burn. Even the Gunslinger's spell is pretty good if you have the ability to make it stick. A solid 5 SS model that is worth it's weight in the dead corpse tokens your opponent leaves when its done activating.

    4. Rotten Belle

    Board control is a huge advantage for anyone who wins this game. Ask any Colette player. And for those of you Rezzers out there, it doesn't get more effective or cheaper then the lowly Rotten Belle. Hard to wound, slow to die, and an impressive range of control oriented effects helps you control the flow of the game by directly disrupting your opponent. Need to get that central evidence token but can't cause your opponent has parked something nasty on top of it? Lure it out of the way. Need to damage the cart but can't cause he's got that one guy in melee? Lure him away. Combined with a ranged slow and an ability to drop defenses, unless you are Kirai you'll wonder why you ever left dem Zombie teats on the sidelines before.

    Bonus Pick - Lawyer

    What? Lawyer? Are you kidding me? No man. I'm not. Go ahead and laugh. I'm not about to give all the tricks away, but if you even play a guy who knows how to get the most out of this model, its going to be a very, very frustrating day for you. And if you are a Colette or Gremlin player, you learn you have to kill this guy fast. While I don't actually include him in the best "pound for pound" picks (he's a bit expensive and slow of foot) he's got enough potential that if you learn how to use him right, he can actually win you games. Or at the very least, disrupt your opponent enough to allow you to win.

    (the first post disappeared into the aether, so I hope I'm not double posting)

  8. She has a nice... pardon the pun... figure?

    Other then that, she's pretty useless. I've never had a game where I was like... man... I WISH I had Angelica...

    She's a true support piece in a skirmish group that doesn't really need her. Her ability to make other girls immune to falling back is great until you realize it doesn't apply to her. Her ability is to debuff WP is awesome until you realize that most of the time the set up is not worth the effort. Bring out the next act is cool and all, but you can do the same thing with the Mannequin companion. She's fragile, and easily killed without much effort by your opponent.

    She would be good if she could be used as ranged area damage, tying up a bunch of your opponents in a group with your other models and blasting away with her range weapon. The problem with that is the shooting into melee rules. Oh look, I shoot a girl, nope she says I can't, illegal target - wasted AP.

    At her cost, you are almost always better off taking... well anything really. Gunsmiths, another Performer/Mannequin combo, Johan, a couple of doves, hell even Ronin might be an upgrade.

    But she has a really nice model!

    So there you go.

  9. Deliver the Message is a (2) action so getting in and doing it is easy enough with Cassandra or a Duet. My usual Schemes are Power Ritual and Sabotage which are usually easy enough to complete. But flipping any strategy which requires me to be near his models usually ends up unpleasantly for me.

    I only mentioned going toe to toe with Sonnia because someone mentioned it further up. I usually don't try to go near them at all if I can avoid it. What I'm struggling with is avoiding it. My opponent forms a line across the table and just double moves towards me as fast as possible. So I get kinda corralled into a corner. I know I'm clearly doing something wrong, what that is I'm not sure though. Duet does seem to be the key though as they can skip though the line and give me more movement.

    Oops, my bad. For some reason I was thinking it was a 2 action for just the shared strat and the individual strat was just 1. It's what I get for not having my rulebook handy when typing.

    Yeah in that case, remember the Duet can push through the line without any problems. I would in that instance try for figure on the end of the line to go through, sword dance the duet, move to him, hit him, announce move again, which gives you a free strike, then move to edge of melee range on the other side of him, then with third and final AP, move again, getting the free strike in first. If three attacks don't kill at least one of those guys, either you flipped bad or he flipped good. No worries, move him 9 + melee away (so usually about 10") at this point. With Cassie, you can do the move - sword dance trick too, or you can just dance partner to the duet which should put you safely on the other side of the line. If he's dumb enough to charge with the only one that is close, then no worries, end his sorry existence the next turn then keep moving.

  10. What I don't understand is how you're getting to Sonnia without a Witchling destroying your stupid face with his Rune Blade. I Witching need a 7 to pass the test to shank a Performer, Severe kills you outright Moderate kills you if they flip a :rams, best case scenario is they do weak damage and only half kill you. I mean if a Witchling cheats in for Severe damage on Colette you're burning Soul stones to stay alive.

    That's what I don't understand really. I can't single out a model and beat it down as i'll just get counter charged by Witchings and killed.

    It sounds like (and please don't take this the wrong way) you are doing it wrong then. :)

    Colette is not designed to go toe to toe with anyone. A properly played Colette army will make you feel like you can go toe to toe with anyone, but the reality is nine times out of ten it simply isn't true. A proper showgirls crew is more of a hit and run type of crew, with the Duet as your queen.

    As far as "getting to Sonia" as you are referring to.... if you mean for deliver the message you can easily do this with the Duet. 9" in, deliver, 9" out. If you are somehow still in range and you get charged, the Duet has the beefy defenses to live a round before you play swap game with Colette and a mannequin with the Duet, whisking the Duet out of reach and leaving a worthless mannequin (or even better, if that mannequin is linked to Colette, nothing but air).

    But in terms of pure "destruction" power, a typical all Showgirl crew doesn't have the damage or staying power to go toe-to-toe with anyone. They are short on wounds and damage, and are typically out-activated especially if you have the Duet. This is why you have to pick your battles carefully. You can't be the aggressor, but you can't play passive defense the entire time either. It is a delicate balance that is all about the stage show, fitting for the crew that calls themselves "Showgirls".

    If for some terrible reason you have to stand toe-to-toe with someone like Sonia, you best go in prepared, and that starts with crew selection. A standard "all" Showgirls army is not going to fare well. Again, you don't have the wounds, damage, and you rely way too heavily on spells. Instead you need to sub in some non-girls figures to make up the beef difference. My suggestions would be Karis and a gunsmith or two, since range is god-like when going up against a field of witchlings. If you need more of a melee presence, then Johan is not only cheap, but has really good synergy with Colette; Not to mention a vicious 3" melee range that takes up a large amount of board control considering you can deliver him anywhere you want with Disappearing Act. He might not last long against a bunch of witchlings, but I almost guarantee that if Colette is nearby to boost his AT he will take a few of those bastards with him.

  11. Sonia is a tough matchup for Colette and I have felt the sting of this one before.

    Depending on what the Sonia player is bringing, you need to figure out how to get the most points as possible and understand you are probably not going to win the game. Sonia is the guilds anti-arcanist member, and is pretty much a losing match-up for any arcanist master outside of say Marcus (who doesn't rely on spellcasting that much). You will find it is those anti-magic auras that will mess you up the worst.

    I've has some success playing keep away. If you have a good strat like reconnoiter or deliver the message you can just move around her and pick off models that she leaves exposed trying to get to you. If you have a more interactive strat like Slaughter, well, you probably should have re-flipped. Middle of the road strats that require some interaction like Supply Cart and others you'll just have to do the best you can. Because you usually won't know if your opponent is playing Sonia at the time of Strat flipping, you can handle it one of two ways:

    1. Assume if he announces he's playing the guild that Sonia is going to hit the board faster then you can say "Arcanists" and flip or re-flip Strats accordingly.

    2. If number 1 doesn't get you a favorable match (as Slaughter on reflip is a painful loss of soulstone AND annoying), then you are down to picking well on Schemes.

    Remember, you are probably not going to win that matchup, especially if you have Slaughter or the King of the Hill Strat I can't remember the name of. So getting as many points as possible is the most important thing you can do. When playing a vigorous game of keep-away, I prefer Sabotage and Arcane Ritual, since both are really easy to complete in a move heavy Colette squad and have the added bonus of keeping you away from those Auras.

    Try and isolate a few of his models and take them out quietly. You don't have the strength to confront Sonia and her crew directly. And who knows, if you get your 4 points from Schemes, maybe you can prevent his schemes and strats enough to actually pull off the win.

  12. The red joker is ultimately most useful in the deck. The reason being is it auto trumps all negative flips. Negative flips are the most common result in the game thus the red jokers ability is magnified. The black joker ultimately most useful out of the deck. Being able to retain this card mean there are only positive outcomes in the deck meaning its safer for u.

    I'm sure you are already aware of this, but remember the red joker doesn't trump ALL negative flips.

    I remember I really needed to kill a guy, but I had a negative flip to damage. That one negative screwed me over and put me through the emotional ringer.

    Okay, negative flip.... so first flip RED JOKER!!!! wooo! yeah! second flip for the negative (and I think at this point I said something to the effect of "not that it matters") ........ black.... joker...... crap.....

    It was a sad day.

  13. Alright I'm curious enough to ask this. Bruglyother and I debated this in his blog post here. In it, he claims that Steal Relic cannot be completed against a master who has Immune to Influence. Scroll down to the comments to see the arguments.

    My points in the comments was that Steal Relic is an interact action, and by definition, doesn't have a defender. I linked the ruling of that in the comments section. So therefore, my position was Steal Relic could be completed as Immune to Influence never comes into play.

    Who's right? I can see his argument, but I have a hard time believing the game designers would put something in like this. A scheme that is impossible to pull off?

    Edit: Before someone rips my head off. The ruling I linked was to Deliver a Message and targeting restrictions like getting around bully. My thought process was if and interact action gets around something like bully for goblins, then it must also get around Immune to Influence and Steal Relic, since it is also an interact action.

  14. Most of the starter boxes are pretty good just as is, some are obviously better then others but for the most part they are decent to start with.

    When I was running demos I would start with explaining the stat cards, and showing them the cards and suits. I would include AP, card modifiers, and movement (I never really have to go over movement long, it's pretty intuitive).

    Then I would slowly increase the difficulty. I would show them a basic duel (strike) with some hot Ronin-on-Ronin action. Once I felt he had a hold of that, I would give him a hand of cards and show him the cheat mechanic as I continued the hot Ronin-on-Ronin theme. Then I would upgrade his model to Sword Vik and surround her with some Ronin who were silly enough to helpfully stand in a group and explain triggers.

    After he whirlwinded around a few times, I would then introduce SS and SS use and explain that spells are kinda like a strike but you have to lock in the total before resisting. In all, it takes me about a half hour to a hour depending on how fast they pick this up to show someone the game.

  15. I actually don't know if there is ever a time when I'm playing Arcanists that I would ever reach for the Convict Gunslinger over the Gunsmith. Ever.

    I didn't realize how awesome the gunsmith was until I got a pair of them and started using them. They are just so versatile that they fit with virtually any strat against any opponent. Not just versatile, they can kick out a stupid amount of damage for their abilities as well.

    Really, for the same 6 points I don't ever see why you'd reach for that Convict Gunslinger unless you got a target that is really really hard to kill and you have a whole handful of masks. That is about the only situation the Convict Gunslinger shines over the Gunsmith.

    In all other aspects, the Gunsmith is aces. For Arcanists anyway. When I play Viks I love me some CG action.

  16. *edit* I remember the other thing i thought was missing. I think guild needs a "cowboy" or sheriff, I know Lady Justice is kinda in this spot but, i think being able to run sue, and the pale rider and the death marshalls would be sweet with a leader that seemed to fit the look more.




    I don't even play guild, and if Wyrd came up with a master loosely based on Clint Eastwood's "Man with no name" character in the best spaghetti western trilogy EVER.... I might just have to start.

    Holy crap, I'm all excited now.


    I get Pale Rider is kinda the Clint copy after the movie of the same name but damn man. A master would be awesome.

    I need to go take a cold shower and watch some spaghetti westerns now.

  17. So the damage flips for Kaeris Accelerant can be cheated right?

    All i see in the rules is "A model may Cheat Fate on Damage Flips unless one or more (-) apply to the flip" pg 45.

    So if that's true and you cheat in the red joker do you still flip another card for damage and then all models with burning take severe +red joker flip?

    I know accelerant takes a 6book+ to cast which still makes it limited to cast a lot.

    Yes, that is true.

    Although I think your opponent is just going to paralyze a bunch of his models rather than take potentially 5-8 damage in one shot.

    Either way, that's a good win if you pull it off.

  18. Can someone help, I'm reading alot about the 'APC trick' but don't get how it works...

    The APC trick is short for Armored Personnel Carrier and is generally what we say when we refer to using Colette's Disappearing Act on a friendly model.

    But why would I want to use that awesome spell with a chance to mannequin replace on a friendly model?

    Glad you asked.

    Basically, you use Disappearing Act on a slow moving, hard hitting model like Johan to get him into combat faster. Because Colette can switch places with another Showgirl, it allows her to move across the board really fast especially with Duet and Cassie who have great move ranges. Disappearing Act buries the model then returns it to play at the end of the turn within 6" of Colette.

    So essentially, cast Disappearing Act on a slow moving model (like Johan), move your other showgirls into position, have Colette on her reactivate turn swap places with one of them (preferably near the end of round), then when the round ends unbury said model within 6" that is conveniently close to face beating range.

    Obviously, you aren't using a SS to cast Disappearing Act as you don't want to trigger mannequin replacement on your own model. Using this trick is nice because it allows you to take a regularly slow model and deliver him into combat or elsewhere he is needed much faster then him just, you know, walking.

  19. Is there a card for the duet? Does it come withe the coryphee set?

    Thanks for the help guys, will let you know how it go's on sunday, but I get the feeling I'm gunna get thrashed by L. Justice..

    When you buy the Coryphee blister pack it comes with two models, two 40mm bases, one 50mm base, and 3 cards, two Coryphee cards and a Coryphee Duet card.

    Like one of the other guys said, magnets or pins are your friend since you only get two figures to essentially make 3 units (each Coryphee individually on a 40mm base, and both figures on the 50mm base). You can either buy two blister packs of Coryphee so you can glue them onto the bases or use magnets and get away with only buying one blister pack.

  20. You know, there is an easier way for people to become more familiar with the specific rules on the individual cards.

    Release the cards, yo.

    As far as I know, you can get the rules, for free, online.

    Why can't I see all the cards of the faction models or print them out?

    And if there is such a resource, why don't I know about it?

    I know you can print the v2 cards, but that isn't all the cards in the game. If your group doesn't have book 1, its REALLY hard to track that down to see what the models do. That leaves you to either A) buy them in hopes they are what you want, or B) wait til someone else does and read the card when they go to play them against you.

    Release the damn cards. I shouldn't have to track down 2 expensive books (and 1 that is now out of print) just to preview the card to see if it is something I want to work into my current model selection.

    The hidden benefit to releasing that information would be cutting down on that very barrier to entry for the new players. At any point they can skim or deeply read the cards, then when their opponent says I'm bring Sue, you know about what he can do without slowing the game down at the start to read it yourself.

  21. My vote goes to Lady Justice Death Marshalls crew box and The Ortegas box.

    Lady Justice is a melee beat stick (Strong Offense, needs help with Defense - ie Soul Stones) and the Death Marshalls can shoot and melee relatively well. The Judge is also a melee dude but can shoot with the best of them.

    Perdita Ortega and her crew are more into shooting. I think I can compare her to eCaine (Warmachine-Cygnar) with aesthetics and combat. Nino is the Defender/Sniper of the crew and Papa Loco is the bomb (literally)... think Skarre Bomb - you can obey him to blow up and kill surrounding enemies.

    Learning curve is not that high, you just have to get used to the card play and sequencing of turns.

    Other than that, welcome to Malifaux... The Governor Wants You for the Guild!

    Ooh, before I forget, you can also listen to Malifaux Podcasts: The Aethervox and Cheated Fates Radio.

    Podcasts are a bit long 2-3 hours on average but they discuss tactica, fluff and model descriptions. Plus the hosts are funny and are part of the forums.

    One more thing, if you are playing in a LGS, look for a Henchman in your area.. they are the Press Gangers of Malifaux. They would have demo crews you can play with and see with crews are more to your style.

    Guild bias much?


    Seriously wasp, get a hold of one of Wyrd's very nice catalogs or peek through the big thick rulebooks and look at what each model looks like. Then base your decision on what you think looks cool. All of those box sets that Wyrdpainting listed are very viable starting sets for beginners. Find something in that first list you like the looks of and get a few games in. The great thing about this game is it really doesn't take that long to pick up. The basic mechanics are really easy, and once you get them, its all about fine-tuning your tactics, learning what your opponents stuff does, and eventually increasing your model count (so you can play different masters!).

    Welcome to Malifaux!

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