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Posts posted by jasonfly

  1. Thanks for the compliment Wings! I'm bouncing between my malifaux and warmachine minis, since their paintschemes are quite different. But yes, Mags is looking a little 'flat' at the moment, I might revisit him.

    Grim, the top hat came for a 'Hats and guns of Malifaux' blister that a friend bought. If I remember correctly, there was a cowboy hat in it, so I'd recommend it. I didn't have to file his head down at all, was a perfect fit!

    More to come soon, hopefully I'll finish a test mini for my sword knights...

  2. And now for something completely different:


    Say hello to Asheth Magnus, also known as The Warlord.


    There's an avatar Viks box behind him, does that count as a wyrd mini? :P


    And the rear view, the metallics did not appreciate being photographed...

    Hopefully this'll show me that people actually look at my stuff, it's been eerily like talking to myself lately....Low forum traffic maybe?

    Anyways, C&C would be nice, since I'm seriously starting to try and get my painting to a high enough level to have a chance at a local painting competition several months from now.

  3. @ Adran: The case was a judge trying to use one of his spells (arrest I think). I'm gonna double-check with him, I need to keep the limitations of the ability in mind.

    I'm glad to see the suggestions coming up. Anyone have anything to say about vanessa and/or the strongarm suit? I haven't seen their stats but am itching to get my hands on them.

  4. Glad to see all the helpful advice- I find I need to ease off the washes, and get my consistency just right.

    Also, I forgot to mention I'm using Vallejo paints, but I guess the advice still holds true. +I tend to work over a white primer lately, attempting to wean myself off the black

  5. So, in an attempt to improve my painting skills, I have yet to take the greatest hurdle-painting skin, and faces in particular.

    I've attempted layering on them now, and the effect is better, but I seem to have issues picking out areas to highlight/my color transitions being too great/my paint having this weird chalky, pastelly look to it (doesn't always happen, think it might be humidity).

    Faces especially are hellish. I repainted my Kaeris' face 3 times today, and still don't like it. Any tips on that would be amazing.

    for reference, here's what I usually try to do:

    1. dwarf flesh
    2. thin sepia wash
    3. dwarf flesh again, leaving wash in deep areas/edges
    4. dwarf flesh+elf flesh 1st highlight
    5. same as above, but with more elf flesh
    6. (optional) pure elf flesh extreme highlights.

    For reference, the minis I've done so far are in my signature. Any tips/links to tutorials/advice would be greatly appreciated!

  6. Well, my return to malifaux (sadly primarily painting so far) has got me regularly lurking the forums and the internet at large for ideas regarding crews, conversions, tactics and most things Malifaux-related.

    The forums aren't dead by a long shot, but I don't see too much new stuff coming through. I thought I might try and get the ball rolling a bit and have some discussing of Outcast combos that we enjoy/find effective/want to try.

    Before this thread stagnates with 2 people linking me to pullmyfinger, I want to say that my main hope is to get some discussion/new ideas. The new stuff is coming out (I'm looking at you, strongarm), and doesn't yet have a page for it and/or old modles haven't been updated to show interactions with the new ones. Other than that, I just want to hear what people enjoy running.

    Here are a few things that have worked well for me, and infuriated my opponents:

    • Always keeping something handy to heal Taelor, be it a librarian or a desperate merc. Flipping a red joker and bringing her back from the brink has been a real turning point in a few games.
    • The classic Vik slingshot, although I can't quite seem to get the level of devastation most people are seeing. A play by play on this would be appreciated. Also, any ways to get the enemy to bunch up?
    • Convict gunslinger's suppressing fire on gremlins (high model count) really annoys your opponent and can really demolish their hand
    • Von Schill just hoses some opponents with his extra WP bubble, but it only starts when he activates....(sorry Woodstock, my bad!)
    • A pair of trappers. Toss them in the way of the enemy and in cover. If they shoot enough, the opponent will generally send some stuff to deal with them, easing the pressure on my main line. If not, they make good finishers and last-minute point grabbers.
    • Never underestimate a freikorpsmann, but don't count on them to do much damage.
    • Desperate mercenaries tend to prove themselves very often. use other stuff to distract the enemy from the seemingly lowly merc and then let him do his thing with his gun of doom (that thing took out a mature nephilim in one turn from full health!)

    Those are just a few I've used. Granted, most are rather general, but I just want to get the ball rolling and see what wiser heads than mine use :)

  7. Also, Kaeris:


    Poor lighting, but I wanted to show off the fact that she's magnetized, and has a base in a different style, proving I can do more than trenches!


    Wings attached. Again, faces are not turning out well for me, but the rest of the flesh seems fine....


    And the rear view, I decided to deviate from the classic scheme and experiment with purple. Only used it on the sword Vik before, and I am starting to love it.

    As usual C&C is encouraged, especially regarding faces/skin. I'm starting to suspect the air in my room is too dry, since my fleshtones seem to end up looking chalky...

    More to come soon!

  8. Well, I disappeared off the face of the earth for a while, but I'm back now!



    Sword Vik-Mostly done! (sadly her sister is sitting in paint thinner...her face just didn't want to come out right)


    And the rear view. Since this pic, her sword broke off (again), and now the angle is slightly different. I might revisit her in the future


    And some arcanist shooty! Her face turned out not too great, but i'm hoping to touch it up. Skin and faces in particular are still a pain, so if anyone can point me in the direction of some helpful tutorials I would be grateful


    And the rear view, because I'm proud of my blue cloaks/capes.

  9. I've got a few questions with regards to painting. Not really about technique or anything per say, more about being a 'painter' I guess.

    Lately, I've been trying to improve my ability to paint minis (lower model count, therefore I want mine to look as good as I can make them), so i've been trying out lot of new stuff. However, a consequence of this is that I tend to flit between models, doing this specific thing or testing that technique etc etc. My question is, how do I keep my focus on getting a single mini done at a time?

    I guess sort of linked to that is something I would simply call fear. A lot of my minis are now at the point where the parts I did on them so far I am genuinely proud of. I also want them to be complete and fully awesome. However, I am really worried about screwing up what's already there. In terms of fixing it, I always keep a spare brush handy to remove any paint that goes in the wrong place, although I'd say this is one of the things that links to the issue in my first question.

    So, do some of the more experienced and skilled painters here have any wise words for me? I want to get some stuff finished before I go on another faction buying spree.


  10. More progress!

    I decided that the specialist looked a little too plain, so I gave him a bit more life (also experimented with trying to make a sooty, discolored metal effect on the end of the flammenwerfer).


    Other than that, I've made some more progress on sword Vik, but she's still far from done. I'm really liking my color choices, especially after so much khaki...



    I was rather nervous about painting the purple alone, but I think it came out very well for my first attempt with the color.

    Probably going to finish up a gunsmith or two tonight, so watch this space.

  11. Nice work on the gamin! How did you do the glowing coal effect on the bases? I'm planning to do something similar, although my gamin will probably be a bit darker (I guess you could say they'll be cooler, but that would be an awful joke).

    I get the feeling your Kaeris crew will be done before mine.

  12. Well, my progress is still gonna continue. Hopefully I'll be getting some feedback, I'm still trying to find my footing with all the new stuff I'm attempting to incorporate.

    Anyways, here's some work on an actual arcanist mini (you might remember me having asked what exactly they do).


    I'm rapidly growing to love painting blue cloaks. So satisfying.


    A little contrast with the red. I'm debating as to what this ronin's nickname will be.


    And a front shot. I think that the gunsmith's trousers will be some form of grey...my paint collection will need to be expanded.

    So, what do you guys think? What colors should I choose, and what techniques do you recommend I try?

  13. Fair point on the fact that 'the hard way' is awesome, but I'm trying to wrap my head around the best way to get a wound on him, other than Kaeris' 'resource management'. They seem good as finishers, but I don't really see moderate/severe damage come up too often, so maybe I'm just doing something wrong.

  14. I'm finally going to apply some paint to my Kaeris box set. Kaeris and the gamins I get, but the gunsmiths confuse me. They seem to be decent at getting somewhere to pop a shot off, but their damage seems a little lackluster, especially compared to some of the basic shooting my guild opponents seem to have access to. Leadstorm seems awesome, but very very situational, and more as a threat/denial ability.

    His experimental trigger looks nice, but can arcanists really sacrifice a tome for his shots? I don't want to seem like i'm envious of the shooters in other factions, I'm just curious as to how people run them/with what aim. The models are awesome, so I'll be bringing them regardless.

    Thanks in advance for the advice!

  15. Progress!




    The damn thing's arms kept falling off, so it frustrated me to the point where I had to put it down to avoid smashing it. I'll do the touch-ups later, but I feel I can more or less call him done.

    It's an awesome sculpt, but the wrist joints are too weak, and I didn't have any wire thin enough to pin it with...

    Next up is doing a lot of basing, and then probably bounty hunter vik, who's gonna be getting a paint thinner bath soon (The skin on her did not want to work)

    How are things looking? What do you guys wanna see painted next? I've got a shipment of stuff coming in, so let's see who can guess what it'll be!

  16. Update time! (got a bit delayed due to my internet provider being staffed by monkeys...)

    I got myself a new toy by trading off some cryx minis:


    It's gonna be getting some stuff stencilled onto it, but the minis come first!


    By removing a tray, it becomes the ideal mobile paint station, as well as for carrying smaller minis.

    Now that my bragging is over with, here's what you've all been waiting for!


    Finally finished the convict (other than the base). I'm pretty proud of the kneepads.


    Specialist. Still needs some work if you ask me, but I'm fairly pleased with his 'skirt'?


    Group shot! I'd say with bases done up, I can put these on the table and not feel guilty


    Tonight's project. I'm really happy with how this is coming along.

    Probably gonna do up some Ronin next, but I'm debating if I should change the undercoat to white (I primed them black ages ago). What do you guys think of my work so far? I'm hoping to move onto finishing the Viks soon, but the bounty hunter one has been messing with me...She may be taking a bath in paint thinner soon.

    As always, C&C is welcome and very much appreciated. Any tips, suggestions and/or questions about painting are all welcome :)

  17. Well, the general consensus seems to say Von Schill should be in, which I fully agree with to be honest (almost always a star in my games...or the guy who flips a black joker every turn -.-).

    Claymore: Your general list looks very solid to me, I think I'll have to playtest it and see if it works for me, naturally with one or two alterations of my own :)

    I think keeping one ronin around is a must though, just because they're damn handy and can always scare the enemy (no one wants to see another vik)

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