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Posts posted by Spence

  1. Is there a way to print off a Crew once created?  Other than plain text?


    I can do a screen capture and edit out the selection drop downs for unused slots, but it woud be great to be able to print off a list that you can take with you. 


    I was going to attach a pic of before and after, but the forum appears not to support simple images, it just links to external URL's.

  2. Thanks for the all the info and the link.


    While it's a bummer about individual figure sales, I'm not too surprised.  This approach will drastically cut down on packaging and handling costs for them. 


    The old box sets I have are Lady Justice, Perdita, Rasputina, Colette and Kirai.  I also have the 1.5 version of new sculpt plastic The Thunder w/Misaki.


    Card wise, I have all the Wave 1 cards so that gives me cards for the Lady Justice, Perdita, Rasputina and Misaki boxes.  I'll most likely wait for the Wave 2 cards to field Colette and Kirai. 


    Looking at the 1E, shop I can buy the old single Enslaved Nephilim, Scales of Justice, Wendigo (though the new one appears to have two figs versus one in 1E) to round out the wave one boxes.   But I really think the new sculpts are far better than the old ones, plus I prefer plastic to metal. 



    None of this makes an unsurmountable obstacle.  I just wanted to check a few things out before committing the time to complete the painting and money to fill the holes.

  3. A while ago I bought several box sets with the intent of getting Malifaux started in my area.  Life intervened and then suddenly 2E reared its head.  So I waited.  Now I have the 2E book and the Wave 1 cards.  I have noted that the 2E box sets all have an additional figure when compared to their 1E/1.5E box sets. 


    So my first question is, under the new rules, are the old 1E crew compositions still viable and balanced against each other?  In other words if I field the old box sets against each other will they still be balanced in play?


    And my second question is,  do they intend to release the “added” figures singly so you can round out the crews?


    If these were already answered on another thread, I missed it and a simple pointer to the thread in question will be a lot more helpfull than a diatribe about how it was already answered.....

  4. Meh….


    The truth of the matter is that Wyrd cannot know what is happening.  They will not be able to give any kind of word until they get notification from Customs on this side.  Even notifications from the company are chancy.


    But let’s take a look at the big and most important aspect of this.  The size of the run.  Major or even minor printing houses do not allow their presses and binders sit idle.  Idling machinery tends to break, so they will tend to keep them running as much as they can without significant downtime. 


    So what does that mean?  Well, RPG printing is a teeny teeny itsie bitsy small print run in the world of printing.  This particular KS had three books, the two main books (Player and Fatemaster) and the special edition combined book.  A quick bit of math tells us that just on the face (not knowing how many additional copied may have been ordered) they need 1498 Player Guides, 1498 Fatemaster Guides and 751 Special Editions.   Let’s double that, no triple that and round up for extras and initial store stock.  That makes it two runs of 4500 copies and one run of 2300.


    And those are really tiny runs. 


    A print company knows exactly how long it takes to print the pages for a book of X pages and at X size.

    They know how long it takes to print the cover material, the endpapers and the text block.

    They know how long it takes to trim and assemble them. 

    They also do not want to print them up if they will not be quickly assembled and crated.


    They use tiny jobs like these to fill between real print runs from book companies and organizations that are ordering prints of 100,000 to a 1,000,000+ copies.


    So where do orders like this one fall?


    In between two major runs, IF the run will fit, they will print the book, assemble it and warehouse it.  Because remember, they ordered 3 books and just because one of them got printed doesn’t mean the others were.   Once all 3 books have been printed they will notify Wyrd and ship them. 


    But also remember that:

    1) Wyrd’s 3 micro print order is only one of dozens or maybe hundreds they have pending.

    2) They will not give notice until the complete order is done.

    3) When they say “it is done and shipping” they do not mean it is actually on the way.  They mean it has been sent to the shipping warehouse where it will sit until it is combined with enough other ordered heading to the States that they warrant it can be shipped so they can save costs.


    Once it is shipped, it needs to find its way out via their customs and then in via ours. 

    And remember they are books,  i.e. non-critical and non-perishable.    Or in other words low priority bulk. 


    Once it gets past our customs it gets back in the hands of the shipping company.


    The relevant point is throughout this is that a minor print of a game is not really going to be a high priority for anyone in the entire process except us. 


    It could take months for the prints to be done. 

    Another month to move form shipping to customs.

    Then the 40-60 days to transit by containership. 

    Then 10-60 days in our customs.


    And all the while Wyrd has very little or zero control or influence.  After all,  does the printing company really suffer any kind of real loss if a foreign RPG micro-business no longer does business with them?


    And that is books, I imagine the none book items will have their own issues, though I can’t speak to what those will be.

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  5. For a game like this I have always preferred to sit down with the players and give them a run down on 'the world as they know it' and then have them make their PC's as a group.  The good role-players will tend to make complimentary PC's without really thinking about it and that occasional munchkin that lives to derail or screw up a story line will tend to be boxed in and neutralized by the real gamers. 


    In play the group will not take kindly on the munchkin mucking up the works and will shut them down early.  That generally leaves me free to just run a fun game and not have to ride herd on a idiot. 



    <edited for spelling>

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  6. So, I didn't get to back through the breach (i wasn't aware of it until it was too late), but I'm very interested in the game. I heard that backers have a pdf copy, so they've got a good hard look at the game. What do you guys think? From the little I know, I'm curious about a couple of things:




    Basically, I'm just very curious about the game. Malifaux has a very cool setting, so it would be fun to try a Roleplaying game with it. Thanks.


    Hey Claymore65,


    I have the PDF can’t really say too much.  Not because I don't want to, but because I haven’t delved to deep.  I am one of those people that just doesn’t like learning from a PDF, I need an old fashioned hard copy book in hand.    


    I am an old codger, started gaming (min's) back in 73’ish and can actually remember the original RPG’s (D&D, EotPT, and so on).   So I do have a good grounding in recognizing an RPG that has a good feel.


    I skimmed through the PDF books, both the Fated Almanac and the Fatemasters Almanac and I can say I liked what I saw. 


    They definitely have captured the feel of Malifaux and the character generation system is both unique and fun.  From my read-through I think that TtB will be a fantastic and fun game.  But since I haven’t actually played it, I can’t say whether the rules will deliver their promise in actual play. 


    It is definitely shiny and the engine sounds like a well-tuned race car, but I can’t tell you how it will do in the quarter mile ;).

  7. Actually, not quite.




    So, essentially, it's not that the product wasn't doing well (I know my local gaming store usually sells about 1-2 a week, and we're in freaking KANSAS), but that the company behind the product stopped caring about the product and has moved on.  Which actually turned me off on the video game project; how do I know he's not just going to leave everything in the dust when he goes onto this next thing?


    It's really sad, because the WWG community was really active, but since Denny kind of abandoned his company (and stopped updating ANY products), it's kind of become a ghost town.



    Arrghh..   I am really bummed.   The only reason I have not been using mine is I waiting for 2E to come out.  The other game I play that uses terrain doesn't allow pre-measuring and so TC was out as it is marked. 


    I have two sets of Streets and two of Buildings.   I guess they will have to do. 

  8. Thanks.

    I had ordered several of the box sets to see about getting interest up at my FLGS right about the time news about 2E hit us. Interest has been guarded about it because no one wants to invest in 1E with 2E around the corner. It looks like most of the sets I have are in 1st Wave so all I really need is a new Rulebook and the updated cards.

    The only thing I couldn't seem to find was a timeline.....

  9. So what is the best guess for Malifaux 2E core books hitting the FLGS? I am seeing listings at various distributors, but no dates..... I looked for something in news or an official pinned notice, but came up blank. Mostly saw GenCon threads, which is to be expected.

    I don't need specifics, month/quarter or even 'we don't know yet' would be fine so I can plan...

  10. Hi all.

    Looking for some information I can’t seem to find on the boards/website. I have been interested in Malifaux for a while and have finally decided to get serious and start up the game at my FLGS. We have a strong miniatures gaming community here that has slowly shifted to Warmachine/Hordes, mostly because your current figures do not go obsolete like some of the other systems out there…

    Anyway, one of the biggest issues in my area is that most of the gamers here are older, 25-50ish, rather than younger and tend to either play or paint. Few have a lot of time so they buy the figs they need and paint as they can, but many times play with them half painted or even bare.

    I have picked up six starter boxes, two I am painting and for the others I have enlisted the able assistance of one of the owners at my FLGS to paint the others. She really enjoys the hobby side (painting) and turns out some fantastic paint jobs. The plan is to start some learning games by the end of the month using my figs. I’ve been gaming since the late 70’s and the rules read pretty easy, but I don’t want to assume anything about actual play until I get to do some.

    So I was looking through the Malifaux related sites looking for some general organized league material to use as starter demo’s but was surprised at not turning up anything. The only info available is Convention Level Tournaments (2013 Governors Decree with the start up game killing “must be painted” clause) or the hidden/locked away Henchman material only available to, well Henchmen. Henchman is something I am interested in, but I can’t truthfully commit to it until I see the game in action and get a better feel for it.

    I know that the hobbyist side of the game is important and a lot of people invest a lot of effort into modeling, but in some areas it is the game play that attracts the players instead. Mandating complete paint jobs for everyday organized play is pretty much why I haven’t seen any GW stuff around here in a couple years, when their local store closed.

    I guess it all boils down to, is there any everyday general league style organized play materials available? Or more importantly, a start up Demo guide? I suppose I can wing it, but it would make it a lot easier to have an example to look through. Or just use Governors Decree and ignore the painting part for now, but not being able to participate in official tournaments is going to dampen interest here.

  11. I use Army Transport. They have multiple trays of varying depth and I can move anything from large Warjacks, to scale WW1 and WW2 aircraft, to Age of Sail ships. I don't need to move it all at the same time and the tray stack nicely on a shelf. I have two bags so I can take what I need.

  12. Been lurking a bit and realized I hadn't said hello,

    I'm an old grognard that converted to RPG's back when the first D&D came out. I still dabble with historicals and have recently been playing WarMachine at my FLGS.

    When I saw Malifaux and I just had to pick it up. Looking to see about trying it at my FLGS, probably in Oct.

  13. OK,

    Newb here ;)

    I haven't played yet, but have picked up the rules and a couple "easy to learn" starter boxes. I plan on getting them painted up and giving the game a whirl at my FLGS (the game has generated some interest especially with the smaller number of figs needed to play compared to other games out there).

    But I have seem to have missed something. I picked up Terraclips (awesome product by the way) and wanted to see how they fit into the encounter/setup rules. Apparently they don't? I can find nothing that shows any basic layouts keyed to encounters. As far I can tell the only way to use T-clips is for someone to prebuild the map and skip the scenario terrain selection/setup in the rules. But that leads to the issue of the person who builds the terrain having the advantage in knowing the layout.

    With T-Clips being such an awesome (yes I like that word) compliment to Malifaux, I thought I'd be able to find a few pre-designed encounter map layouts that could be built by, well newbs like me. Generic semi-simple layouts that are "balanced" for play.

    I have an idea of a few mirrored layouts (all the buildings and streets are mirrored so neither side has an advantage) to try and be balanced. But I don't have the experience with the system to really know if I would be giving unfair advantage.

    And fair is important for introducing a new game.

  14. Yes, each clamshell includes the card for that unit, and each starter box includes the cards for all the units in it. Just like WarmaHordes. Like WarmaHordes, each box is fairly playable at approximately 25 Soulstones (points). Also, like WarmaHordes, some boxes have models that work better together than the models in other boxes. (Consider the Trollbloods box versus the Cryx box, for instance.)

    There are no real 'base units.' Each Master has models that work best for him/her, but they're spread across all three books. You could make a pretty potent crew out of just a Master and minions out of books 2 and 3.

    The only ways to pick a master are to read the wiki, find a copy of all three Fluff rulebooks, or go find someone to demo for you (or just buy what looks good to you). The best way will always be to go get a demo, as far as I'm concerned.

    That trips the trigger. Knowing about the cards, that is. Now I know I won't be missing a critical piece if I order a model.

    I will need to peruse PullMyFinger and then drop an order at my FLGS.

  15. Wow, I didn’t expect to see so many responses across the holiday.


    Pay particular attention to the "gathering supplies" page and the "starting master" section of each master page.

    Great looking site. It will take me a bit to digest. There are a couple people at the FLGS interested in giving it a shot. This should give us something to guide our first choices.

    You'll find that there isn't really anything that defines each faction, it's more about the various Masters and their individual playstyles. The Pullmyfinger wiki should give you an idea of each master.

    You'll have seen the starter boxes. Each of them contains a 25ss crew (more or less) that's ideal for starting each master, usually containing the minions that work closest with that master and making an ideal place to expand from. You're generally going to be using around 6-8 models once you expand to 35ss.

    Hope this helps!


    It does, help I mean.

    I didn’t realize they were actual ‘starter boxes’. I just thought they we some kind of multiple figure ‘set’.

    Like Mike mentioned, there are starter sets. If you haven't seen them, here is where they are in the online store:


    Also like others have said the factions don't have a good way to catagorize them like the one I saw for Warmachine once:

    "Khador--->Axe to Face

    Cygnar--------------------------------->Bullet to face"

    Typically people pick the Master(s) they like. One big difference between Malifaux and other games is that you tend to select your list AFTER you know what the scenario is and what faction your opponent is playing.

    So question for you. What games do you currently play and what style (or armies) do you play in them? That will help us better answer the "what should I buy" question. I realize that doesn't help when you are asking for an entire group (such as your LGS crowd) but that is what Pull My Finger is for.

    J Actually it does help. We play Warmachine at the shop so the Khador/Cygnar ref is spot on.

    For mini’s I am (well was, it has been a dry spell in the US) a Historical gamer leaning toward naval. For land warfare I prefer tactical or skirmish games (no units of 500+ etc, all in the small number range with 1:1 ratio’s). Currently I play Warmachine and am about to begin ACTA:SF and Leviathans (whenever Levs actually ever releases). Other than that it is a lot of RPG. We came across Malifaux and it just looks too cool to pass up, but seems to have very little available to give a succinct explanation or guide of what is what for the average person who does not have anyone nearby to ask.

    Well generally:

    Guild focuses on strong attacks and defense with typically straightforward strategies and few shenanigans.

    Resurrectionists tend to favor melee. Masters are tough enough to be able to dip into the battle occasionally, but not strong enough to stay there.

    Arcanists tend to go for weaker models that focus on spells and summoning, with Masters that seem to work best when they lead from the rear.

    Neverborn focus on trickery and shenanigans.

    Outcasts are hodge-podge, although I notice they tend towards more self-destructive strategies.

    Thanks Wolfgsar. While broad these give me a general idea. Much more than I had when I first posted.

    The Rules Manual is the most update and comprehensive compilation of the games mechanics. The original (and unfortunately out of print atm but Wyrd are totally aware of this) Malifaux: A Character-Driven Skirmish Game contains the stats for the original crews, however their stats have been updated since then. They are available to download on this website, so you can easily find out all about the original crews.

    Two supplemental books, Rising Powers and Twisting Fates, continue the narrative story line, introduce new Masters, Henchmen, Minions and mechanics. The last book also introduces the concept of Avatars.

    The advice given to check out the wiki is spot on if you're looking for a nice overview of the characters. I'm not sure if that is what you're looking for or not, but if you have any other questions please ask, plenty of people here only too happy to help a new player out. I know because I am one too.

    there are pdfs with stats for almost all first book models. If you need help finding them they're in the downloads section of the main malifaux site.

    OK, so the figures include stat cards/sheets? And the updated ones are on the websight. Correct. When you order a figure or box set does it include the stat card/sheet, or do you have to make one youself?

    There is no book covering the current ‘base’ units, just the ‘new’ units in the expansions?

  16. I bought the Rules Manual but it doesn’t actually mention anything that would allow me to make any kind of decision on factions or models.

    Before I invest a sizable chunk of change I need to get some kind of idea of what models do what.

    The game looks good. But I simply cannot spend $35+ just to preview. Is there a place that actually describes the game and the models, not as fluff, but in terms that you can actually use to decide what you need to buy.

    There are a lot of people at my FLGS that have showed interest, but unlike pretty much all the other mini games, we can’t find anything that gives us an idea of a starting point. I mean Warmachine at least has defined starter boxes that you can buy and know you have a balanced force. With Malifaux you just have a very extensive list of figures in multiple factions and nothing to allow you to make an intelligent decision on what does what. I can’t even find anything that defines (game terms) what the different factions do.

    So is there a non-fluff directory that of what constitutes a balanced force? How many figures, which figures, etc. What is the difference between the factions (not fluff, but game mechanics-wise).

    Basically, I need to have some kind of idea of what I am getting into without spending a large chunk of change blind. I already bought one rule book that doesn’t have enough information to actually play.

  17. So I was looking through 'new stuff' with a friend down at my FLGS. He is one of the owners and we are always on the lookout for something fun and different to play. So we stumbled across Terraclips and by default Malifaux.

    Malifaux just looks too good to pass on so I just ordered the core rules to get an idea. I was going to pick up a mini's or two, but decided to wait until I have some idea of what is what. But the game just looks too cool :D

    The question because I noticed Gaining Ground. When does Wyrd usually publish their Organized play material. Organized play is a big pull in my area and I was just wondering the timelines involved.

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