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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. yeah,.. it's got a few moments. It's worth a watch at least once I'd say.
  2. It's pretty decent for a zombie flick. All the zombies are runner types. A bite only takes about 10 seconds to turn you, and they travel in huge packs and waves, crawling, climbing, and racing past one another to try to get to you. All in all, I think it was pretty well done. And the solution at the end is rather ingenious.
  3. Watched a movie at the movie theatre today. Which is the first time I've been out to a movie in years. So it was a nice change of pace. I'm a bit of a home-body these days. Other then that, I've been working on my model, and managed to get a few paragraphs written on my waysinger story. So at least the day has been productive, and keeps my muse happy.
  4. You can use putty, green stuff, fimo,.. or my personal favorite,.. put a little superglue in the hole, and then (using the blade of your x-acto knife), mash a bit of baking powder into it. Let dry, and then sand just a little to smooth it out. I'll be going the superglue route.
  5. g'night!! ---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ---------- I'm doing well. How's everyone else?
  6. now that the leg is shaded. I need to move onto the next section. The next leg is attached to the torso and body. I couldn't get a good picture of the pitts on the raw, white resin,.. so I went ahead and painted some of the base color onto the leg and body. But here's a picture of the pitts that I've been talking about. These are the air bubbles that sometimes get caught in the resin. This is the reason to prime and inspect your pieces under a lamp. Then you can sand/fill in the pitts as necessary. For this area, there's lots of little pitts that could be sanded out. But there's also a couple of large ones. I'd likely have to sand down too far to blend it in naturally. So, I'm probably going to fill them in. Anyways,.. here's a look at what I'm talking about,..
  7. Here's a shot of the base coat,.. pre-shaded. Right now it's just raw, flat color. This time out, I'm gonna try to shade using just the pastels and no airbrush pre-shadowing at all. It should be an interesting experiment. And if it works, I might be able to cut out a step in my process, and still achieve the same results.
  8. *swings in* Hey guys *grin* I got a small bit of writing done today. It's not much, but it's something. And it's wrapped up the death scene at least. The next scene should be interesting too. But may take me a short bit to write it. ---------- Post added at 12:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ---------- and,.. off to more painting then,..
  9. (It's been a long while since I've written anything on this story. So this is small snippet of the next bit. I'm trying to start out slow to get a rhythm going again. Hopefully I can keep the feel after so long and not ruin it for you guys. But since you asked for it,.. here it is,..) The world of purgatory stretched out before him. He could see the outlines and shapes of all the spirits and objects that inhabited this place. But somehow they seemed thin, and stretched, like half looking through an evening mist. And then he saw her, standing there, as though nothing had happened. She smiled softly and knelt down before him. "I'm sorry", she said with a bit sadness in her voice, "but there wasn't any time. I couldn't let it die with me,.. I had to breath it into you. It is the only gift I had to give." "It's ok", replied the monk. "You may have died, but this way, I can still see you whenever I want" "No", she said, "I cannot stay here. Sing for me,..." The monk sat there stunned and then slowly shook his head. "I can't lose you again. Don't ask me to do this." And the tears began to fall once more because he knew he was losing her for a second time,.. and again, so soon. "Please!!" she begged, "We don't have much time!! Please sing for me,.. don't trap me here forever,..." The monk, despite the way his heart was shattering, began to sing. Though the lump in his throat made it hard at first. He tried to concentrate on the words. Maybe it was because the gift had been passed on to him, or maybe it was because he had heard her sing it so many times, but the words came naturally. As he sang, sad as it soft as it was, the labyrinth of purgatory melted away like a fog that has been touched by the sun. Behind where she stood, the light began to glow until it enveloped her. And she faded away into the light, leaving only the words "I love you,.. and I'm sorry,.." ringing in his ears. Somehow he knew that she was gone now. So he stopped singing, and the world beyond the veil faded all away until nothing remained of it and he was left kneeling on the floor, holding the lifeless body of his lover, and choking a bit on the smoke of the fire that was still consuming the house.
  10. well,.. they are attracted to nuts,... ---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ---------- gonna grab some dinner. might be a min late for the game then, but just gimme a few and i'll be back.
  11. here's the first leg (pre-painted of course)
  12. never really been many places that have painting competitions. Besides,.. I see so many other peoples stuff that is just so much better then mine. I'd be embarrassed to try to pitt my stuff against theirs. ---------- Post added at 11:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 PM ---------- anyhow,.. it's past my bed time. g'night guys.
  13. mine have never won any prizes either,... but then again, I've never entered.
  14. that's one of the things I love about the garage kits. It's always something different.
  15. it's the drag of doing the same paint scheme, over and over again. I know that one quite well
  16. or write all over my models,... ---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ---------- g'night bow
  17. working on trying to paint,.. and/or writing. Both things seem to be competing for my attention.
  18. Started on the elf mage. Not much to see yet. But here's the base,.. such as it is,..
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