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Image Comments posted by Requirement

  1. This is a really bad set up for a diorama. It's going to look terrible from any angle other that front on. You should really think these things through. Colors are OK I guess. I'll rate it 7 out of 16 oranges.

  2. Nice and dark. Some of the skin is a little too dark for my tastes but I wouldn't change it. It would throw off the whole feel of a great crew. The purple looks good on the Sorrows/Poltergeist. I really like the smooth highlights and that you took them almost all the way to white, makes them look very ethereal. I would like to see a little more work on the eyes of the models but overall they look really good. Can't say I have ever seen a pink/purple Pandora but it works.

  3. The things I like about this crew, I like a lot. The things I dislike, I strongly dislike. Overall, still a well-painted crew.

    -Great fade work on the greens. Looks superb.

    -Really good skin tones on the "human" models.

    -Candy's dress. Great color and highlighting.

    -Simple bases really work for the poltergeist and sorrows.


    -So many clashing colors. Red/Green/Purple is a bold color combination that hurts my brain.

    -Blood on the hands is a little too opaque. A little bit of gloss varnish would do a lot of make it look more bloodlike.

    -Eyes not painted. (I say it frequently: Damn you Wyrd and your small eyes!)


    Still, like I said, you seem to be a good painter and I like the brushwork on the models. You also seem down to earth and into getting feedback, which is always super cool to see online.

  4. Good old fashioned Kirai! I love the colors on Kirai and Chiaki. They really pop and stand out as the living members of the crew. Though i am not crazy about the "everyone else is green" thing, I do like that you kept the spirit/dead ones all in the same spectrum of colors as it really keeps the theme going strong throughout the crew. Everything looks well painted to boot. I would like to see them from a more straight on angle but they still look very good.

  5. Lots of good stuff going on in this crew and, of course, it's great to see some metal love. The skin tones are great across the board especially on the hanged. Great dead skin! Like most others have said, the base selection is spot on. They go really well with the crew and keep everyone unified.

  6. Clearly you are a great painter. Your colors are on point, all the technical details are there. The models look great.

    You know what I am into though? Those bases. Those are hot.

    There are so many details in the bases and they are so masterfully painted that it really sells the crew. Not only does each individual base look good on it's own but they also keep the flow going across all the models.

  7. This is one of the few times I can say I really enjoy how someone painted a clear crew. It's fantastic to see someone paint them well  and not just rely on the fact that they "count as" painted. The green is so subtle and wonderful and there are so many greens in there. It's really awesome to see the effect with the small bits of clear plastic. There are a few small details that could use some tidying up, mainly eyes (damn you Wyrd and your tiny-eyed models). Overall, one of the best Tara crews I have seen.

  8. I see you have been playing with lighting effects quite a bit... and to great results.

    What can I say that others haven't said? The colors are great. The brushwork is great. The shift from dark to light is amazing. The bases are fantastic.

    How about screw you, you talented jerk. It doesn't appear anyone has said that yet.

  9. This is interesting. I'm not sure if I love it or hate it. It's sooooo much white but at the same time it looks sooooo good. It's always refreshing to see a not-blue version of The Cult. Despite there being so much white, I think the bases would benefit from being a little snowy (or just the static grass maybe). I know, a silly statement from someone who just said there is "sooooo much white".
    Your white painting skills are on point though and that Golem looks incredible. I also like that where there are colors, you chose different colors than expected. The green pants on Raspy look great and serve as a great focal point.

  10. This is a spectacularly different Som'er. Bright colors!

    The nice twist on colors for Som'er is really sold by the magnificent painting. The patch on his arm stands out as an awesome little touch. I also like that the shadows and highlights aren't too intense. I would have liked to see a little more out of the base. Not much more but some swampyness or water or something small would really set this model off.

    EDIT: I also like that along with the bright colors, you made the skin a little brighter. Really looks fantastic.

  11. Always good to see a Teddy entered. I had a friend try their hand at a pink teddy years ago to middling results. Yours has blown those results out of the water.

    I really like the fur: nice and simply done but with great effect. Of course the claws teeth and over all smile are good as well. If your freehand rainbow didn't have the slightest of imperfections I would think it was a transfer. My only critique would be that I would like to see something more out of the base. Not much more, mind you, just some static grass or something to give it a finished off look.

  12. I have been on record for as long as the colored plastics have been out that I strongly dislike them. This has nothing to do with how you painted them but rather that seams end up sticking out, the parts that are painted end up being jarring, and the brightness... LORD the brightness.

    That being said, I think what you have painted here is pretty well done. Color choices seem spot on. I like that you painted all the eyes. I like that you fully painted the Dreamer. Finally, I like the cheeky fun of the bases. 

  13. Wow-ee. That is a well painted gremlin crew. The gremlins themselves look great (aside from a few places where the shadows could use some softer blending on the skin.) The bases unify the crew and look great themselves. The showstopper though is that Whiskey Golem. Beautiful work on him. Great use of NMM on all the bands (talk about patience) and the small bit of color from the eyes is perfect. Great paint job all around.

  14. I find it a bit of weird choice to display the crew on the "faded parchment" style background. I think they could be better displayed on a plain white background and it would really show off how spectacular they look. I'm happy to see Willy again (and, as I suspected, his dynamite sticks out a little better here). The rest of the crew looks equally as good. I really like Kang's white apron, though a little dirt might make sense on there, it is still great. I also really like Mei Feng. The colored pants and belt-cloth(90's style grunge plaid shirt?) really help her stick out in the crowd and, I'm sure, on the table.

  15. Excellent theme across the whole crew. I really like the color scheme and the heavy use of earth tones. Admittedly, I would like to see a few more pops of color but that might distract from the over all theme. I am really happy to see another Nicodem based without his zombie.

  16. I really like that the ability to remove the models exists. Makes it the perfect combination display box/diorama. Really well decorated and simple diorama. I would like to see a different Mei Feng to fit into situations like this but everyone else looks great. I particularly like the emberling and the pops of color on the rail workers.

  17. Now this is really unique! The basing is awesome and totally different from what I have come to expect from dioramas. The choice to do black and what is brilliant. The blood and fire sticking out so drastically is great; like a Frank Miller comic. Also, thank you for using my favorite Sonnia model. 

  18. This is an amazing piece! So many colors! Such good painting! Such coherence! This is a great use of three models from one box set. There is such attention to detail shown on these models, from the dirt on the zombie to the snow on the shovel that really makes this shine. 

  19. This is awesomely painted. I like the minimal use of traditional diorama (no back wall and such). It makes the model(s) the full focus. All of your colors are great (oh that skin!) and the shading (the fingers!) are spot on. Having snow blown up on the model really sells the detail on the model. Very well done.

  20. This is a great example of painted ice. Though a classic take, when exceptionally done, like this, you get great results. The subtle use of dark and light in the ice shows that you really know what you are doing. The cherry on top is that awesome coned base.

  21. The classic colors are classic for a reason: they work. You have proven that. What great blending! Outside of the black and red, the skin-tone works exceptionally well. Although i would have liked to see a different color thrown in the mix (maybe a different color hair) I don't really see where anything could be added. Great job.

  22. This is really well painted and a great conversion. Even though Raspy is done in light blues so frequently, the simple addition of blond hair (expertly sculpted blond hair at that) goes a long way in making the scheme feel fresh. The sparkles are also a fun, new touch.

    But bringing up your daughter for the "D'aw" points? Have you no shame?! :D

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