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About Shockwave

  • Birthday 01/27/1985

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  1. Thanks again guys for the kind words! Im looking foward to seeing it demonn! Im keeping my eyes peeled I must say that i reasly like the stitched sculpts, but that could be because im a huge oogey boogey fan but like you said its probably like me and zoraida. Im glad you liked the markers to! Im really happy with them to though sadly ive been away for a couple of days so i havent made any more progress on them but im gonna paint all day tomorrow so hopefully ill have some more progress to show you all i also got collodi and the carrion effigy in the mail a couple of day ago so they are next on the painting list. Hopefully ill be done with all the markers and additional models for the crew before gencon so i can start planning and preparing fo the dark debts and ten thunders crew boxes
  2. Thanks =D im really glad you like it! The mask is really big compared to her head but often when you see voodoo masks they are really big
  3. Here are two group shots of the final crew And since the crew was done for now (though i have ordered collodi and some effigies) i started making some objective markers Here is a wip shot of 3 evidence markers made from some gw parts, i imagine it being some of zoraidas forbidden lore and voodoo books =) I am also working on a supplywagon marker. Let me know what you guys think!
  4. Next up is my zoraida and as you all know and might have read in my earlier posts i dont like any of her scuplts so i converted mine to something that is more visually appealing and something that fits the theme of the crew more I might go back and and some more voodoo dolls the her base at a later point but those little buggers was a pain in the @$$ to paint =)
  5. Thanks a million for the great response and kind words =D glad you think Kade looks creepy Spjuth, that was what i was going for and go ahead and copy Demonn, just as long as you show me the results i havent been able to post here for a couple of days but i havent been lazy! I have finnished the whole crew now! And here are the pics: Lets start of with the 2 stitched together i dont know how visible it is to you guys but i see it all to well, these two are covered in little white spots cause i had a little accident with the airbrush yesterday when painting them. It clogged and all of a sudden an explosion of paint came from it and hit my crew thanks to an open window and a sudden gust of wind that must have grabbed the paint -.- You see it very well on the dice on the first stitched ones base, lucklily these two were the ones that was hit the baddest and the rest of the crew just got some smalls stains on them.
  6. And next up is the convict gunslinger And here are 2 groupshots Just three more models to paint now and then the crew is done (for now atleast) Let me know what you think, all C&C is welcome!
  7. Thanks for the tips guys, ive always had problems with osl so its nice to get some tips from people master the technique Im gonna see if i can work some more on teddy tomorrow. i spent 3 hours painting yesterday though and managed to finnish kade to a decent standard (though i must say i really dont like the model so im gonna paint up the puppetwars version and use that instead) and the puppet wars version of the convict gunslinger, just to keep the puppet theme in the crew. Here they are: First up is Kade, im not really sure about the eyes though, i was trying to make them look like shark eyes but i dont think they look quite right.
  8. My girlfriend just said that the eyes on teddy and especially the osl looked like crap so now im not sure if it looks good or if it actually looks like crap and ill have to redo it -.-
  9. Another update! I finnished teddy today so here are 2 pics: hope you like him! tomorrow im gonna clean the last mouldlines on the stitched together and im gonna start painting my convict gunslinger (the puppet wars on) and baby kade (also the puppet wars version) and if time allows in gonna start converting zoraida to a little more appealing version
  10. And here are some wip shots of teddy: Let me know what you think!
  11. hello again everyone! This weekend me and balefire played some malifaux and it really ignited the spark again so now im really motivated to complete my zoraida crew! I started working on teddy again last night since he was the last mini i worked on but first let me show you my custom crew box i made yesterday: I found this great box in an outlet store and thought i would be perfect for malifaux Oh and sorry for the crappy photos
  12. Ok update time! (although just a small one) I finnished my first effigy last night! Since the official models arent out yet i used one of the PW models, the malifaux cherub i believe. This little fellow took me about three hours to complete so its kind of quick job so be gentle Some of the pictures might be a bit dark as i was experimenting with different light levels last night so you will have to excuse me for that. Here are the pics: Let me know what you think!
  13. Pandadirector those ideas sound awsome so i say go for it! And you have My blessing to blame me if you go bankrupt Paddy nix is of to a great start! I must say i really like the rats in his stomach, keep up the good work! I made some progress today myself, im almost finnished with my first effigy so expect pictures tomorrow
  14. Hey guys! I bought puppet wars a while ago and it seems to be a great game, but i was very dissapointed by the board itself so i have decided to make my own! I saw that litko have wooden hexes that you can buy so m gonna order some from them so here comes my question, i want to use the standard malifaux bases for all my puppetwars minis so i can use them for both systems and since they are larger than the pw bases what size of hexes do i need? They have to be roomy enough to fit a standard malifaux base and still have some space over
  15. Oh and by the way pandadirector do tell me about this idea of yours so i know if i should be proud or ashamed to have inspired you
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