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Posts posted by voxplayer

  1. I've recently tried out the Standard Yellow Grey stuff and it works well enough. I like green stuff more for the control and texture as opposed to milliput (it's really chalky) but you can do some neat things with it. My first shot was making wood floors for my Colodi crew. It also takes quite a while to harden but once it does it's quite solid.

  2. I've come back to school and we've got a large number of new students in our gaming club that are wanting to learn how to play. It's open to the public so feel free to stop down.

    We start at 7pm and are in the Cartwright Center Room 257 and will be there until midnight. The building is at the end of La Crosse St on the University of Wisconsin campus. Feel free to message me for directions or questions.


  3. On the 27th, I will be running a demo for new players and those who are rusty on the rules on the same night our Labrynth Games Dead Heat League starts up. Not only will I be going over demo games, but I'll be walking people through how the Dead Heat games will work. I will be starting at 7pm and going until the doors close. Just ask for Brian.

    Labrynth Games

    123 3rd Ave

    Baraboo, WI 53959


  4. We will be running a league that will help to promote the Dead Heat Campaign that will start on July 27th at 7:00pm at:

    Labrynth Games

    123 3rd Ave

    Baraboo, WI


    We will be following the rules for the Dead Heat Campaign and weekly updates will be provided to let everyone know where their favorite faction stands. Once you have played a game, you just fill out a result slip and put it in the box marked "Malifaux Results"; both can be found near the game boards that you will be playing on.

    Dead Heat Rules

    Anyone, anywhere in the world may choose to make a game of Malifaux a campaign game. Simply agree with your opponent before the game that it will be for the campaign. To participate, you and your opponent must be playing different factions (For Example: two players both using Guild couldn’t log a campaign game). This rule is just to keep it fair, it’s difficult to show that your faction is winning by fighting itself!

    Next, after the Choose Factions step of the Encounter Setup Sequence (see Rules Manual pg. 62) add an additional step: Flip for Attacker/Defender and choose Sector. After each player has announced their faction and agreed to play a campaign game, both players flip a card. The player with the highest card may choose to be the Attacker or Defender. The Attacker then selects one of the Defender’s sectors (an area of the map controlled by the Defender’s faction). This is the sector you will be fighting over. Pay close attention, some sectors may have additional special rules!

    If a faction does not control any sectors, that faction is always the Attacker. If two factions both control zero sectors and they happen to play each other flip for Attacker/Defender as normal and the Attacker may choose any sector on the map, regardless of whether or not the Defender controls it.

    The Map

    The map of Malifaux has been cut up into 15 sectors. Each of these sectors represents an important area of the city. Before playing a game, you and your opponent must determine which sector you are fighting over. The sectors are:

    1)Western Slums (1) 2) Downtown (3) * 3) Northern NCZ (2) 4) Industrial Zone (1) 5) Southern NCZ (2) 6) Warehouse District (Quarantined)(2) 7) Little Kingdom and surrounding Slums(3) * 8) Quarantine Zone(3)*

    9) Deadwalks City (Quarantined) (3) * 10) Salvage and Logistics (2) 11) The Burns (2) 12) Howling Slums (1) 13) Southern Slums (1) 14) Southgate (3) * 15) Southern Docks District (Quarantined) (1)

    The number in parenthesis after the sector’s name represents how many Campaign Points (CP) a sector is worth. The faction with the most CP at the end of the campaign wins. (For Example: at the end of the campaign the Guild control Downtown, The Burns, and The Howling Slums. As these are worth 3, 2, and 1 CP respectively, the Guild has 6 CP total.)

    Each sector on the map (Link to come) has a color associated with a certain faction. This denotes which faction currently controls that sector. Red for Guild, blue for Arcanists, green for Ressurectionists, gold for Outcasts, and purple for Neverborn.

    Some sectors are marked with an * (Note: all of the sectors worth 3 CP). This denotes that this sector has an additional special rule, which will come into play in any games played in this sector.

    Sector Special Rules

    The following sectors have the listed special rule:

    2) Downtown: Once per turn, when the Defending player declares an action, the acting model gains an additional Ram to all duel totals for the remainder of that models activation.

    7) Little Kingdom and surrounding Slums: The Defending player may add 2 soulstones to their pool at the start of the game. This may put their cache above the limit normally allowed for their game size.

    8) Quarantine Zone: The Defending player may score victory points for one unannounced scheme as if it had been announced. (Note: If the Defender chooses to have two unannounced schemes, he or she must mark in some way which one will be worth the additional points if completed)

    9) Deadwalks City : After deploying crews the Defending player may place up to five plagued corpse counters on the table. These plagued corpse counters must be at least 8” apart and three of them must be placed at least 8” away from the Defending player’s Deployment Zone. When a model which is carrying one of these plagued Corpse Counters activates, its controller may choose to discard the plagued corpse counter to search his or her fate deck for a card with the printed crows suit, reveal it to all players, and then place it in their hand. Afterward the player must shuffle their deck. (Note: these plagued corpse counters may also be used as regular corpse counters, and may only be picked up by a model which can normally pick up corpse counters.)

    14) Southgate: For the duration of the game, the Defending player draws one additional card during the draw phase and then discards one card of their choice.

    Throughout the course of the Campaign other sectors may receive additional special rules or special terrain. This will be clearly marked on (Link to come).

    Logging Games

    The faction that wins a game gains one Sector Point in the sector in which the game was played. The faction with the most Sector Points in any given Sector controls it (For Example: The Guild has 55 Sector Points in the Downtown sector and the next highest is Ressurectionists at 35. The Guild control the Downtown sector). If two factions are tied for points in a given sector, it remains controlled by the Faction who had control of it on the previous update.

    Once the game is done, report the results to your local Wyrd Henchman and he or she will then give the results to us. If you do not know your local Henchman check the list at:
    or post a thread on the forums to see if you can find one in the same area as you. If that does not work, consider becoming one yourself!

    Winning the Campaign

    The faction with the most Campaign Points at the end of the campaign (August 26th) will win and a new alternate sculpt of their henchman will be made. If two or more factions are tied for Campaign Points, the faction with the most total Sector Points (combined from all sectors) is the winner.

    Starting Sectors

    Each faction begins the campaign controlling 3 different sectors; one worth 3 CP, one worth 2 CP, and one worth 1 CP, for a total of 6 CP for each faction. Each faction also begins with 85 Sector Points distributed as follows: 50 in the sector worth 3 CP, 25 in the sector worth 2 CP, and 10 in the sector worth 1 CP. For an updated list of exactly how many Sector Points each faction has in each sector, go to: (Link to come).


    The Map and total sector point list will be updated once a week, every Friday. These can be found on the Wyrd Forums and Website.

    Audio updates for the campaign will be provided once a week, every Sunday. These can be found atBreachside.coda.net

  5. Background
    The ancient city of Malifaux, dark and foreboding, a realm both full of endless possibility and heart wrenching defeat. Reeling from the onset of a strange and virulent plague, an incursion of monsters born from the stuff of nightmares and months of violent rioting between Guild law enforcement and the Miners & Steamfitters Union has left the city in turmoil. The Governor has dispatched messengers Earth side requesting more Guardsmen to restore order through Marshal Law. The citizenry calls for someone to rise up and restore order, who will rise? The portents indicate a new player to the game, a new power in the city, does fate favor you?

    • If initial location generation will take place before your first game and your opponent will confirm the locations. The flips will be made from the players own fate deck.
      • Each participant will begin the league controlling between 4-6 locations.
      • The first flip made determines the number of locations a player controls:
        • Black Joker= 4 Starting Territories
        • 1-13= 5 Starting Territories
        • Red Joker= 6 Starting Territories

        [*]Once the number of initial locations has been determined, players will flip a number of cards from their fate deck equal to the number of initial locations they control to determine Indoor or Outdoor locations.

        • Black or Red Joker= Players Choice
        • 1-7= Outdoor Loaction
        • 8-13= INdoor Location

        [*]Once players have made the flip to determine how many indoor and outdoor locations they control, they will flip a number of cards that will determine which specific locations they control.

        • Indoor Locations
          1. Theatre
          2. Sewers
          3. Arcanist’s Lab
          4. Resurrectionist’s Lab
          5. Guild Library
          6. Necropolis
          7. Guild Holding Facility
          8. Warehouse
          9. Research Facility
          10. Mine System
          11. Ancient Ruins
          12. Large Tavern
          13. Collapsed City Block

    Black or Red Joker= Players choice

    • Outdoor Locations
      1. Hags Territory
      2. Gremlin Village
      3. Bayou’s Edge
      4. Bogs
      5. Downtown
      6. Industrial Zone
      7. Slums
      8. Quarantine Zone
      9. Ruins
      10. Mine
      11. Ghost Town
      12. Badlands
      13. Mountains

    Black or Red Joker= Players Choice

    • During league games, all participants will “wager” one of their controlled locations each game (unless they don’t own any)
      • The winner will gain control of the “wagered” location
      • The loser of the game will lose control of the location “wagered”.
      • The Ronin Rule: Players without a location to “wager” (henceforth referred to as Ronin), instead choose one from their opponents list of controlled locations to fight over. In this circumstance, the player that has locations under his control doesn't “wager” another location. The winner of this game will either gain or retain control of the selected location. Two Ronin players may not play a league game against each other. A player loses the title of Ronin after gaining a location.

      [*]During league games a player may only use the special benefit of the location that is being played for. [*]Duration of the League: 5 Weeks from the start date.

      • Participants are expected to play at least one game each week.
      • A player may play as many games per week as they like.

      [*]Here are some changes from how a League game differs from a standard game

      • Instead of flipping for a starting location, both players will flip; the location will be the winners “wagered” location.

      [*]The Rising Power Rule: The player with the largest number of controlled locations receives a + flip during the Deploy Crews step and any one initiative flip during the game. [*]The Prey Rule: Any player facing an opponent that has 3 or more controlled locations than they do may either select one additional Scheme for the encounter or receive 2 SS for their starting pool.

      • You can’t choose a Scheme that is already being played.
      • VP cap still remains at 8
      • You can’t exceed the starting pool total with the additional 2 SS

    Location Benefits

    • Outdoor Locations

    1. Hag's Territory - Once per game at any time during the turn, you may reshuffle your discard pile back into your Fate Deck.

    2. Gremlin Village - Once per game, one of your models may use a 0 action to make a Healing Flip.

    3. Bayou's Edge - Once per game, you may add a - flip to one of your opponent's actions.

    4. Bogs - During the Deploy Crews portion of the Encounter Setup, you may place one of your models up to 8" beyond your deployment zone.

    5. Downtown - One of your models costs 1 less Soul Stone to hire.

    6. Industrial Zone - After deployment, you may place one Scrap Counter outside of your deployment zone.

    7. Slums - Once per game, you may add a - flip to one of your opponent's actions.

    8. Quarantine Zone - Once per game, you may add a Masks to the flip.

    9. Ruins - Once per game during the Start Draw Phase, you may increase your crews maximum hand size by 1 until the End Closing Phase.

    10. Mine - Once per game a Master or Henchman model may use an Interact 1 action to gain a Soul Stone.

    11. Ghost Town - Once per game, you may add a Ram to the flip.

    12. Badlands - Once per game you may increase the AP cost of one of your opponents Actions by 1.

    13. Mountains - Once per game, you may re-flip your initiative without expending a Soul Stone.

    • Indoor Locations

    1. Theatre - Once per game at any time during the turn, you may reshuffle your discard pile back into your Fate Deck.

    2. Sewers - During the Deploy Crews portion of the Encounter Setup, you may place one of your models up to 8" beyond your deployment zone.

    3. Arcanist's Lab - Once per game, you may add a Tome to the flip.

    4. Resurrectionist's Lab - Once per game, you may add a Crow to the flip.

    5. Guild Library - Once per game, you may add a + flip to one of your models actions.

    6. Necropolis - After deployment, you may place one Corpse Counter outside of your deployment zone.

    7. Guild Holding Facility - One of your models costs 1 less Soul Stone to hire

    8. Warehouse - After deployment, you may place one Scrap Counter outside of your deployment zone.

    9. Research Facility - Once per game, you may add a + flip to one of your models actions.

    10. Cave/ Mine System - Once per game a Master or Henchman model may use an Interact 1 action to gain a Soul Stone.

    11. Ancient Ruins - Once per game during the Start Draw Phase, you may increase your crews maximum hand size by 1 until the End Closing Phase.

    12. Large Tavern - Once per game, one of your models may use a 0 action to make a Healing Flip.

    13. Collapsed City Block - After deployment, you may place one Corpse Counter outside of your deployment zone.

    Above are the rules we are using for the first ever Malifaux League that will take place at Labrynth Games in Baraboo, Wisconsin. We will be starting on June 22nd at 7pm and on that night starting locations will be flipped for. If you can't make it that night all you have to do is contact me and I will flip locations for you and mark them on the map for you. If anyone happens to join in late and no locations are available, you will be able to enter the league as a Ronin (see rules). There is no entry fee into this league as it is set up to be more of a learning experience for how traditional Malifaux games are played. We all look forward to seeing you at the shop and may Fate be on your side! If you have any questions feel free to message me on the forum.

    Labrynth Games
    123 3rd Ave
    Baraboo, Wisconsin 53959
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