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Posts posted by BigBadBroloski

  1. Im starting to play Malifaux and I am looking for some statcards for some outcast masters and henchmen (Collodi and The Plagued in particular) and cant find it ANYWHERE.

    Would appreciate some help.

    Thanks in advance :)



  2. Oh yeah some things I forgot to mention:

    For now two masters have interested me the most: The Plagued guy and the puppetier. Just simply love their styles and gameplay looks what im looking for.

    Im from Croatia, a small country in south-east of Europe. Thats why some sentences maybe dont make grammatical sense as I am not a native speaker.

  3. I am usually a general board game players. I love 40k and the whole fluf, but the tabletop miniatures game was kinda repulsive for me. It seemed like a wild slug fest with lots of dice and quite little of tactics which I enjoy so much in other games. Then I found out about Malifaux from a friend whose in my board game gaming group after a session of Chaos in the Old World (great game btw). He got me interested in the game with its cool card mechanic (which I later found out was called the Fate deck!), and most importantly a much more strategic victory conditions than other miniature games. I went to the website and checked things out. I was intrigued, suffice it to say. Now, against my own personal codex (which prevents me from playing miniature games with the same reason I stopped playing magic and other TCG-s) I am thinking to start playing Malifaux. Yep its true, belive it or not :) (yeah yeah we know what else are you doing on this forum? Ah, this children these days...)

    Now the question I wanted to ask from you was this: Which master to choose?

    I like this things:

    I love my game complex. Lots of choices and options. I like to win by my own skill not simply by playing the most op thing (Im watching you Grey Hunters!)

    I play to win. Otherwise the game is not fun for me. The fun comes along but I come to the playing field with a mindset to win. Thats how I play all my games. So I would like to play something that actually is competative (dont know if there are some balance issues so omnipresent in most other miniature games).

    And the most important question: Do you think this game is for me?


    Thanks in advance for your answers and advice.



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