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Posts posted by moetle

  1. ditto on the old GW bits service. When i found out they stopped doing it i was very shocked. Well hopefully the folks at Wyrd will have something soon cause i know i'd like to get certain parts for conversions and stuff.


  2. Thank you both very much!

    I had a cook out and invited a few of my old gaming buddies and we tried Malifaux out. All I can say is that this game is the whole bottle of awesome sauce. Even though we were learning it and trying to remember the rules and stuff it was a great game. Everyone loved it and it literally was anyones game til the final moments of the final round. Hate to say it but it was more exciting then warhammer 40k and most the other games we have played. Everyone pretty much agreed were playing more of this in the near future :-)

    Nothing gets you into the painting mood like a great mini game so i sat down to finish Sonnia Criids box set and ended up painting Storm and a wendigo.../boggle. That is starting to become a habit, but oh well! on to the pics that turned out mediocre at best (going to have to play with a poor mans light box soon).

    storm all primed black...yes black. I wanted a different looking storm from the norm but i still wanted a cold look.


    skin first shade of blue


    skin second shade of blue


    skin is finished and its a good pic, plus i got the fur started


    Fur done and working on the "ice" parts


    While i was working on him i also did up the wendigo since they were close in scheme:




    And last but not least, my wendigo on crack! on his base..Storm!


    More in a few


  3. I think you had zero comments cause people are still picking their jaws up off the floor. That crew is top notch. The only thing i don't like is the pumpkin on one of the canine remains, it looks a lot like a basket ball (i thought it was at first). Other then that, i know many a gamer that would kill to field that on their tabletops. The rogue necromancy is really awesome, excellent use of yellows on the main body. Once again, really great stuff!


  4. Small update:

    So i sat down to paint up Lord Chompy bits, and instead started working on Zoraida and the Stitched together models.. /boggle. Weird how that happens sometimes, I'm hearing the call of nurgle again too...so many projects and so little me to go around. /sigh

    Anyways i started working on her skin so here is an actual WIP(kinda):





    Since she is a swamp lady and like 4534573948759 years old i wanted her to have some old leathery type skin. i think i pulled it off.

    Now the Stitched together "skin". 90% of the stitched models ive seen painted up seem to have the old burlap sack style. I like it and it looks fine, but they look to me like they are stitched together with the flesh of humans. As such i did them much the same way as i did her. although not complete i think they look pretty good too.

    the one on the right is right after a wash of ink and the one on the left is the next stage:


    same stage:


    left one is next stage the one on the right is like the one above:


    next stage:


    Last stage:


    The reason i posted stage pics, is in the hope that a newer painter can see the progression of the paint, and Older painters to point out if they see something i might be able to improve on in my stages.


    More in a few


  5. @Vmag Thank you very much. The sticks are actually molded on the base, that's all wyrd not me . The star that was on the teddy base is also molded on the base but its really really light so unless you paint on it, you wouldn't ever notice its there, thats why you cant see it on the LCB base.

    @SpiralngCadavr The lettering on both bases is all freehand. to get that effect i just watered down the colors alot.

  6. thanks !

    Quick update.

    Originally i had planned to put Rasputina and most of her crew on cake pillars, then i later changed my mind. I'll do it, but another time. Now i needed something ice/snowlike and i didnt have anything at the house and i really didnt want to screw around too much on her crews bases. So based on a review i read about dragonforge bases i decided to to give them a whirl as they were affordable and the reviews i read were all good. So i got em and started painting them up.


    BTW, the reviews were spot on, they had almost no resin bubbles at all, flash was almost none existent and the dimensions were spot on. When i buy something resin thats the way they should be imho. Their customer service was outstanding as well. I purchased more then i needed to convert them a tad for another crew in the distant future that wont look ice like.

    Here they are with the 3 gamin and the golem. i think they look pretty good for no conversioning done to them.


    Since im on the subject of bases i painted up lord chompy bits base, although its not done all the way (this is a wip after all, right?).


    When i figure out exactly how i'm going to do it there will be a kid with some cake on the base later. Not sure if he will be alive and sceered or dead yet.....

    More in a few


  7. Greetings all you Wyrd mini people!

    I have recently been getting into the malifaux thang. As such, if no one objects, i'm going to continue my log here starting today. I do paint other mini's from various companies, but right now my focus is on the Wyrd stuff, they just have a lot of flavor.

    if you should happen to see what i have done up to this point here is the linky:


    SO without wasting anymore of your time here is where i'm starting:

    So like i said earlier i started getting into the whole Malifaux thing and i ended up buying just bout every crew box ( i collect mini's, its what i do) there was and then i decided to put most of them together and get their bases ready.

    the aftermath:




    after i got them cleaned up i decided i wanted to paint something up from start to finish but wanted something easy so i wouldn't have to spend alot of time on it.

    SO BEHOLD ! my first completed malifaux mini's


    Hehe those will be objective markers for 40k and malifaux just cause they look cool :-)

    Next i started working on my Teddy mini. In alot of reviews i have read about this mini, most people say that the mini seems flat at first. Well, they are right. First thing i thought when i opened the package was that it was one flat mini. However after clean up and priming and getting some paint on it, it really does seem to "pop out" so to speak.

    But before i get further into that i would also like to say something about wyrds custom bases. They are the bomb! Easy easy clean up, easy to paint up and really looks nice. So i got some for just about every crew i got (not all), as they are also a HUGE time saver as well. Everyone knows that the dice gods favor the better painted armies, so i figured Lady Fate would favor my flips if my models were on the Wyrd bases :-P

    Teddy is probably going to be used with two seperate crews so i put him on an orphanage base to match my pandora and dreamer orphanage bases and here's how that turned out:


    so i started on teddy...what color to go with?..well pink seems to be the thing i been trying lately and he would kinda fit in better with the pandora set as im using alot of pink with her crew.....


    Yall may have noticed that the "wip" part of the wip log kinda goes from start to finish. I am trying to break that habit but once i get started on something it turns into a whirlwind of ideas and doings. So stopping to take a pic doesnt always happen. Sorry. Kinda.


    I wanted his belly to say something. At the time i wasn't sure what, so i searched around the net and found some cool ideas on coolminiornot but I didn't want to permanently borrow anyone elses idea. I just couldn't get over that mouth full of nasty teeth and then i got the idea.


    When playing most people will be seeing the mini from the angle of that photo, so i did the eyes the way i did for that effect. So the person i would be playing would have the idea that the mini was looking at them. but for the naysayers here is a full frontal shot!


    I gotta say that is one sexy bear that's going to eat you alive in a very none sexy way!

    I got a few touches left on him but for now he is 95% done. This mini has ALOT of flavor and its one of the top ten mini's that drew me to malifaux in the first place. The number one mini will be finished this week (i think) and to me its awesome! But yall will have to wait.

    More in a few


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