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Image Comments posted by Requirement

  1. Nice conversion! I'm going to have to track down some more angles of this guy because it looks that fantastic. The muted colors on the lower two is a great contrast to the rattler (who is colored very well.. those spikes, yo). I also like the base. Working the stone into a larger stone and tying it into the base is nothing short of inspired.

  2. This is a wonderful and unique piece. I love all the detail on both the model and the base. The paint style is super unique and really cool and the color choices compliment it well. As everyone else said: that base is amazing. I can't wait to see if I can find some 30mm branches so I can steal the hell out of that idea.

  3. Guys! Look! Someone made Nekima look the right size!

    On a more serious note: this model is very well painted and the colors look great. The scenic base is also great. Any time a scenic base adds to the model without taking over is a great thing to see.

  4. This is the first plastic Hoffman I have seen painted and you have really made the model appealing.Everything looks wonderful from the shading to the blending to the metal (very impressed with the metal) to picking up so many of the details from the pants to the goggles.

  5. That is a very colorful Izamu! I think it is very cool to see a colorful suit of armor! I really like that there are pops of color to draw the eye and a very distinct section of black to keep it thematic and a real focal point. Super cool to see this guy painted up and without a face.

  6. I really like your attention to detail; really makes the piece. Having things such as two different colored wire/hoses/tubes/whatever, or a different colored pad on her seat are very nice touches on a model that can be a little... bland... in places (by no fault of yours. Large sections of armored robot tend to be a little boring, both to paint and look at.)

  7. There are so many details that I like about this model: pinstripe on the pants, bright blue goggles, that wood! Throwing him on a railroad track is a great idea for a base. The only thing I could wish for is some better definition between the dynamite and the cart/bag. Still an on point paint job.

  8. Let's see R.O.Y G. B.I.V. .... Yep, all there.
    Seriously, the color work on this model is second to none. Your shading/highlighting game is strong. I have scrolled up about a dozen times to glance at the picture again and I can't decide if I hate the base or it is exactly perfect. That's probably a good thing.

  9. I really like your choice of colors on Levi; the muted with a few pops of color really works. The base is also fantastic and I appreciate your choice to continue with muted tones throughout the base. It really keeps the focus on Levi while adding an awesome touch.

  10. That apron is incredible. The shading and color blending is exquisite. The highlights on the pants are a little light for my tastes in places but substantially better than anything I can do with black. Also the wood handle of the shovel is perfect.

  11. This is one of my least favorite models but you have managed to make it something that I would actually like to see on the table. As others have said the gore level is spot on. Not enough to be over kill and just enough to leave me wanting more. I'm also not sure how you accomplished this: I don't hate his face like I normally do!

  12. This is a wonderfully painted Hannah. I really like the weathering on the robot portion and the simple basing. The newspaper is nice, simple, and scenic. Personally, I would like to see the robot portion filled out with a little more color (hard, I know. One of the reasons I have yet to paint Hannah myself) and some of the mold lines more thoroughly cleaned. Also, Is that some OSL coming out of the top? If so, very creative touch.

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