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Posts posted by LegoRick

  1. It has been a while since I last posted here, but that was mainly because I did not have much to report. I had ordered a copy of the base game and the four expansion packs with the hopes of having them professionally painted. It took a little while for the painting service to get them in, but they have finally updated me with pictures of the finished product! I did get a discount on the paint job by giving them 'artistic license', the only downside of which ended up being they based them all with dirt/static grass. I am not unhappy, though, they still look great!

    First, a video update by the painting studio that includes my Puppet-Wars project! My segment starts at 1:48 and goes through 2:27:

    Second, here is a link to the actual finished product gallery that they posted on their website:


    Overall, I am quite pleased, and can't wait to get these on the table!

  2. You already have a leg-up on me; I didn't know of which Pawns you would want multiples. I believe there was discussion about the future of Puppet Wars, and that Pokey Vic and the Horseman would be widely available with the next release. Even then, though, you would still need to buy multiple Boosters to get multiples of figures since they will not be sold in single blister packs. Of course you could trade with people here, if you wanted. With Teddies, I really don't know. I haven't heard of any future Teddy distribution.

    Other than that, the figures look amazing, and there are several videos on Youtube to allow you to actually watch the game being played. It looks like fun to me! I wish I could tell you more, but I am having a painting service paint up my puppets, and I don't have them yet. :[

  3. Thanks for the responses, everyone. The info about people selling off individual puppets that they might not need/want seems promising, and especially helpful. Also glad to hear about the positive response to drafting. That sounds awesome to me. I was originally just going to get one bag with Lucius/one bag without, but with the response I may have to reconsider.

  4. Hello, all! I have had my eyes on Puppet Wars for a while now, but have only recently purchased some product (which is now being painted by Blue Table Painting). Currently, I have only grabbed one of each of the available boxed sets (starter, multiplayer, and boosters 1, 2, & 3). I think that is probably a good place to start (and stay at for a while). I love the idea of drafting using a pool of puppets vs. having set lists (at least with friendly get-together games). My questions are:

    1.) Are there any plans on selling puppets in single figure packs?

    2.) Are there any confirmed future releases for Puppet Wars?

    3.) I have read a lot of hate for the BF Puppet Wars bag, but am I crazy for falling in love with it? Ordering two would fit my current collection perfectly.

    4.) Do any of you like the idea of drafting for a method of Puppet Wars play?

    With those questions asked...the only other thing I would like to say is that I am soooo anxious to get my figures and start playing. I love the videos I have watched where players are getting their significant others involved. This seems like a game that is breaking down some tough gaming barriers. Very cool.

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