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Posts posted by puggimer

  1. Neither is GenCon, but Wyrd is there. Origins does have some mini events - Warhammer Fantasy, 40K and War Machine / Hordes are all there. WizKids used to be a huge sponsor before they imploded - I'm interested in seeing how they come back. Even as much as it has shrunk from a few years ago, I think it is still the second largest gaming convention in the US.

    I got into miniature games 10 years ago because of all the cool minis I used to see at Origins, I finally decided I just had to start playing some of those games.

    While Adepticon (my first time there this past weekend) was cool, it was much more of a set of co-located tournaments than a convention.

    Even if Wyrd can't justify a booth there because of the economy, it is still a shame that someone isn't running at least some demo events or a tournament there.

  2. I was a bit saddened to see that there are no Malifaux events being run at Origins. While not as big as GenCon (and the scheduling this year sucks), I would still have hoped they would be there. I know I had heard about the game last year and wanted to demo it at Origins, but they weren't there (thus I didn't pick it up until Christmas).

  3. Too cool - they must be mine! Order sent.

    A couple of questions - What are the sizes of the cards? Specifically because I'm going to want to get sleeves to protect these, so I'm curious if they will fit in standard CCG sleeves. And how are they packaged? Do they come in boxes, or just shrink wrapped? Though once I put them in sleeves I guess I'll have to get a box for them anyway, won't I?

    Anyway, thanks. I look forward to having a cooler fate deck than ANY of my local opponents (and I also like that they cards appear to be very clear and easy to read - something I don't find with the puppet decks that many people around her play with.)

  4. I would love to see the Wyrd Chronicles come back - or even some type of printed magazine. I have to say I am enjoying reading the fluff for Malifaux more than any other game - EVER. The writing is so cinematic - it just pulls you in. I for one would easily be willing to give Wyrd more money for more stories of this quality. (and it is a shame that the first book is out-of-print - the story there is great!)

  5. I feel your pain. I've only been playing for a couple of months, but have lost several games due to a black joker flip at the absolute worst time. Such as needing to kill Ophelia to keep her from scoring 3 VP and she was down to 1 wound. All I had to do was hit her on my last AP with ANYTHING (because of course she would take at least 1 dg) - and on a + flip for damage the black joker comes up.

    I routinely have my opponents (for both Malifaux and WFB) tell me that they have never seen as bad luck rolling / flipping as I have. The key is to just play for fun - it is only a game after all. As soon as I start caring if I win or lose the game becomes much less fun - if I just play to have a good time and roll with it, then it is much, much more enjoyable.

  6. I've found that with the new alternate sculpts there is not a real problem magnetizing them as they sit a bit lower. (The original sculpts just sit too high). I super glued 1/8" by 1/32" thickness magnets to both the bases and bottom of the model, and they are working great while not completely invisible, are definitely not very noticeable.



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