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Posts posted by moetle

  1. As a modeler I've really enjoyed the plastics over Wyrd's metal and their few resin pieces(the resin pieces I've had were pretty bad, almost finecast bad). 


    Granted some of the plastic kits are a lot more complex than others. I do think maybe a complexity level on the boxes might help some people new to the hobby.


    I have seen the scale issues. As far as those go I personally don't think its that big of an issue. From a gaming perspective (across the table) are you really going to notice that mini is slightly bigger? Is it going to really matter? Probably not. I do think wyrd has a QC problem there in China, but I'm sure wyrd is listening. Course if they were made in America....


    From a painting perspective, yes, I can see how it would be annoying if you and your heart set on painting up said model for said crew for display. But then, folks are going to be looking at your paint job. That makes the mini, not how the mini makes the paint job.


    As far as the models not fitting on the base size they are supposed to, I say, use some imagination. In the above post by Doctorlucky is a good example. Mine are set up in a similar fashion, but I'm too lazy to grab them out of the cabinet on the other side of the house to take a pic.


    The skeeters? Well, to me, I think they are supposed to be air born. That's easy to do. Here are the two I have been working on:



    They are both flying and from a game perspective, you wont notice the pins ( I used greening pins  and not paperclips due to strength ). You will also be able to pick them up and move them around without actually touching the mini, when they are done. I may do one of them slurping up a victim too. 


    Now, I'm not a fan of Ramos, so I will probably never buy that kit. But if I were to do the brass arachnid, I'd slap a piece of foamboard or corkboard vertically on the end of the base and put him upside down, like he was crawling down a wall. The smoke coming out of the stack would look like it was going up instead of its side.


    Just my opinion.

  2. No offence meant to Wyrd, but I thought it was a mistake also. 35 bucks for a single model. Of a guy on a horse. The sculpt is rather boring as well imho, its a guild rifleman on a horse. Why does it cost so much?


    I do like the idea's so far for redoing the relic hunter set. You could also turn the wastrels into zombies fairly easily and Luna into a canine remains as well, if you were doing a resser crew too.

  3. Well, I finished the roman bust I started forever ago. The wip pics didnt turn out very well so I'm not going to bother. The finished pics aren't too bad though. It's not Wyrd stuff but I thought some folks might enjoy looking at it.
    How's he look?
  4. Thanks everyone!


    I have numerous skin tone recipes, but for this one I used Reapers Sunburn Flesh (29821) thinned down in sever layers, then a wash of The Army Painter Strong tone. After that was completely dry, I went over it again with some SBF to start drawing out the highlights, Then mixed in some Reaper Suntan Flesh (29822) thinned down in several layers, then I took some STF on its own, then added a tad of Reapers Caucasian Flesh (29823).


    The Cogs came from Dragonforge.com. His prices IMHO are pretty reasonable and the quality on his resin is top notch (better than most of the other "popular" guys stuff, at least from my experience). The cogs were white metal though, just saying.


    The gears were from a bag of watch gears I purchased on ebay.


    The tubes/pipes were from sprues from wyrds new plastics. The broken drill bits were actually used drill bits from pinning stuff....Oh wait I haven't posted pics of those models yet....

  5. Progress:
    I didn't want to do the metallic or detail work till the bases were complete. Also I didn't want to do the typical "Rails for the Rail crew". Based on the fluff though I could see Ramos having them helping him clean up after a mine collapse or one of his experiments gone awry or something along those lines. Not sure how far or where I will go with these but, I have a ton of tiny gears for stuff like this.
    Marching on!
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