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Posts posted by birdbath

  1.  I am also disappointed. Not with the sculpt of Dr. Dufresne, (I NEED THAT SCULPT!!!), or with Sabastian (his stats and the model rocks!) but with the fact that I can't pair her with Mc Mourning! They would make such a lovely and disturbing couple on the table. I vote she has alternate stats, either her own or Sabastian's or even Rafkin's?

    I would just use her as Rafkin. I see no reason why other players would not let you do this.

    • Like 4
  2. Hi SaSheep, I am very near to you in a town called Frome. We have a gaming group that meet every 2 weeks at a pub in the centre and play malifaux blood bowl and x wing. We have only started playing Malifaux but it seems to be popular. 




    It would be amazing if you can come on over to see what we are about.


    Also, let me know if you want to buy anything from the GenCon stuff as it would be good if we could split the postage and customs.




  3. Hi all, I am thinking about getting crossroads 7 and have a lot of gremlins.


    I would like to use Gluttony in my gremlin lists but have no idea what its like to play with.


    Can anyone tell me what kind of a model Gluttony is and how best to use him.


    Thanks in advance,



  4. Hi all, I have a few Resurrectionists crews and love them all more than any other faction. I dont know what it is but I just cant get enough.


    So far I have the following:


    Yan Lo with all the other models like Yin etc.

    McMorning crew box

    Kirai crew box


    What I want to do is get another resser crew which does well with the models I have.


    What is a good crew to get to plug the holes of the strats I can easily do with the models I currently have?


    What is your favourite and who am I missing out on?


    Thanks for reading.







  5. We don't compete with stores in the manner of putting our stuff on sale - we'll offer alt sculpts, incentives for buying X, etc, but no, we won't be putting regular M2E product on any sort of discounted sale. 


    What we will be doing is our typical 'hey we got this, and this and this' and we'll be following it up this year with a nice discount on clearing out the rest of our 1st edition product (we're clearing the warehouse, and frankly, we're not selling it any longer). 


    We'll get you an announcement here in the next couple of hours. Just worked out a couple of last minute things and of course the newsletter that takes a bit of putting together. 


    Thanks for the update Nathan.

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